With it's very 1st birthday coming up on the 23rd of July, I thought it was high time I gave "The Good Mood Food Blog" a bit of a fresher look. I've moved it too it's own domain name here at "www.thegoodmoodfoodblog.com" and finally all the links are available and ready to click on- I'd love to hear what you think of the changes, if there is anything you would like to see here or would like to make any suggestions, please email me or comment below.
I also have some pretty big news! Way back in January, I got an email from Eoin Purcell who had read some of my posts, and was interested in discussing the possibility of creating a book based around the blog. I jumped at the idea and Eoin gave me his thoughts about what sort of direction the book should take and now after months of throwing idea's back and forth, I signed contracts with Mercier Press last week!
I've haven't mentioned anything here because I didn't want to jinx it, but I have been busy putting together the bones of the book and have come up with some really tasty, healthy dishes.
With a looming submission date, I've been making lists upon lists, and it's starting to take shape. I'm hoping to preview a few of the recipe's here, and would really appreciate it if you could try them and give me some feedback. I'll let you know- But until then stay tuned!