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  • :: My Induction To The Marmarati!

    :: My Induction To The Marmarati!

    Last weekend I was invited to an extremely secret location to take part in an extremely mysterious event organised by a member of an extremely secret society known only as the Marmarati. Extremely... Heading up the Irish branch of said secret society was none other than fellow food blogger AoifeMc of I Can Has Cook who had recently been selected by Marmarati elders to be flown to London for an official induction to the Marmarati. At risk of losing my own fledgling membership to the society I am now going to reveal the aims of the Marmarati, which are to uphold the high standards of Marmite, to spread the word about the dark ebony elixir and to accept no imitations.

    Ok, that's enough secret society talk, basically the Marmarati, is an extremely clever and fun marketing idea behind the folks at Marmite (a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty and savoury, in case you didn't know!) to spread the word about the new flavour they are launching, Marmite XO. They have a website which has lots of hilarious tasting videos and a pile of other things that will make you smile. I went along to the tasting as a Marmite virgin with open eyes and discovered Marmite to be not half bad! Aoife cooked up some Marmite inspired recipes including Marmite Roast Spuds, Marmite Meatballs, and of course the oh so eloquent classic that is Marmite on toast. I have to say after tasting the two, the new version, Marmite XO beats the old one hands down. Anyway a huge thank you to Aoife for a great night, with great food, though I have to say I do feel like I have been gently sucked into some creative PR genius's game plan! Ah well, I had fun doing it!

    Oh and I also met two relatively new Irish food bloggers, Adventures in Veg and Lola-Lu's Kitchen, make sure to pop over to their blogs and leave a comment or 10! :)