First of all-! Most of the online foodies out there will know exactly what I'm talking about, but if you have no idea, this site was pure indulgence for food porn enthusiasts! It hand picked some of the best photo's and recipe's from food blogs across the world, and displayed them in one handy site. I'm sure there will a similar site soon, as Tastespotting will be sorely missed.

And now, how about a recipe?
Dishes which are packed with healthy ingredients and stunning colors, are not only a cure for hunger, they can really improve your mood too. With the summer in full flow, there is so much in season veg and fresh herbs that it can get a bit traumatic knowing what exactly to with it- this quick pasta salad is a great solution as it's basically a raid on the contents of your fridge which you can transform too your very own taste. It definitely beats the image of soggy mayonnaise laden pasta salads sitting in plastic containers at your local supermarket!

I made this in about 15-20 mins right after I collected Sofie from the airport recently and not only does it hit the spot- it's a really handy and healthy little pasta salad. This is the way I do it;

- Wholemeal Pasta
- 1 Red Onion slice into half moons.
- 1 Carrot finely chopped.
- 1/2 small cucumber finely chopped.
- Feta Cheese
- Handful of Basil finely chopped.
- 2 tbs of Olive Oil
- 1 Tbs of Balsamic Vinegar
- A handful of toasted Sesame Seeds.
- A good pinch of Salt and Pepper.
Bring a large pot of water to the boil and add the pasta, cook until tender, then drain and set aside. While the pasta is cooking, prep your veg, cheese, and basil.
In a large mixing bowl, add the vinegar and oil and give it a quick whisk. Then add all the veg cheese and herbs and combine with the pasta. Give it a good pinch of salt and pepper and serve. Top the finished dishes with golden toasted sesame seeds.