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  • ::Apple and Cinnamon Porridge

    ::Apple and Cinnamon Porridge

    Eating porridge in the morning is one of the most perfect ways to set your body up for the rest of the day. It is high in complex carbohydrates and provides the body with slow releasing energy. In the last few years porridge has slowly become one of the hottest super foods, and understandably so, the oats have so many health benefits that they are often linked to long and healthy lifestyles.

    Here are just a few benefits of porridge, it can help dieting, prevents childhood obesity, helps concentration, heals the skin, improves sex life, and can even beat depression!

    I'm going to write a bit about my thoughts on milk and the whole dairy industry issue, but for now let me just recommend that you make your porridge with water and if you can't avoid milk, at least try goats, or soya.

    Apple and Cinnamon Porridge

    1. 1 Cup of porridge oats
    2. 2 and a half cups of water
    3. 1 Large apple grated
    4. A good sprinkling of Cinnamon powder
    5. A quick drizzle of honey

    I know some of you may be thinking this is hardly rocket science, but porridge can get a bit boring to eat so, I always try and experiment a little to make it that bit more interesting. You can do this in the microwave or on a stove.

    Microwave: Combine the oats and water and place in microwave for about 4 minutes or until you get the desired consistency. Then add the grated apple, sprinkle with cinnamon, drizzle the honey and serve straight away.

    Pot: Combine the water and the oats int he pot and place over heat, stir continuously usually takes about ten mins to get the right consistency, Then add the grated apple, sprinkle with cinnamon, drizzle the honey and serve straight away.

    A pretty simple and easy breakie with an interesting texture from the apple.

  • :: Big Boy Apple Breakfast Muffins

    :: Big Boy Apple Breakfast Muffins

    I am still playing catch up with all the photos from the last few weeks, so you will have to excuse me if my timeline is slightly skewed! We were in Sweden to celebrate Sofie's grandad's 80th and on the day of his birthday, we all rented snow mobiles and went on a guided snow mobile safari through an amazing snow covered forest. We drove to this little cabin in the woods which had a blazing fire going and we were given sticks to cook hot dogs on!

    I had made a chocolate fudge birthday cake and after everyone had had a slice and we had sung happy birthday in both English and Swedish we were ushered into a changing room to get ready for an outdoor hot bath. Everyone sat in a massive indoor sauna to get really hot and then when I was adequately cooked I was sent out to tip toe across the freezing wooden floor to jump into a massive wooden bath filled with water at 42 degrees! Not being used to any of this my weak Irish body was ready for a serious lie down after but when were done, I was hoisting myself back up on the snow mobile for the journey back!

    One of Sweden's big things in my experience is that they love their dairy products, and cheese is served at breakfast on a daily basis, so it can get a little heavy going. Plus I'm more a porridge with honey and cinnamon type of guy when it comes to breakfast, so I did bake these little muffins to keep myself going. They went down well with the Swedes too! :)

    Big Boy Apple Breakfast Muffins
    I made these lovely muffins when we were in Sweden skiing. They are like a whole breakfast in one muffin, with everything you could need, porridge oats, raisins, apple and yoghurt oh my! To make the cool paper cases in the photos, cut squares of parchment paper, wrap them around a tumbler glass and tie them tightly with some kitchen string. Then simply remove the glass and your left with really cool homemade paper cases!

    Makes 12-16 muffins
    3 teaspoons of baking powder
    1 teaspoon of ground ginger
    1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
    150g of flour
    150g of rolled oats
    4 eggs
    125ml of natural yoghurt
    240g of honey
    4 apples, cored, peeled and chopped in small chunks
    110g of raisins
    A few slices of apple and a sprinkle of brown sugar to top the muffins

    Preheat the oven to 190oC/Gas Mark 5. Place baking cases on a baking tray.
    Sift the flour, baking powder, ginger and cinnamon into a large mixing bowl and stir through the rolled oats.
    Mix the natural yoghurt and honey in a large measuring jug until combined. Separate the eggs, placing the whites in a large steel bowl and the yolks in with the yoghurt and honey.
    Make a well in to the oats and flour bowl and pour the yoghurt, honey and egg mix and raisin and apple chunks in. Using a wooden spoon mix gently until everything is combined.
    Using a whisk, beat the egg whites until soft white peaks form, then gently tip this in to the muffin mix and fold through gently until it is evenly incorporated.
    Spoon heaped tablespoons of the mix into the paper cases and place a slice of apple and a sprinkle of brown sugar on top. Place in the oven to bake for around 25 minutes.

  • :: Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Muffins

    :: Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Muffins

    All this week I will be out and about promoting the book, and this morning I am on Limerick's Live95FM. They asked me to pick out my favourite breakfast recipe from the book for their breakfast show so I had to go with my all time favourtie breakfast muffins! But these aren't any regular light and empty muffins, these babies packed full of chunky oats, bursting blueberries and bananas to keep you on the move!

    Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Muffins

    Healthy muffins are perfect for a quick breakfast on the go. These blueberry and banana muffins are packed
    with healthy ingredients, which will keep you going for any busy morning. I normally make them the night before I have them and grab one or two just before I leave the house.

    Makes 12 muffins
    125g/4½oz blueberries
    2 bananas, mashed
    125g/4½oz plain flour
    75g/3oz wholemeal flour
    200g/7oz rolled oats
    75g/3oz brown sugar
    250ml/8½fl oz milk
    2 large eggs, separated
    3 tablespoons of sunflower oil
    3 teaspoons of baking powder
    1 teaspoon of cinnamon
    1 teaspoon of salt

    In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, rolled oats, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and sugar.
    Create a well in the dry ingredients and add the banana, egg yolks, milk and oil.
    Mix everything gently until a wet batter forms.
    In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks.
    Fold the egg whites and blueberries into the muffin batter until everything is mixed evenly.
    Divide the muffin mix into individual paper cases and place in an oven for 25 minutes at 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6.
    The muffins should be fine to eat for 4–5 days and can easily be frozen in zip lock bags.

  • :: Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Porridge

    :: Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Porridge

    Well hello there! It's been a little quiet around here the last few days, but I have just cleared out all the tumbleweed and I'm back with you! Firstly, a massive, massive thank you to everyone who joined in with the Twinnerparty, we had over 60 participants for the first one, and I will be announcing the dates for the next one very soon, so stay tuned for that. Everyone took fantastic shots of the dishes they cooked so I will post as many of them as I can in the next few days, it was so exciting to see all the dishes as the night unfolded!
    I'm pretty sure you have all had one of those week that is just so crazy that you barely have time to think. Well I had one of those rolled into a 10 day cycle, but the one thing I relied on was a really good breakfast, porridge, you are my hero!

    Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Porridge
    I eat porridge for breakfast most mornings, normally with a bit of honey and cinnamon, but eating the same thing everyday can become extremely boring. This recipe is my solution to jazzing up regular old porridge, it's really filling and super healthy! In the winter months when fresh berries aren't in season, I keep my freezer stocked up with frozen ones which are great to have at hand.

    Makes 1 serving
    35g of jumbo oats
    200ml of water
    1 banana
    1 teaspoon of honey
    A small handful of blueberries

    Place the oats and water in a small pot and place over a medium heat. Allow the oats to swell and cook slowly, stirring with a wooden spoon, until they become nice and creamy.
    While the porridge is cooking, using the back of a fork, mash together the blueberries and banana until you get a nice smooth paste.
    Pour the cooked porridge into a bowl, top with the blueberry and banana mix and stir through with a little bit of honey.
    Serve straight away.

  • :: Oh so oaty pancakes!

    :: Oh so oaty pancakes!

    We have a visitor staying with us at the moment, and he eats a lot, no wait, A HELL OF A LOT! After a big dinner of chicken and rice, the other night, he ate two big bowls of Special K, a Banana, and a bag of popcorn. I wouldn't mind, and apologies for being crude, but what worries me is that the amount of toilet paper were going through does not reflect the amount of food being eaten. As you can imagine I am a little worried about his well being, so I decided that healthy longlasting breakfast, full of fibre would do the trick and perhaps keep him running a little more regular.

    I do hope, I haven't put you off the recipe completely, because it's a darn good one, a healthy twist on classic American pancakes. Don't get put off by the use of oat flour, just whizz up some oats in a blender it takes seconds and is much healthier than the refined white stuff. I got the recipe from Stella's Kitchen Blog which gives lots of different options- we used goats milk out of personal choice- so adapt it whatever you want just make sure the balance between your wet and dry ingredients stay the same.

    Oatmeal Pancakes

    1 cup fat free milk (or water, or goats milk)
    3/4 cup oatmeal (uncooked, quick or regular oats)

    3/4 cup oatmeal flour

    1 tsp baking powder

    1/4 tsp salt

    4 large whites

    1/2 tsp cinnamon, ground

    For baking recipe's like this I like to be able to attack it systematically, I'm not sure why. So First of all, heat your milk in a saucepan until warm and set aside. Blend your oatmeal flour and mix with the rest of the oatmeal, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. In a seperate bowl whisk your egg whites until they reach a stiff consistancy.

    Combine the wet and dry ingredients in one bowl and mix until blended. Then add the egg whites and fold into the mixture. To cook simply add a full ladel of the mix to a warm pan and it takes just less than a minute each side or until golden brown. Serve with maple syrup, fresh fruit, or whatever takes your fancy!

  • :: Irish Brown Yeast Bread

    :: Irish Brown Yeast Bread

    Irish Brown Yeast Bread
    This has to be one of the easiest bread recipies in the world with no kneading it’s a no brainer! The loaf can be frozen and defrosted when needed and is the perfect accompaniment to a hearty soup or made into a chunky sandwich. For anyone hooked on white bread this is a really healthy alternative and you can also add rolled oats sprinkled on top for an extra crunch.

    450g of wholemeal flour.
    1 teaspoon of salt.
    1 7g sachet of dried yeast.
    1 teaspoon of treacle.
    15 Fl Oz of warm water.
    A small handful of mixed seeds

    Mix the flour, salt and yeast in a large bowl. Dissolve the treacle in the warm water and add to the dry mix. With a large spoon combine the ingredients until it forms a wet mixture. Turn the mixture into an oiled and floured loaf tin, sprinkle with seeds and cover with cling film or a damp tea towel. Place in a warm spot to allow the yeast to do its work for approx 20 mins. Cook in the oven for about 45-50 mins at Gas Mark 7/ 220oC. You will know when the loaf is done when you tap the bottom and it sounds hollow.
    The bread is quite moist and will last for anything up to a week, you can store it in an airtight container. It also freezes brilliantly for up to a month, so you could also make a few extra to save for later.

    Photos: Jocasta Clarke

  • :: Sofie’s Rocket Olive and Feta Cheese Bread

    :: Sofie’s Rocket Olive and Feta Cheese Bread

    Myself and Sofie made this bread to go with the Spatchcock chickens the other weekend. It is Sofie's adaptation of a Swedish recipe. The bread is a really great discovery and I would definitely try other flavour combinations for the filling.

    Sofie's Rocket and Feta Cheese Bread
    This is a really healthy tasty bread with a really different filling.

    3 x 7g sachet of dried yeast
    2 teaspoon salt
    1 tablespoon of honey
    600ml lukewarm water
    125g oat flakes
    Approx 500g wholegrain flour

    2 large handfuls of rocket
    200g feta cheese
    A good handful of fresh herbs of your choice.
    A good handful of green olives roughly chopped.

    Put the yeast in a bowl, and mix it with the salt and honey, add half of the water and let the yeast dissolve. Allow the mixture to sit for 10-15 minutes or until it has become frothy.
    Add the rest of the water and mix the oats and flour into the bowl.
    With a wooden spoon, combine the ingredients until a dough forms. Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoon of flour over the dough and leave it for an hour and a half.
    While the dough is rising, in a bowl mix together the rocket, feta, herbs and olives.
    Preheat the oven to 225°C and dust a baking tray 30x40cm with flour.
    Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and divide in two. Roll out both halves into equal shaped oval pieces.
    Put the first piece on the baking tray. Sprinkle the rocket, feta cheese, herbs and olives evenly over the dough. Gently put the second piece of dough over the filling and squeeze the edges so that they are sealed.
    Place the bread in the oven for 30 minutes or until it is nicely browned. When the bread is cooked leave it to cool on a wire rack before serving.

  • :: Caramel Apple Granola Pots

    :: Caramel Apple Granola Pots

    We have guests staying with us in our new place this week and one of my favourite things that happens when people stay over is that breakfast time becomes a bit more of an occasion. While most mornings are spent rushing around desperately trying to shove a piece of toast into your gob while you struggle to put on your shoes, the beauty of guests means there is a bit more pressure to entertain in the morning. I don't mean firing up the hob and pulling out a full Irish brekkie, as tempting as that is, I'm talking about being a little more creative. This week we had blueberry pancakes (batter easily thrown together the night before and popped in the fridge), fruit salad and these delicious and highly addictive Caramel Apple Granola Pots. At this time of year, with its dark, miserable mornings there is even more reason to go all out and make a big deal of your first meal of the day. I find the key to making sure you eat well in the morning is a little bit of preparation just before you go to bed; decide what you want to eat and lay out the ingredients you need, so you can switch to autopilot in the AM! These little granola pots will make the perfect little weekend breakfast so get cooking!

    Caramel Apple Granola Pots
    I admit that this is quite a sweet breakfast but it is quite filling with the addition of granola. You can buy premade granola or else toast some rolled oats with some honey, cinnamon, and raisins in the oven until golden. It will store quite nicely in an airtight jar for use throughout the week so I often make a double batch.

    Serves 4
    For the caramel apples:
    75g of butter
    5 tablespoons of golden syrup
    3 golden delicious apples, peeled and cored
    1 tablespoon of caster sugar
    1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

    To serve:
    Handful of Granola per person
    2 tablespoons of Vanilla yoghurt per person

    In a small sauce pan bring the butter and golden syrup to the boil. Allow to simmer and bubble for approximately 4-5 minutes or until the sauce thickens. Set aside.
    Chop the apples into chunky slices. Melt a knob of butter in a large frying pan over a medium heat and add the apples slices. Sprinkle over the cinnamon and caster sugar, toss to combine. Fry the apples, tossing every now and then until you get a nice golden colour on all sides and they have become soft (About 3-4 minutes either side). When the apples are ready, add them to the butter and golden syrup sauce and stir gently to combine.
    Layer the caramel apples with granola and yoghurt in small glasses and serve straight away.