We Love Cooking!:

  • :: Chocolate Pumpkin and Pecan Brownies

    :: Chocolate Pumpkin and Pecan Brownies

    I promise no more pumpkin recipes up on the blog for while after today's recipe! But I did save the best till last! These pumpkin brownies are so delicious, you just have to try them. I didn't manage to get my hands on pumpkin puree so I made my own. I slowly roasted the pumpkin until it was soft, scraped out the flesh, then I puréed the mixture and passed it through a sieve. Unfortunately my homemade purée didn't have that authentic neon orange colour that you see in American food photo's so you will have to allow me a little artistic creativity, as I did play around a little with the colours in the photos.

    Chocolate, pumpkin and pecan brownies

    Recipe from The Daily Mail

    Makes about 20 squares
    For the pumpkin mixture:
    25g butter
    75g cream cheese
    100g caster sugar
    1 egg
    100ml pumpkin purée
    1tsp vanilla extract
    1/2tsp ground ginger
    75g plain flour

    For the chocolate mixture:
    200g unsalted butter
    200g dark chocolate, chopped
    3 large eggs
    300g granulated sugar
    2tsp vanilla extract
    125g plain flour
    Pinch of salt
    100g pecans, roughly chopped

    Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.
    Grease and line a rectangular baking tin, approximately 20cm x 30cm (8-12in) and 3-4cm (1 1/4-1 1/2in) deep, with greaseproof or parchment paper.
    To make the pumpkin mixture, beat all the ingredients together until smooth. Keep to one side.
    For the chocolate mixture, melt the butter and chocolate together, either in a bowl over a pan of simmering water or gently in the microwave.
    In a separate bowl, beat together the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract with an electric hand whisk until thick and creamy.
    Mix in the melted chocolate and butter. Finally, stir in the flour, salt and pecans.
    Pour the chocolate mixture into the lined baking tin and level off the surface.
    Using a tablespoon, drop dollops of the pumpkin mixture all over the top, and then, using the back of a table knife, loosely swirl it into the chocolate mixture.
    Place in the oven and cook for about 25 minutes, until the top is cracking and the centre is just set.
    Leave to cool in the tin for 40-45 minutes before cutting into bite-sized squares.

  • :: Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

    :: Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

    I'm in Sweden until Monday and I had planned a few more Halloween recipes to stick up on the blog, unfortunately the combination of loosing my power adaptor and lots of travelling meant that I didn't get round to actually posting them. Sweden doesn't really celebrate Halloween and it is seen mainly as an American holiday but seeing as I grew up with the tradition of carving pumpkins, I thought it was high time my Swedish friends got their carve on!

    Sofie and I spent the day yesterday searching for the perfect pumpkins to bring over to her little cousins who were very excited at the idea of gutting the pumpkins! In fairness to Sweden they have a great selection of pumpkins on offer and it's not all the generic ones we get in the supermarket in Ireland.

    After a lot of searching and mini breakdown from Sofie, we finally found two big fat orange pumpkins! It was lots of fun carving the pumpkins with Niklas and Jonas but my favourite part of the whole process is making these delicious toasted seeds!

    Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

    These seeds are my perfect little alloween snack and they are far more healthy than your average Halloween treats! Try experimenting with flavours, I have yet to make a sweet version of these but I'm pretty sure they would work good too.

    Serves about 4 people as a snack
    The seeds of 2 pumpkins
    3 tablespoons of melted butter
    2 teaspoons of chilli powder
    1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
    2 teaspoons of sea salt

    Remove the seeds from the pumpkin, place in a colander and rinse with water until they are clean.
    Shake off any excess water and place the seeds on a dry tea towel and pat dry.
    Place the seeds in a large roasting tray and pour over the melted butter.
    Sprinkle the seeds with the chilli powder, cayenne pepper and sea salt.
    Toss the seeds until they are all thoroughly coated.
    Place in the oven to toast for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.
    Remove from the oven and allow to cool, though to be honest sometimes they taste the best straight out of the oven! Just watch out for burned fingers!

  • :: Pumpkin and Crispy Pancetta Risotto

    :: Pumpkin and Crispy Pancetta Risotto

    Last month we stayed at Grouse Lodge, (the recording studios Michael Jackson used while he stayed in Ireland, don't you know!) to record Industry's new material which will be released in the UK. Now, when I'm "on the road" with the band I am usually fairly starved for foodie delights, however the lovely folks who own Grouse prepare the most amazing homecooked food! Not only that but they also have their own apple orchard, vegetable garden, and even a giant pumpkin patch. Not to mention the ducks and chickens which roam around keeping an eye on everything!

    As you can imagine, I was fairly excited and spent every opportunity out taking pictures of the amazing garden! We had breakfast, lunch and dinner all freshly prepared, but one of my favourite meals was the delicious risotto which made a really tasty lunch. This is my version of it!

    Pumpkin and Crispy Pancetta Risotto

    I absolutely love this recipe, it is a real cosy dish, which leaves you full, satisfied and warm. Risotto may seem a little tricky, but it's just a case of giving it your full attention and slowly incorporating the liquid, so give it a go! If you can't get your hands on pancetta slices, use smoked streaky bacon.

    Serves 4

    850g pumpkin, cut into slices
    A few fresh sage leaves
    3 garlic cloves, roughly sliced
    4 tablespoons olive oil
    8 slices of pancetta
    1 litre of chicken stock
    150g butter
    1 red onion, finely chopped
    300g risotto rice
    75ml white wine
    150g parmesan freshly grated
    A good pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Preheat the oven to 220oC/425oF/Gas Mark 7.
    Peel and gut the pumpkin and cut into slices. Make sure to save the seeds they are super tasty roasted with a little butter and sea salt.
    Place the pumpkin on a roasting tray with the garlic, sage, salt and pepper, toss together.
    Cover with tin foil and bake until soft for about 50 minutes.
    10 minutes before the pumpkin is ready remove from the oven, lay the pancetta over the pumpkin and place bake in the oven till crisp.
    Melt 75g of the butter and the remaining olive oil in a large frying pan and gently fry the onion until soft for about 15 minutes.
    Add the rice and off the heat stir through until it is totally coated with the onion mix.
    Return to the heat, add enough stock to cover the rice and simmer stirring until the rice has absorbed nearly all the liquid.
    Continue to add a little more stock at a time until it is all absorbed. This should take about 15 minutes, until the rice has a creamy coating.
    Add the remaining butter, roast pumpkin, white wine, garlic and parmesan. Gently stir though.
    Serve immediately.

  • :: Carving Pumpkins and Toasted Pumpkin Seeds!

    :: Carving Pumpkins and Toasted Pumpkin Seeds!

    Who knew writing a book would actually take a bit of work! I've been meaning to post something over the last few weeks, but every spare minute has been focused on the writing and taking pictures. But more importantly I'm here and I have a recipe!

    This is Sofie's very first Halloween, as they don't celebrate the night as much in Sweden. She was working late last year and was less than impressed when I tried to introduce her to the fun of the event by jumping out of the wardrobe with a mask on! With the big night landing on a friday this year, we're getting into the spirit of things and have been busy carving pumpkins. Sofie has named our two "The Dark Knight" and "Darth Wader" (I think she meant "Darth Vader", must be the Swedish pronounciation!).

    Hope you like our's, we'd love to see your pumpkins, so if you have pictures post a link in the comments section!

    I had planned to post this recipe since the start of the month, so I'm glad I'm finally getting around to it. Just in the nick of time too! It's Halloween this Friday, so if you haven't got a pumpkin just yet, here's a great little snack you can put together with the reminants of the gutted vegetable.

    Nacha's Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

    My parents are in the fruit and vegetable business, this meant we always had two massive pumkins every Halloween, when my brother and I were growing up. Carving pumpkins became an annual tradition and everyone had a role. My brother and I would draw the faces, my mom would gut the pumpkins, and my dad would carve them. There was always huge arguements over choosing the right pumpkin and even more competition when it came to drawing the best and most scary face!
    I picked this recipe up from our first au-pair from France, Nacha, who taught us never to throw away any of the precious seeds. They are so tasty toasted with butter and sea salt. Here's the simple recipe.

    The seeds of 2 large pumpkins.
    4 tablespoons of melted butter.
    A generous pinch of coarse sea salt.
    A generous pinch of ground black pepper.

    Cut off the top of the pumpkins. Using your hands, separate the seeds from the gooey insides and transfer to a colander.
    Rinse the slippy seeds under cold water and pick out any remaining stringy orange flesh. Transfer to a few sheets of kitchen paper or a dry tea towel and pat dry.
    Tip the seeds into a large roasting dish and spoon over the melted butter. Toss the seeds so they are all coated in the butter and season with sea salt and black pepper.
    Toast in the oven at 200oC/390oF/Gas 6, for 20 minutes or until nice and golden.