We Love Cooking! + RAW

:: Simply Sourced Pork and Beef Taster Pack- WE HAVE A WINNER!

Thank you so much for all the entries, some really delicious steak ideas kept me entertained for the last week, and I will have no shortage of ideas the next time it comes to cooking up a few steaks for dinner!

But let's get down to business! We have a winner of this meaty prize! I randomly selected a winner from the comment section with thanks to random.org and can now reveal that the winner of the "Pork and Beef Taster Teaser pack" worth €60 is:

Ashling Hayes! Ashling suggested:

Surf n turf! Rare fillet steak topped with garlic prawns and roasted garlicy potatoes. Had it for dinner last friday and keep thinking about it!Congrats to Ashling! Also big thanks to Nigel Cobbe from Simply Sourced for the fantastic prize!

competition, garlic, lifestyle, and more:

:: Simply Sourced Pork and Beef Taster Pack- WE HAVE A WINNER! + RAW