I haven't grown garden peas before, but I had heard they were quite easy to grow, so wanted to give them a go. We have been busy all spring working on our little garden patch and it is finally starting to take shape, but the most satisfying plant we have grown so far, has to be the garden pea. It is a really sturdy plant which grows quite rapidly. I planted the peas from seed and started them inside for the first three weeks and have just planted them in the garden last weekend. Let's just say this is part one of the growing garden peas post as the plants have yet to provide a nice big healthy crop, but at the rate they are growing at the moment I shouldn't have to wait to long. I was told that the pea seedlings don't like their roots disturbed while transplanting so I planted mine in used toilet tubes, which can be planted directly into the ground and are biodegradable, this method is quite easy to do and is a good green practice. The tubes also provide the pea seedlings long roots enough room to grow. Here's a little how-to:

- Roll a ball of news paper into a tight ball.
- Place inside the toilet roll tube and push to the bottom.
- Fill the tube with soil and add a little water.
- Using your finger push the soil down approximately 1 inch.
- Place a pea seed in the hole and cover over with soil.
- Place the tube in a seed tray or pot and water regularly.
- When the seedling has a strong stem and is about 3 inches long you can plant outside.
- Plant the pea plants approximately 20-30cm apart and water daily.
- Place bamboo sticks beside the plant and using garden twine or ties, attach the plant by the stem. This will give the plant some extra support.

As my pea plants continue to grow I plan to make a wigwam structure for the peas to grow around. I'll stick up some pictures as soon as there is a sign of some peas.
For Irish readers I also thought this would be an appropriate post to tell you that Glenisk are running a really great free organic seeds offer at the moment! Just for signing up you will be sent a pack of organic French runner beans! Check out the offer over here. Quote : "goodmoodfood01" and you will automatically be entered into a draw for a goody bag with a month's supply of Glenisk organic yogurts!