We Love Cooking!:
worcester sauce

  • :: Roast Garlic Shepherd's Pie

    :: Roast Garlic Shepherd's Pie

    The funny thing about the food writing biz is that you end up preparing things way in advance of certain events and Christmas is one of the major ones which editors and researchers panic about and will have you cooking turkeys and hams even before Halloween has passed! However it was very refreshing yesterday to be shooting lots of leftover Christmas dinner recipes for RTÉ's 4Live in the middle of the Christmas season with snow on the ground outside. We thrashed through 6 great festive dishes including, cranberry and white chocolate muffins, leftover ham pies, and a Christmas cheesecake. A big thanks to the lads, Robin, Mark, Niall and Tony who left the house last night stuffed... or so they told me! I'll post some of the recipes from the day during the next weeks but for now just in case you have been suffering from Christmas overload, how about some real food?

    Roast Garlic Shepherd's Pie
    I was never really a big fan of shepherd's pie growing up, mainly because it was churned out most weeks (sorry mom!) so we became far too used to it, which realistically is a terribly ungrateful complaint, but it's only in the last few years I have fallen in love with this classic little dish all over again. I make mine with a twist by stirring mashed roast garlic through the potato, to be honest I normally make it with two bulbs of garlic because I'm a bit of a garlic fiend, but if you are pushed for time skip the garlic and just make the mash, it will taste just a good. Another handy tip to remember is that once you have assembled the shepherd's pie to the point just before you put it in the oven you can actually freeze the pie and cook from frozen if you fancy prepping a few in advance!

    Serves 4
    1 garlic bulb
    2 tablespoons of olive oil
    1 tbsp sunflower oil
    1 large onion , chopped
    2-3 medium carrots , chopped
    500g pack minced lamb
    2 tbsp tomato purée
    2 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce
    400ml beef stock
    800g potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
    75g butter
    50ml milk
    Sea salt and ground black pepper to season

    First things first, get the garlic in the oven! Preheat the oven to 200oC/Gas Mark 6.
    Slice the top off the garlic bulb just enough so that each of the cloves is exposed and place on a roasting tray. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and season with a some sea salt. Place in the oven to roast for 40 minutes or until soft and tender. When the garlic is cooked, remove the roast cloves from their skins and mash with the back of a fork.
    While garlic is roasting, add the potato chunks to a pot of cold water, cover, place over a high heat and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the potato is tender when pierced with a fork.
    When the potatoes are cooked, remove from the heat, drain into a colander, then add back into the pot with the butter and milk. Using a potato masher, mash the potatoes until smooth and creamy. You may want to add a little bit more or less milk and butter, it is up to you! Add in the mashed garlic and season with sea salt and ground black pepper, stirring to combine.
    Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a medium frying pan over a medium heat and soften the onion and carrots for 5-6 minutes. Turn up the heat and allow the pan to get hot before you add the minced lamb. Using the a fork break up the meat and allow to brown and cook through for 3-4 minutes. Stir through the tomato purée and Worcestershire sauce until combined and then pour over the beef stock. Bring to a steady simmer, then partially cover and cook for 45 mins.
    Preheat the oven to 180oC/Gas Mark 4.
    When the lamb is ready, season with sea salt and ground black pepper and transfer to an ovenproof baking dish and top with the roast garlic mash, using a fork to make a nice topping. Give the topping an extra sprinkle of ground black pepper and bake in the oven for 25 mins until the top is starting to brown and the mince is bubbling up around the edges.
    Serve straight away for a delicious and comforting supper!

  • :: Handy Quick Caesar Dressing!

    :: Handy Quick Caesar Dressing!

    You know one of those days where everything seems to be a little bit off center? The days where everything just doesn't go as planned? Well yesterday was definitely one of those days, it started off with a phone call from my dear old mammy, claiming she couldn't find her booking on Ryanair and wanted help to locate it. Being the ever accommodating son, I spent the next forty minutes, trying every combination of reference number, credit card number, and email to try and retrieve it from the Ryanair website to absolutely no avail.

    I eventually gave up after the website told me I had too many unsuccessful login attempts, and gave her a call to inform her of this. But was she bothered? No! And let me tell you why- during the time I was banging my head against the computer screen, she had gone back too her notes and realised that her booking was with, wait for it.... AER LINGUS!!! You see this is what I have to deal with! Anyone else out there with parents suffering from technical difficulties? I'm sure there are!

    (Sorry Mammy...)

    As I arrived home, I went to get the lift up to the apartment, but the electricity seemed to be on half voltage, so it wasn't working. Got up to the apartment, NO WATER AND NO ELECTRICITY! That was my grand plan for baked Mackerel in tinfoil out the window. But the panic of the blackout seemed to have gotten to poor little Sofie, who develops a serious problem when she is hungry- she looses the ability to think rationally and until she gets food, goes into severe depression. So we needed food fast, and despite all my cold food suggestions- we had to eat out!

    After a lovely meal at the Orangerie in Malahide (always order the specials), we got home and went to get the lift up, which still wasn't working. I had given my security key for the outside doors to our visitor, so I didn't have one on my bunch, which meant disaster struck one more time, when we realised no one else had their keys with them, which resulted in standing outside until someone came out!

    It was definitely one of those days...

    That's my little rant over for now, sorry to put all of that on you! To make up for it, here is a really handy little dressing to make when you're short on ingredients and time.

    Quick Mayo Caesar Style Dressing

    1. 2 Tbsp of Mayonnaise.
    2. 1 Tsp of English Mustard Powder.
    3. 1 Tsp of Worcester Sauce.
    4. Juice of Half a Lemon.
    5. 1 Clove of Garlic Finely Minced.
    6. A Good Pinch of Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper.
    I make all my dressing in jam jars, as they are easy to give a good shake in and will keep in the fridge. Dollop the Mayo into the jar, followed by the Mustard Powder, Worcester Sauce, Lemon Juice, Garlic, Salt and Pepper. Put the lid on top, close tightly and shake the bejesus out of it. Drizzle over some freshly tossed Salad leaves and top with some Freshly Grated Parmesan and some croutons if you have some hanging about. Dig in!

  • :: Asian Chicken Wings

    :: Asian Chicken Wings

    There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of interest in the food styling demonstration, but I'll be working with Erica for the photo's in the book, so maybe I can film a few bits and stick them up here.

    Is it me or is the weather at the moment causing extreme drowsiness? Maybe not, maybe it's having to work when it feels like everyone else is on holidays- maybe it's a mix. Well I'll just have to put up with it, after all it's only a few more weeks and were heading back over to Sweden again. Sofie's dad arrived last night and is staying with us for the week, so we'll be doing some sight seeing this weekend and driving cross country to Galway. If you have any suggestions on where to bring a tourist in Galway please let me know!

    I have been trawling the world wide web for international food blogs, and I wanted to share just a few of the ones that caught my eye:

    Bitchin Camero- Mel is from Miami, and has some really great pictures, and the recipe's to match.

    Kitchen Confit- Is written by three bloggers from Nashville, Tennassee, I love their post about "Fire Pit Roasted Oysters".

    A Cat In The Kitchen- A great little Swedish blog- check out the cake buffet!

    Dinner's For A Year- I love the idea of a BBQ turkey.

    And via Mulley.net, Lidl Treats- How to get the best out of shopping at Lidl!

    Inspired by my recent trip to the Chinese Supermarket, this is another one of the snacks I made for the party last weekend. It's kind of a mix between BBQ and sweet and sour sauce, but top it with finely sliced spring onions and sesame seeds, and you'll make your intentions clear!

    Asian Chicken Wings

    1. 12 Chicken Wings.
    2. 1 Cup of Chinese Sweet Chili Sauce (looks like tomato paste)
    3. The Juice Of One Lemon.
    4. 1 Tbsp of Worcestershire Sauce.
    5. 2 Cloves of Garlic Minced.
    6. 1 Thumb of Ginger Minced.
    7. 2 Tablespoons of Honey
    8. 1 Tsp of Chinese 5 Spice powder.
    9. 1 Tsp of Sesame Oil.
    10. 1 Tsp of Cornflour.
    11. Spring Onions and Sesame Seeds.
    In a large roasting tray combine the ingredients with the chicken wings. Cover with cling film and allow to rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

    Preheat the oven to 200 oC/ 390 oF/ Gas Mark 6.

    Bang the Chicken Wings into the oven on the top rack and cook for approx 45-60 mins, turning them halfway through. Serve straight away topped with sliced spring onions and toasted sesame seeds.