On Saturday night... wait for it... I won the best Irish Food Blog gong at the Irish Blog Awards! They gave me a trophy! A REAL LIFE TROPHY! I have to admit I didn't expect to get so caught up in the whole thing, but when they were calling out the nominees, my heart was pounding. In all the excitement, being a blog awards newbie and not really knowing the crowd I kept the eh... speech (if you could call it that) short and sweet but realised that I forgot to mention all the folks I should have thanked!
So a massive thank you to everyone who nominated the blog, I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. To everyone who comments on the recipes and posts, you make my day! To all those on twitter and facebook who put up with my constant blog plugging and of course, best of all, the people who have tried recipes! Nothing makes me more happy than to hear what people have cooked from the blog and the book. To Damien and the lads who organised the ceremony, you guys did a fantastic job, I will be coming back! A big thanks also goes to the amazing sponsors of the Food/Drink category, Bord Bia, the lovely ladies gave me great support at the awards and have been so helpful over the last few months, sourcing fantastic Irish food suppliers and providing super advice!
A big shout out has to go out to my fellow food bloggers, a group which is growing quite steadily, hopefully we will have a big day out in the not too distant future! And of course to the rest of the nominees in the food/drink category, everyone who was long listed, short listed, and those who weren't.
Finally, I am going to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who has sat starving waiting while I faff about with my camera trying to make food look beautiful for the blog, now hopefully you can see it was worthwhile! :)
It's been a pretty wild week, I have so many photos to edit that I just haven't got around to, but hopefully normal posting will resume tomorrow! Right, I'm off to tuck the trophy in to bed, it's still settling in, but I have a feeling were going to become great friends! :)