We Love Cooking! + travel

:: Happy Easter Cupcakes!

Happy Easter everyone! Do you dig my chicks? They're just hatched, so if the one in the back looks like it hit the beers last night, give him a break!

Unfortunately my planned posts didn't exactly happen this week, I've been travelling quite a bit so trying to find time and a good internet connection ultimately worked against me. But I do have these cheery colourful Easter cupcakes for you today.

Simple Fondant Technique

This is more of a technique post so if you're looking for a basic cupcake recipe click here.

You will need:
A large rolling pin.
A fine sieve.
Icing sugar.
Ready to roll icing.
A variety of food colouring.
Butter cream frosting.

  1. Slice a chunk of the ready to roll icing, which can easily be found in most supermarkets, and add a drop of food colouring.
  2. Using your hands knead the colouring into the icing until you get a nice even colour.
  3. Repeat until you have a variety of coloured icing.
  4. Sieve a little icing sugar over a work surface and the rolling pin.
  5. Roll out the icing to about 1/4cm in thickness.
  6. Using a glass or cookie cutter about the same size as the surface of the cupcakes, make circular cutouts from the icing.
  7. Spread an even layer of butter cream frosting over the top of the cupcakes.
  8. Place a circle of the icing in your hand, turn the cupcake upside down and place on the center of the icing.
  9. Turn the cupcake up the right way and using your fingers gently smooth the icing all the way around, until you have a nice even surface.
  10. To get rid of any excess icing sugar and to achieve and nice even finish on the icing brush with a little water.
Et voila! These are just simple plain fondant cupcakes, think what you could do when you let your imagination run wild- Head over to Bakerella for more cupcake inspiration!

cake, Food, life, TIME, and more:

:: Happy Easter Cupcakes! + travel