We Love Cooking!:

  • :: Strawberry Season 1/2

    :: Strawberry Season 1/2
    strawberry mint canapé eaten in situ, dirty hands and all

    My mom called me last week to tell me she'd eaten the first of the berries from her newly planted patch. "It was amazing," she sighed, "like they used to be when you were young." While I can't say for sure how good store-bought strawberries were when I was a kid, I do know that 20-some years of agribusiness hasn't done the strawberry any favors. Typically, they are as big as they are bland, streaked with white inside and dry as a sun-baked bone. They contain only the barest hint of what they could be were they ripened to a bright red by the sun, picked in season and eaten immediately.

    fresh picked strawberries in the sun

    Craigie on Main, a local restaurant, makes an admirable proclamation on their menu, "sorry, no tomatoes til August." It's an acknowledgment of the fact that local tomatoes eaten in season are pretty much the only tomatoes worth serving and eating. While it might seem sad to not have a tomato at any other time of the year, it turns that moment in which local tomatoes are available into a celebration of the perfection to be found in eating locally and seasonally. It's in that spirit that I also advocate a "sorry, no strawberries 'til June" position, but you know what? It's June!

    picking in the field

    This is the strawberry moment for New England. The fields are full of juicy red fruit, ready to tumble from the stem into an outstretched hand. And that's just what they did on a recent trip out to Western Massachusetts where we spent the morning picking.

    my first strawberry in the garden

    Even the plants in my newly inherited community garden plot are bearing fruit, despite being uncared for over the winter. Next year I expect they will be even more plentiful, but this year they are good only for a quick garden snack, which is probably fine since I had so many other berries to deal with from the picking trip.

    There's little that can improve upon the experience of a perfectly ripe strawberry, heavy with sun-warmed juice, but a freshly plucked mint leaf is a nice touch, the cool sharpness contrasting with subtle sweet-tart warmth.

    rosemary orange shortcake with strawberries in syrup and vegan whipped cream

    If you do insist on messing about with these perfect berries though, I can't think of many better ways than to go with the classic strawberry shortcake. Of course, I really can't help but mess about, which is how this one-off shortcake was born. Thinking of the natural affinity between strawberries and oranges and a less obvious connection between berries and astringent herbs, I employed my orange-rosemary sugar to make spelt biscuits with lots of flavor and a little more substance than usual, but with all the flaky tender-crumbed charm of a standard shortcake. Instead of macerating the strawberries with sugar, a process usually employed to soften the berries slightly and make them give up some of their juices, I tossed the already juicy and soft berries with a strawberry syrup, made with instruction from the new and wonderful book, The Joy of Jams, Jellies and Other Sweet Preserves.

    Moscato d'Asti and strawberry syrup

    The syrup is a simple matter of macerating the berries with sugar and letting them sit overnight before cooking them down, pureeing and straining the mixture. It yields a gorgeous thick syrup that is purely, deliciously full of strawberry flavor. It's wonderful over waffles and refreshing mixed into sparkling water or sparkling wine (I recommend Moscato d'Asti) for a fun brunch drink that mixes things up from the traditional mimosa.

  • :: Recipe Archive Updated!

    :: Recipe Archive Updated!
    Gizzi Erskine's Sticky Banoffee Pudding

    Gizzi Erskine's Creamy Smoked Salmon & Pea Spaghetti

    Västerbottensost Pie

    Meringues with Jameson Whiskey Cream, Chocolate Sauce and toasted Hazelnuts

    Irish Seafood Chowder

    Jameson Iced Fire Ginger Mint Cocktail

    Cashel Blue Cheese and Kelly's Of Newport Black Pudding Salad

    Simple Panna Cotta with summer fruits and dark chocolate

    Simple Spicy Tuna and Garlic Penne

    Whoopie Pies

    Fergus Henderson's Pot-Roast Half Pig's Head

    Good Auld Bacon and Cabbage

    Sophie's Chocolate & Hazelnut Chip Cookies

    Traditional Irish Food: Colcannon

    Naughty Chocolate Fudge Cake

    Garlic and Rosemary Chicken with Roast Cherry Tomato Salad

    Mega Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes

    Quick Fresh Veggie Wrap With Crispy Prosciutto

    Crunchy Peanut Satay Noodles

    White Chocolate Ginger Cheesecake Pots

    Leila Lindholm's High Hat Cupcakes

    Leila Lindholm's Butterscotch Pecan Pie

    Leila Lindholm's Baguettes

    Leila Lindholm's Peanut Butter Cupcakes

  • :: Recipe Archive Has Been Updated!

    :: Recipe Archive Has Been Updated!
    Simple Strawberry Daiquiris

    Spicy Sichuan Chicken Salad

    Ginger and Garlic Braised Bok Choy

    Nutella and Toasted Hazelnut Pancakes

    Sticky Star Anise Honey Duck

    Healthy Singapore Noodles

    Beef and Black Bean Stir Fry

    Rocket Power Chicken Superfood Salad

    Beetroot, Goats Cheese, Pine Nut and Rocket Salad

    Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Porridge

    Beetroot, Goats Cheese, Pine Nut and Rocket Salad

    Herby Roast Chicken and Honey and Thyme Parsnips

    Crunchie Sticky Banoffee Pie!

    Sally Bee's Prawn, Avocado and Pecan Herb Salad

    Pink Berry and Almond Swirly Buns

    Tahini Noodle Toss

  • :: Foodie Links!

    A quick run down of a few of the best food related sites I visited this week:

    Ever seen the movie "Waitress"? If you haven't seen it, you have to check it out, it's especially appealing for foodies, as the lead actress concocts her own pie recipes naming them with quirky title's such as "I Don't Want Earl's Baby Pie" and "Baby Screamin’ Its Head Off In The Middle of the Night & Ruinin’ My Life Pie"- Recipes here!

    Donna Hay, one of my ultimate food heroes has a fab recipe section on her website featuring some of what I would consider the best food photography out there. Check it out!

    Evil evil evil desserts...

    I keep forgetting to bookmark this site but it's a pleasure to have to catch up on- Nigel Slater in the Guardian

    Speaking of Nigel fancy winning a copy of his new book?

    Via @BrettMirl an interesting piece about Bento lunch boxes on the New York Times site!

    Lemon Cheesecake Cupcakes- Now these look so delicious- Definitely on my to-do list!

    Music to cook by:

  • :: Industry's Second Single Just Went Number 1!

    :: Industry's Second Single Just Went Number 1!

    Hi guys,

    Just a quick note to say I have been so busy with the band that I haven't had a chance to stick up any new recipes this week, but the hard work has paid off as I am so proud to announce that we just went number 1 in Ireland!

    Thanks so much for all the support!



    Ps. New post coming on Monday!

  • :: Facebook and Press Pieces

    :: Facebook and Press Pieces

    Just to let you know, The Good Mood Food Blog is now on Facebook! Following in the footsteps of my bloggie friend Lorraine and her restaurant/blog facebook page I thought it was high time I added this blog to another social network! If you're on Facebook make sure to add yourself as a fan!

    Also I have added two recent press pieces to the "About Me" section, which feature a bit about the book and the blog.

    Over and out!

  • :: Happy Easter Cupcakes!

    :: Happy Easter Cupcakes!

    Happy Easter everyone! Do you dig my chicks? They're just hatched, so if the one in the back looks like it hit the beers last night, give him a break!

    Unfortunately my planned posts didn't exactly happen this week, I've been travelling quite a bit so trying to find time and a good internet connection ultimately worked against me. But I do have these cheery colourful Easter cupcakes for you today.

    Simple Fondant Technique

    This is more of a technique post so if you're looking for a basic cupcake recipe click here.

    You will need:
    A large rolling pin.
    A fine sieve.
    Icing sugar.
    Ready to roll icing.
    A variety of food colouring.
    Butter cream frosting.

    1. Slice a chunk of the ready to roll icing, which can easily be found in most supermarkets, and add a drop of food colouring.
    2. Using your hands knead the colouring into the icing until you get a nice even colour.
    3. Repeat until you have a variety of coloured icing.
    4. Sieve a little icing sugar over a work surface and the rolling pin.
    5. Roll out the icing to about 1/4cm in thickness.
    6. Using a glass or cookie cutter about the same size as the surface of the cupcakes, make circular cutouts from the icing.
    7. Spread an even layer of butter cream frosting over the top of the cupcakes.
    8. Place a circle of the icing in your hand, turn the cupcake upside down and place on the center of the icing.
    9. Turn the cupcake up the right way and using your fingers gently smooth the icing all the way around, until you have a nice even surface.
    10. To get rid of any excess icing sugar and to achieve and nice even finish on the icing brush with a little water.
    Et voila! These are just simple plain fondant cupcakes, think what you could do when you let your imagination run wild- Head over to Bakerella for more cupcake inspiration!

  • :: Twitter and Recipe Archive!

    :: Twitter and Recipe Archive!

    Just a quick note to say that after being lazy for a long time, I have finally updated the recipe archive with all the latest recipes and I have have a lovely fancy logo to link to my twitter. Enjoy! :)

  • :: A Few Pics From Peter Pan!

    :: A Few Pics From Peter Pan!

    We're finally into the last week of shows for Peter Pan in the Tivoli theatre. Our last night is Sunday so make sure to check it out before it's too late! Here's a few pics from the show, and yes I am wearing tights!

  • :: Tagged!


    I had planned all sorts of recipes this week but with rehearsals the plan has basically gone in the bin! However the lovely Lorraine from Italian Foodies has tagged me and asked me to share 7 things you may not know about me. So here goes!

    1. I was studying for a degree in Media Arts after school, but dropped out to join a boy band! I think my parents nearly had a heart attack!
    2. I generally eat a healthy diet, but I have a major weakness for Bacon flavored crisps, and lots of crispy Bacon!
    3. I'm addicted to American TV shows, Dexter, Desperate Housewives, Dirty Sexy Money, Nip/Tuck, Arrested Development, Prison Break, Samantha Who, you name it, I've seen it!
    4. I am violently compulsive when it comes to my music collection, I have everything labeled alphabetically, by year, artist, genre, and even mood!
    5. I am obsessed with Asian cuisine, I can read books upon books upon books about it! One of my biggest dreams is to finally visit and eat my way across the continent!
    6. I'm a huge believer in positive thinking. In the right head space you do anything!
    7. I read cookbooks in the toilet and I don't care!!!
    So there you go! Hope you enjoyed that little insight- no its my turn to tag people:

    1. The lovely Kay and her Kayotic Kitchen!
    2. Culinary Cory!
    3. Darius T Williams!
    4. Polly Pierce!
    5. Deborah!
    6. Eating Club Vancouver!
    7. Jo!
    Wow I felt a bit like a Quiz show host there! Have fun!



    Yes it's me! I'm back blogging after a unplanned little break- which tends to be the norm for most bloggers from time to time. Sofie and I spent the long weekend in Gothenberg, Sweden where we stayed at her lovely mom, Ebba's house. It was a such an enjoyable little break and with a solid 29 degrees from Monday to Friday, it was definitely the kick start to my summer.

    To my friends and family, I'm not exactly known as the most outdoors type person, and Sofie was even shocked when I changed a tyre over the weekend, but lately I think I'm developing a bit of a love affair with nature. After to moving to the apartment last year, which is situated right beside a main road, I have a constant and real urge to just be out in the silence of a park, to walk on a beach, or even to go for a quick walk around the cliffs. Needless to say I was really impressed when Sofie introduced me to the two lakes behind the house. They were straight out of the story books I used to read as a kid, complete with Jetty and Ducks and Reeds.

    The water was way to warm not to get in, and even though the sun had just set I hopped in for a quick dip. There is something about the water in lakes that always seem to give me an eery, ominous feeling, but being caught in the moment meant I was oblivious to any potential late night, lake creature attacks!

    Following what has become one our little Swedish summer traditions, we bought 2 kilo of prawns and 1 kilo of shrimp, which you can buy over the counter cooked from the local "Fisk" shops. It's the perfect sort of food that you can eat masses of, but keeps you occupied enough, to ensure that you can continue eating without feeling full! Does that make sense? Well bottom line, you can eat as much as you want, as messily as you like! Sounds like the perfect combination to me. We ate our way through the two bags with a little help from Sofie's dad who took us on a quick boat trip through the archipelago of Sweden's west coast.

    Well Monday came all too quick for me and not even a phone call to the boss could guarantee me a longer stay. So after one last dip in the lake it was back on the one o'clock Ryanair flight to Dublin.