You all like reading the blog right? Maybe some of you might have bought my lovely book which came out this time last year… Well I have some pretty great news and a favor to ask! Earlier this month I got a phone call to tell me that Good Mood Food had been shortlisted in the Irish Book Awards in the educational category! All very exciting stuff as you can imagine, but all very grown up don't you think? My first experience at award ceremonies was earlier this year at the Irish Blog Awards, but if you'd been at that I'm sure you'll agree it's a little more shall we say relaxed. But the Irish Book Awards? You have to wear a Tux! I don't even own a Tux! Needless to say it's all very exciting really, and the week before last I was invited along for a cheesy photo shoot with some of the other nominated authors at The Royal College Of Surgeons, I even got to meet the lovely Celia Ahern (a fellow failed Eurosong contestant, who's gone on to write a book, but we didn't get into that!).
Now here is the exciting part and the favor I need from you, part of the voting is online, so I need as many people as possible to vote for Good Mood Food to win! You can head over to the Irish Book Awards website and cast your vote, there are lots of other fantastic books to vote for. NB. IN OTHER CATEGORIES! :) If you read the blog and enjoy the recipes, please help, it's a tough category so I need all the help I can get- so spread the word, get retweeting and facebooking! :)
Thanks a million and if you're planning on buying Good Mood Food for anyone at Christmas, I will be selling signed copies, right here on the blog. Don't worry I won't be training a team of monkeys to do the work, I promise they will all be personally signed! :)