We Love Cooking!:

  • :: Pea Mint and Feta Pasta!

    :: Pea Mint and Feta Pasta!

    My little kitchen garden, which I started earlier this year is in full bloom at the moment, and if I was harvesting weeds alongside all the lovely veggies I would probably be thrilled - they've literally taken over. However, despite the amount of unwelcome weeds and other guests includings snails, slugs and a family of caterpillars who have all happily taken up residence in my little plot, I have been busy harvesting this week! Last month I plucked out eight massive bok choys which, freshly chopped, made a tasty Asian salad with chopped cashew nuts, two tablespoons of rice wine vinegar, two tablespoons of soy sauce, and a teaspoon of sesame oil. Now I could talk to you about the sense of pride there is in picking and cooking something that you've grown in your own back garden, and of course there is, but if I did so I would feel a massive sense of guilt because realistically, I'm a bad gardener! I have spurts of interest, then I get preoccupied with other things and, like last weekend, come back to check out the progress to find my plot completely overgrown.

    Last year's kitchen garden was a complete disaster but this year I have my amazing raised veggie garden boxes which can be ordered on Patchworkveg.com from Sean Gallagher who installs them with no hassle and even imparts a bit of growing advice while he's at it. The raised boxes are a lot more manageable for first time veggie gardeners and make for far less back breaking work when you end up doing the amount of weeding I do! The magic of good old mother nature is a beautiful thing and even though my plants don't actually recognise me each time I come to visit, I'm still left with super veggies - like the amazingly beautiful peas I picked this week, which were so sweet and fresh that I had to be stopped from eating them all right there in the garden!

    Pea Mint and Feta Pasta
    This is a super simple little supper which can be thrown together in the time it takes to cook the pasta. To be honest, if you can't get peas straight from the garden it's almost better to use frozen here, as peas begin to loose their natural sugars as soon as they're picked, so even fresh ones in the supermarket probably won't be as good as you will get frozen. This recipe is easily adapted with most leftovers you might have in the fridge. I love a little bit of chorizo added here or maybe some freshly chopped basil with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese.

    Serves 4
    300g of pasta
    5 tablespoons of creme fraiche
    150g of feta cheese
    150g of fresh peas if you have them, otherwise use frozen
    A good handful of fresh mint, finely chopped
    A pinch of salt
    A good pinch of freshly ground black pepper

    Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the pack and drain.
    If you are using frozen peas, cook them until tender and drain. If you are using fresh peas and they are tender and young, I don't bother doing anything to them apart from shelling them and giving them a quick splash under some cold water.
    When the pasta is cooked, add the creme fraiche, feta cheese, peas, mint, salt and pepper and stir gently until the pasta is evenly coated.
    Serve straight away with a good squeeze of lemon juice!

  • :: Gizzi Erskine's Creamy Smoked Salmon & Pea Spaghetti

    :: Gizzi Erskine's Creamy Smoked Salmon & Pea Spaghetti

    Gizzi Erskine may be a new name to you, she was for me, but her book, "Gizzi's Kitchen Magic" cover totally caught my eye while I was browsing through the amazon cookery section the other day. This is possibly one the coolest cookbook covers I have seen for a while and it's even cooler when you get your hands on it as it's embossed in gold! Now not being one to judge a book by it's cover I took my copy with me on my travels to have a good nose through it and get a good feel for Gizzi's writing. To give you a brief bit of back ground Gizzi is one of the "Cook Yourself Thin" girls and was orignally a food stylist before she got into the tv side of things, so has a huge knowledge of food! The one thing I do have to point out is that the book is quite girly, and I know quite a few potential domestic goddesses who could definitely be encouraged into the kitchen with a present of "Gizzi's Kitchen Magic" wrapped up in a bow! The book is absolutely jam packed with really fantastic tips on everything from what meat cuts to buy to choosing the best pastry to make. The lovely folks at Virgin books have provided me with a few recipes from the book to share with you this week and on Friday there will be 3 copies up for grabs, so stick around for that. Gizzi will also be stopping in for a quick interview aswell so if there are any questions you want answered, leave a comment below.

    Gizzi Erskine's Creamy Smoked Salmon
    & Pea Spaghetti
    Spaghetti carbonara is a classic for a reason, but it is laden with cream and, therefore, also very guilt-inducing. So I decided to halve the cream content and replace the rest with Greek yoghurt. Having done this, it seemed natural to replace the smokiness of the bacon with smoked salmon. I then decided to add some green colour with the summery addition of broad beans and green peas, my favourite veggies, and fi nished with a hint of lemon to lift the dish.

    Serves 4
    Preparation time 15 minutes
    Cooking time 10 minutes

    350g dried spaghetti
    150g podded and shelled broad beans
    150g fresh or frozen garden peas
    200ml double cream
    200ml Greek yoghurt
    2 large free-range egg yolks
    35g Parmesan cheese
    zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
    sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
    180g smoked salmon (about 8 slices), sliced into short ribbons
    A small bunch of fresh chives, snipped

    Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and cook the spaghetti according to the instructions on the packet. For the last 3 minutes of the cooking time add the broad beans and peas.
    Meanwhile mix together the cream, yoghurt, egg yolks, Parmesan, lemon zest, salt and pepper.
    Drain the cooked pasta, beans and peas, leaving a few tablespoons of water in the bottom of the pan. Return the pan to a low heat and pour in the sauce.
    Toss the pasta in the sauce, then add the smoked salmon and chives, giving it all a good mix round until it’s evenly incorporated and the salmon has cooked through. Serve piping hot.

    (Taken from Gizzi’s Kitchen Magic by Gizzi Erskine published by Virgin Books, price £20)

  • :: Irish Tatler and Asian Chicken Salad with Chilli, Ginger and Lime Dressing

    :: Irish Tatler and Asian Chicken Salad with Chilli, Ginger and Lime Dressing

    I was interviewed earlier this year for a blogging feature in Irish Tatler and a few weeks after I was offered the chance to become a regular contributor. This is the recipe I wrote for the October issue!

    Asian Chicken Salad with Chilli, Ginger and Lime Dressing

    Packed with tasty ingredients, this recipe is perfect for entertaining. You can prepare all the ingredients separately, stick them in the fridge and assemble the salad when your guests arrive. Don’t be afraid to add other vegetables here, peppers, cucumber, spring onions and bean sprouts are all tasty additions.

    Serves 4
    2 tablespoon of soy sauce
    Juice of ½ lime
    1 clove garlic, finely chopped
    ½ red chilli, finely chopped
    ½ thumb sized piece of ginger minced

    3 tablespoons of sunflower oil
    1 tablespoon of soy sauce
    1 tablespoon of smooth peanut butter
    Juice of ½ lime
    2 teaspoons of honey
    1 teaspoon of sesame oil
    1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
    ½ red chilli, finely chopped
    ½ thumb sized piece of ginger minced

    4 chicken breasts, sliced thinly into strips
    1 Chinese cabbage, slice thinly
    3 carrots, sliced thinly
    1 red onion, sliced thinly
    100g of sugar snap peas, sliced thinly
    100g of chopped peanuts to serve
    A handful of chopped coriander to serve

    Add the chicken strips to a mixing bowl with the marinade ingredients and mix through. Cover and place in the fridge while you prepare the salad and dressing.
    In a small bowl add all the ingredients for the dressing and whisk to combine.
    Place the Chinese cabbage, carrots, red onion, and sugar snap peas in a large salad bowl. Add half the dressing and combine until all the vegetables are well coated.
    Fry the chicken strips until golden brown and cooked through. Approximately 2 minutes either side.
    Serve the salad in individual bowls topped with the chicken, a sprinkling of chopped peanuts, a little chopped coriander and a extra drizzle of the dressing.

  • :: Asian Teriyaki Chicken Salad

    :: Asian Teriyaki Chicken Salad

    We (Industry) just started our radio tour for our brand new single, "Burn" which is due for release on the 21st of August, so we have been travelling all over Ireland visiting all the radio stations. It is quite hard going, early mornings and late nights, but after the last single going to number 1, it's well worth it! The one thing I have been finding difficult is eating on the road. Unless you plan ahead you are at the mercy of petrol stations at the side of the road where the choice ranges from a hot deli counter to plastic wrapped sambos- not really my cup of tea!

    My quick solution is to make my own healthy salads, and somehow I got roped into making one each for the other three! Now I say roped, but really I offered and totally enjoy making them, plus I have this thing for praise... Anyway, this is the favourite salad so far and I can see why, it's pretty darn tasty if I do say so myself! Try it out, give it a whirl, let me know how you get on!

    Asian Teriyaki Chicken Salad

    I make this salad to go, if you want to do the same, keep the dressing separate and add it when you are ready to eat.

    Serves 4
    4 chicken breasts
    4 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce
    2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
    1 small Chinese cabbage, finely chopped in shreds
    A large handful of sugar snap peas, finely sliced
    2 red peppers, sliced finely
    1 red onion, sliced finely
    1 tablespoon of sunflower oil

    For the dressing:
    3 tablespoons of sunflower oil
    1 tablespoon of teriyaki sauce
    Juice of 1 lime
    1 clove of garlic, finely minced
    ½ a thumbsized piece of ginger, finely minced

    Combine the teriyaki sauce and garlic in a bowl and add the chicken breasts.
    Toss to combine, cover and then place in fridge while you chop the salad ingredients
    Heat a griddle pan over a medium heat with a little oil and fry the chicken breasts for 4-5 minutes either side or until hey are cooked through. Remove the breasts from the pan set on a chopping board to cool.
    In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the ingredients for the salad dressing.
    Add the Chinese cabbage, red peppers, red onion and snow peas to the bowl. Toss until the vegetables are nicely coated with the dressing.
    Serve the salad in large deep dishes and sprinkle with a little shredded coriander.
    Slice the chicken thinly and arrange on top of the vegetables.
    Serve straight away.

  • :: Growing Garden Peas

    :: Growing Garden Peas

    I haven't grown garden peas before, but I had heard they were quite easy to grow, so wanted to give them a go. We have been busy all spring working on our little garden patch and it is finally starting to take shape, but the most satisfying plant we have grown so far, has to be the garden pea. It is a really sturdy plant which grows quite rapidly. I planted the peas from seed and started them inside for the first three weeks and have just planted them in the garden last weekend. Let's just say this is part one of the growing garden peas post as the plants have yet to provide a nice big healthy crop, but at the rate they are growing at the moment I shouldn't have to wait to long. I was told that the pea seedlings don't like their roots disturbed while transplanting so I planted mine in used toilet tubes, which can be planted directly into the ground and are biodegradable, this method is quite easy to do and is a good green practice. The tubes also provide the pea seedlings long roots enough room to grow. Here's a little how-to:

    1. Roll a ball of news paper into a tight ball.
    2. Place inside the toilet roll tube and push to the bottom.
    3. Fill the tube with soil and add a little water.
    4. Using your finger push the soil down approximately 1 inch.
    5. Place a pea seed in the hole and cover over with soil.
    6. Place the tube in a seed tray or pot and water regularly.
    7. When the seedling has a strong stem and is about 3 inches long you can plant outside.
    8. Plant the pea plants approximately 20-30cm apart and water daily.
    9. Place bamboo sticks beside the plant and using garden twine or ties, attach the plant by the stem. This will give the plant some extra support.

    As my pea plants continue to grow I plan to make a wigwam structure for the peas to grow around. I'll stick up some pictures as soon as there is a sign of some peas.

    For Irish readers I also thought this would be an appropriate post to tell you that Glenisk are running a really great free organic seeds offer at the moment! Just for signing up you will be sent a pack of organic French runner beans! Check out the offer over here. Quote : "goodmoodfood01" and you will automatically be entered into a draw for a goody bag with a month's supply of Glenisk organic yogurts!