I started this blog because I have had this idea for a while now and felt that I needed some sort of outlet for it.
I originally started thinking about it when I was sick and, instead of taking all the usual commercial medicine, like those 4 flu tablets, I treated it with lemon juice and honey in boiling water. It was just a normal common cold. I also made sure I ate healthily every 2-3 hours. I went for a walk to get a little exercise, got lots of rest and went to bed early.
The next day I felt just fine and it got me thinking that, and I know this is stating the obvious, but most common sickness are caused by a lack of care for yourself. Of course you can pick up things from various bacteria but at the end of the day if your immune system is strong enough it should be able to handle things.
I would like to think I have a fairly strong knowledge of nutrition but this train of thought meant I began researching further, the healing properties of different ingredients, how they can affect mood, and particularly foods affecting the immune system. There is quite a lot of information written about it but very few recipe's available with this in mind. So I decided to start creating my own.
The posts so far, I feel haven't really hit the nail on the head when it comes to talking specifically about mood food, so I hope to include more information about just that in future posts. If there is anything you think I should include, exclude feel free to comment!