I thought I should really post this sooner rather than later, as I would imagine the remaining blackberries on the bushes have only a matter of days before they are all completely gone. So go out and get picking before it's too late! This is my recipe for this month's Irish Tatler magazine to which I now regularly contribute, this month's edition is out now, so check it out!

If you can't get your hands on blackberries you could just as easily use frozen mixed berries which are a great freezer stand by and just allow them to thaw before you add them. Boylans fruit farms have a great selection of frozen berries and you should be able to find them in most Irish supermarkets. They should work wonderfully in this recipe if your stuck!

Good Mood Food Blackberry Mess
This is my take on the classic English recipe "Eton Mess" which originally uses strawberries. You can really use any fruit here and just adapt on the cream and meringue mixture. The recipe takes minutes to throw together and is a super last mintue dessert.
Serves 4
200g of blackberries
6-8 tablespoons of blackberry coulis
4-5 meringues
250ml of cream
4 glasses for individual servings
In a bowl, whip the cream until it becomes thick.
Crumble the meringues into the cream and stir to combine.
Gently fold half the blackberry coulis into the cream and meringue mix until you get a nice marbled effect.
Place a few blackberries in each glass and layer with the cream and meringue mixture. Repeat the process.
Serve with an extra drizzle of coulis and a few more blackberries on top of each. Delicious!