Things are a bit hectic here in the kitchen, as I'm doing a lot of photographs for the book myself. I'm trying to juggle the writing, the cooking, the shooting and my day work all at once. It's a lot of work but it's finally paying off and there's nothing better than seeing the finished pictures up on my wall! The whole project is such a learning process, and I've really learned so much when it comes to the photography side of things. Apart from all that, we have sooooo much food in the fridge, even Sofie can't eat her way through it!
I'm still getting through all the photo's from Turkey, I have to get out of this snap happy habit I've fallen into! But until then you can check out my Flickr photostream, I've just added a link on the right hand side of the page, check it out!
Also I've joined the world of Twitter, but I'm things are looking a little bit lonely over there at the moment, partly because I'm not fully sure how to use it, so if you're a member drop me a line and hopefully I can figure out what to do!