So I'm back in Dublin after a week of skiing up in Idre, in the north of Sweden for the Easter holidays. It might sound glamorous, but when you add the fact that we are sharing with 15 other people it becomes a little less so, but lots of fun! I haven't had much experience skiing, only having gone once before so I am certainly not an expert, which meant putting extra effort into using every muscle in my body to ensure I did't fall! This in turn resulted in me being absolutely ravenous by the time we got home everyday! The Swedes love their cheese and Vasterbotensost is one of there most well known and well established. I made this pie for a quick lunch and it was gone in seconds!

Västerbottensost Pie
Västerbottensost is a strong-tasting, crispy cheese, from Sweden with a delicious golden surface. The cheese is produced near the Arctic Circle in West Bothnia, Sweden, and has been made there exclusively since 1872. This pie can easily be adapted to use whatever cheese you can get your hands on, I am going to try it with Cashel Blue when I'm back in Ireland. The pastry is really lovely and buttery and makes a delicious crust for the soft cheese filling. This is a perfect little lunchtime dish!
Makes enough for 6-8 portions
For the pastry:
125 g/4½ oz butter, cold and cut into pieces
225g/8 oz plain flour
1 tbsp water
For the filling:
150 g/5 oz grated Västerbottensost (or any cheese you can get your hands on)
3 eggs
200 ml/7 fl oz double cream
A small handful of dill, roughly chopped
A pinch sea salt and black pepper
Preheat the oven to 225°C/425°F/Gas 7.
Using your finger tips combine the flour and butter in a bowl until you are left with rough bread crumbs. Add in the water and bring the dough together. Cover and place in the fridge for at least 10 minutes.
Roll out the pastry until about 1/2cm thickness and use it to line a pie dish with a removable base. Prick the base with a fork and place in the oven for about 10 minutes until light and golden.
While the pastry blind bakes, mix together the eggs and cream, whisking to combine. Stir in the cheese and the dill and season with sea salt and black pepper.
Pour the cheese mixture into the pie case and bake for about 20 min or until the pie filling is set. Allow to cool and serve in generous slices.