Rehearsals for the panto are in full swing at the moment so I have been doing a spot of batch cooking to keep up with posts on the blog. If your hoping to come along to the show, it starts on December 11th and runs right through to the end of January. But according to inside sources the tickets are going pretty quick, so make sure to get your tickets early!
I have a serious weakness for garlic, and even more severe weakness for this garlic bread! It's great to plonk on the table when you have friends over or even as a simple snack. This recipe can easily be made ahead of time, wrap it up in tin foil and pop it in the freezer until you need it. It should last for at least a month.

Chunky Garlic Bread
You can use any bread for this really, but try and pick a loaf with a chunky crust. The bread on the inside will stay nice and soft and you will be left with a crunchy crust. I love garlic and have used four cloves here, but reduce the amount if don't want to be warding off vampires for the next week!
1 loaf of wholemeal bread.
5 tablespoons of butter at room temperature.
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped.
A large handful of freshly chopped parsley.
A pinch of sea salt.
Preheat the oven to 200oC/390oF/Gas 6.
Slice the bread into slices being careful not to cut the whole way through and set aside. The slices should all still be joined at the bottom. Mash the butter, salt, garlic and parsley together on a chopping board with the back of a fork. When the ingredients are combined scoop up the garlic butter and slather the slices on the inside. Don't be afraid to get messy here, if there's butter on the crust all the better! Wrap the loaf in tinfoil leaving the tops of the slices exposed. You can also sprinkle the tops of the slices with a little grated Parmesan cheese at this point. Place the wrapped loaf in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden and crisp on top.
Serve piping hot! If you can't get through a whole loaf in one go, freeze the slices individually and pop them in the toaster when you want to reheat them!