We Love Cooking! [Search results for market kitchen

  • :: Market Kitchen

    :: Market Kitchen

    I had such an brilliant time on Thursday, as I mentioned here on the blog, I was appearing on Good Food Channel's, Market Kitchen! I was so nervous that I wasn't going to actually be able to fly as the whole of Ireland had come to a stand still due to the snowy weather. However the planets were aligned and even though Dublin airport had been closed the night before, Thursday morning our plane wasn't delayed and I was on my way to London!

    I arrived at the Market Kitchen studios with my buddy Elaine who came along to take some pics and lend some moral support. As soon as we arrived I was whisked into makeup to get beautified, after which we were sat in the green room which had a great array of food magazines which kept me completely distracted as they had plonked the latest copy of Delicious on the table!

    The lovely Faye then came to meet us to talk me through the process of recording. They had each step of the recipe planned out and what way they wanted it to flow. It was a lot to take in all at once but Faye kept telling me I would fine and to stay calm! While we were in the green room, I met the presenters Matt Terbutt and Amanda Lamb who were really lovely and very friendly.

    Faye brought us up a very quiet stairs to the main studio and when she opened the door in, there was a rush of people running around, wires, cameramen, food stylists, and a lot hustle and bustle- all very exciting! We watched while another guest of the show, Simon Rimmer, demonstrated what looked like a really tasty egg dish. I have to say Simon is an expert at what he does and he certainly didn't put me at ease. An extremely tough act to follow! When Simon was finished I met the fantastic Home Economist who was in charge for setting up all the ingredients, equipment and generally making sure everything ran smoothly. She talked me through what I would be doing and made sure I had everything I needed before the filming started. I was making Mint and Lime Mohito Chicken so they had already marinated the chicken and everything was ready to go!

    Before I did my cooking slot, I had a quick interview with Matt who was having awful trouble pronouncing my name, so much so that he had to hyphanate it on the autocue so that it read, Do-nal! Very funny altogether! After the interview we headed over to the kitchen space and got going on the dish. I wasn't sure if I was going to mention this but, as I was demonstrating butterflying a chicken breast, I sliced it wrong and ended up with a sad scraggly looking chicken breast and we had to cut! Let me just saw THIS DID NOT PUT ME AT EASE!

    In fairness to all the crew, it was no bother to them and we just started again pretty quickly! The rest of the demo ran quite smoothly and hopefully it looks well when it's all edited together. When the demo was finished all the audience members got served mini portions of the dish to sample it and then gave their comments to camera! It was a little bit scary to hear what they were going to say but from what I could hear they were all extremely complimentary and no one got sick so it was all good! I had a ball doing the show and it was a fantastic experience, the first of many hopefully! It's going to air on the 21st of January on Good Food Channel so make sure to keep an eye out for it!

  • :: Market Kitchen: Down in the market all this week!

    :: Market Kitchen: Down in the market all this week!

    Just to let you know I'll be on Market Kitchen all this week cooking up some really tasty dishes down at Borough Market so tune in from 7pm on Good Food Channel SKY 249!

  • :: Brindisa Chorizo and Rocket Sandwiches

    :: Brindisa Chorizo and Rocket Sandwiches

    I do have to apologise for another chorizo recipe but I think it may just be my current food addiction. Hopefully there won't be too many complaints! While I was in London recording episodes for Market Kitchen down at the Borough Market a few weeks ago, there was an amazing little Spanish food shop called Brindisa which was selling all different types of chorizo and an amazing selection of fantastic, high quality Spanish ingredients. Myself and Leonie, the amazing Market Kitchen home economist, picked up some and we actually used it in one of the dishes I cooked on camera.

    Brinidisa also had the coolest little stall just beside where we were filming, where there was two busy stall holders with a massive hot plate frying up thick pieces of chorizo for the funkiest sambos I have ever seen. I later learned, after a quick google, that these little babies are famous right the way around the world, with mentions in many travel guides from Japan to Australia!

    Brindisa Chorizo and Rocket Sandwiches
    Isn't it amazing that some of the most tasty dishes are always the easiest. This recipe is hardly a recipe really, it's a case of assembly when you get down to it. Do try and get your hands on some good quality chorizo from a speciality Spanish food shop if you can, it makes all the difference in taste!

    Serves 2
    4 good quality fresh chorizo sausages, halved
    2 roasted piquillo peppers, sliced
    2 large handfuls of rocket leaves
    2 ciabatta, lightly toasted
    A good drizzle of olive oil
    A splash of balsamic vinegar
    A good pinch of sea salt and crushed black peppercorns

    In a large hot frying pan, fry the chorizo halves until roaring red and sizzling on both sides.
    Toast the ciabatta halves and slice in half.
    Toss the rocket leaves in a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Season with a little sea salt and black pepper.
    Assemble the sandwich, place the chorizo on the ciabatta, add a few thick slices of roasted peppers, and some dressed rocket leaves.
    Devour immediately!

  • :: Cooking at London's Borough Market!

    :: Cooking at London's Borough Market!

    As I mentioned I am on Market Kitchen all this week cooking down at the world famous Borough Market in London, a real haven for food lovers! I really loved the day recording down in the market as it was a lot more hands on, and we got to actually shop around for some of the ingredients, plus there was a bit of time for me to nose around the great selection of veg and food products on offer. We recorded all five shows in the one day, so let me just say it is a LONG day! I arrived at about 8am and didn't leave till around 9pm that night, but despite the long hours and the freezing cold, the amazing team really made recording an absolute pleasure.

    There was a crack team of five food super heroes producing the content for the show down in the market and these guys really work hard! I have a feeling they have posed together for a photo before because when I told them I wanted a picture, they very naturally assembled themselves in that formation! Let me introduce you to them, Leonie in the middle is the home economist and she spend loads of time compiling info on each of my recipes, the woman is like a human food encyclopedia and was on hand with great one liners to stick in to my piece! Rasheed there with the clipboard is the producer and made sure everything ran smoothly and kept my spirits high throughout the day, he is a former chef and he too has a fantastic and extensive knowledge of food!

    Robin with the glasses and hoody, is the hard core camera dude, who is clearly an expert at his job, as he showed no signs of loosing his patience with me even after my 15th take on one shot! He was full of advice and really helped me keep things moving along throughout the day. Olga is the foodie equivalent of a rockstar music video director and kept me so motivated all day long! She is a bundle of energy and was lots of fun to work with. Last but not least in blue hoodie is Dan, and he is literally a professional feeder! I think I saw a documentary about people who kept their partners overweight by feeding them a constant supply of junk food, and I am fairly sure Dan could be guilty of this. (note: I just googled feederism and apparently feeders derive a sexual pleasure in feeding their partners, sorry Dan maybe your not one!) He is solely responsible for introducing me to curly wurly cake! (I know, I know, recipe coming soon!)

    In terms of recording, I much preferred cooking direct to camera, although, I've watched the slots last night and tonight and I'm kind of coming across like a duracell bunny! Extremely excitable but I blame the cold! One of the biggest problems of the day was keeping the frying pan hot, because of the bitter cold weather, every time I would add something to the pan, it would cool down, but Leonie did come to the rescue by erecting a portable metal guard which she would stick around the hob and we would stop filming in order for it to heat up.

    I was actually flying to Sweden the following day to go skiing, so luckily had packed thermal underwear (I know, sexy right?) which after about five minutes of arriving I ran across to the nearest toilet to to change into them! So if you are wondering just how many layers I am wearing, I think the total came to seven, but I was still cold! We finished up after a long day with high spirits and lots of laughter! The dishes I cooked which will be coming up on the show this week are mackerel with chorizo potato salad, healthy Singapore noodles, healthy paella, aromatic duck salad, and one more which I has completely slipped my mind, so it will just have to remain a suprise for us all for now! :)

  • :: Nationwide and Market Kitchen Tonight!

    :: Nationwide and Market Kitchen Tonight!

    Hey folks! Just to let you know I will be appearing on Nationwide on RTÉ 1 at 7pm tonight doing some shopping around Howth, and cooking up some mackerel! While over on Good Food Channel (Sky Digital 249) at the same time on Market Kitchen, I will be cooking up my Lime and Mint Mohito Chicken! Let me just warn you that this is my first outing on television cooking so fingers crossed it goes well, and if not... well I'll be hiding under a rock somewhere! :)

  • :: Cooking On Market Kitchen

    :: Cooking On Market Kitchen

    Another quick note to tell you to tune in to Good Food Channel on Sky Channel 262 this evening and tomorrow evening at 7pm, I'm going to be appearing on Market Kitchen. It's competition week on the show all week, so you'll have to tune in to see what dishes won over the diners! :)

  • :: Herby Roast Chicken and Honey and Thyme Parsnips

    :: Herby Roast Chicken and Honey and Thyme Parsnips

    I had planned to post both the chicken recipe and the roast beetroot starter but the terrible weather means low light conditions which in turn means terrible photos, so I will be shooting the starter recipe for the twinnerparty tomorrow morning and posting it before 12!

    Yesterday both Market Kitchen and Nationwide aired and although I wasn't nervous doing them, having sit through them was another story! But thankfully it went quite well and everyone I have spoken too has been only complimentary, so I am relieved. I don't think you can see Market Kitchen online but the Nationwide interview can be seen here and here.

    Herby Roast Chicken and Honey and Thyme Parsnips

    Normally I make this herb paste for a full roast chicken, but I find pre-portioned chicken legs and thighs are perfect for entertaining as you don't have to fuss around with carving. The great thing about this dish is that you can prepare the two trays a few hours ahead of your guest arriving and pop them in the oven just before they arrive! If you don't grow your own herbs you can pick up little packets for about €1 in most supermarkets which are really handy for one off dishes. I love roasting whole garlic bulbs but if it's too much garlic for you just leave these out.

    Serves 6
    6 Chicken legs and thighs
    4 red onions, peeled and quartered
    2 bulbs of garlic,with the top sliced off
    4 cloves of garlic
    40g or a large handful of fresh herbs, basil, rosemary, thyme
    6 medium sized parsnips, peeled and quartered
    A few sprigs of fresh thyme
    1 tablespoon of honey
    A good drizzle of olive oil
    A good pinch of sea salt and ground black pepper

    In a pestle and mortar or a food processor, blitz the mixed herbs, garlic cloves, and a little olive oil. Add a little more olive oil until you have a loose paste.
    Place the parsnips on a large roasting tray with the thyme, drizzle with honey and oil and spoonful of the herb paste. Toss together until everything is combined.
    On another roasting tray arrange the chickens pieces, garlic bulbs and red onion. Add the rest of the herb paste and toss everything together until the the chicken and onions have a nice coating of herbs.
    Place both roasting trays in the oven at 190°C/Gas Mark 5, for about 45-50 minutes or until the chicken is cooked right through. The parsnips will cook slightly quicker than the chicken so you may need to take them out of the oven before the chicken.
    Serve the chicken straight away, with the parsnips, red onion, garlic and an little drizzle of the juices.

  • :: Je Suis Á Paris!

    :: Je Suis Á Paris!

    Yes we arrived safe and sound on Saturday morning and to settle in to Parisian life we spent a lovely evening with some old friends in their home just outside the city. I am here as you probably have read in my earlier post to cook for 500 people on Wednesday night at an event called Foodstock organised by Parisian magazine, Le Fooding. Knowing that the few days before the big night would be a little crazy, I thought it would be important to have the weekend to get reacquainted with the city I loved so much during my teens. One of the biggest things for me, was to come back with a really good camera and photograph the amazing scenery.

    When I spent some time here during my teens I used to sketch things and I guess that was how I interpreted the beauty, but now I am back armed with my trusty Canon 5 MK II and there is no stopping me! Of course, the other thing to note since I was last here, is my increased interest in food, while I would have been preoccupied with the sights and sounds of this stunning city, I may have overlooked the vast and varied amount of endless foodie haunts to be discovered. As if to make up for the shortsighted choices of my teens, we spent the whole of Sunday trawling through as many of the foodie recommendations as possible, which had been made to me by people on twitter, our Parisian friends and of course the lovely Noreen from Bord Bia.

    First stop on the list was the amazing Raspail Organic Market which is based on Boulevard Raspail quite close to St. Germain de Pres. After a somewhat failed attempt at searching for foodie stops the day before, it was an absolute pleasure to walk up the steps from the metro right into the market itself, which at 10am on a Sunday, was already a hive of activity. It is quite clear that while the rest of world is still shivering with the cold, spring has most certainly sprung in Paris, with bunches of daffodils being sold for €1 each, the trees above the market showing signs of buds already, and of course the fantastic array of new season produce on offer at the stands. The market which operates normally on a Tuesday and Friday morning, changes things up on a Sunday and provides only organically grown produce. Apparently it is where the jet set shop, on Le weekend, and Sofie claims to have spotted Christian Audigier but I'm not so sure!

    There was truly a wonderful selection of fresh vegetables and mouthwatering fruit and nothing gets me more excited than seeing such a wide array on offer. My only problem is I want to cook it all, but have nowhere to cook, so I have promised myself the next time I come to the city, we will rent a place with a beautiful kitchen to make some fantastic dishes fresh from the market.

    As if there wasn't enough excitement from the fruit and vegetable stalls, there was amazing cheese on offer from countless stalls, with one of the stands offering samples of a delicious soft cheese on top of some crusty bread, and a really gutsy butcher counter with cuts of meat which would scare off even the toughest Irish supermarket shopper!

    We came to the end of the market with our mouths watering and just in time for Le petit dejuener! In a small cafe nearby, I ordered the simple French dish of crepes avec fromage et jambon (savoury pancakes with cheese and ham) which certainly hit the spot as we watched people walk past with bags full of ingredients ready to cook up a big Sunday lunch!

  • :: Recording Market Kitchen At Borough Market

  • :: Clodagh Mckenna Love Aprons Competition!

    :: Clodagh Mckenna Love Aprons Competition!

    I have a really exciting competition for you today! Starting today and running right through to next week I have beautiful kitchen aprons from the Clodagh Mckenna "Love Aprons" range. I'm a big fan of them and have already bought a few for the domestic goddess in my life, but I'm not sure I would get away with wearing one myself, well not in public anyway! So Clodagh get busy designing a good manly one for me!

    Clodagh Mckenna is one of Ireland's most well known TV food personalities. She trained as a chef at the world famous Ballymaloe Cookery School and then went on to work as a chef in Ballymaloe House for 3 years. After an inspiring visit to the Midleton Market, Clodagh decided to leave the kitchen and set up her own stall at the local market. Clodagh is now known across the country from her highly successful TV show "Fresh From The Farmers Market". But all that aside, more importantly she has recently launched her very own range of gorgeous aprons!

    Clodagh's aprons are stocked in selected Irish shops, a list of which can be found at www.clodaghmckenna.com, where you can also purchase aprons online!

    So to be in with a chance of winning the first apron up for grabs in the photo above simply answer the following question:

    Where did Clodagh Mckenna train to become a chef?
    A: Ireland
    B: Italy
    C: Spain
    A winner will be chosen at random from all the entries, one entry per person, and the competition closes 27th of November at 9am! Check back on Friday to see if you have won and for a chance of winning Clodagh's Evening Apron! Best of luck! :)

  • :: Tahini Noodle Toss

    :: Tahini Noodle Toss

    Back in the land of the living, I flew home on Sunday morning after a late night bus across Sweden which left me totally wrecked! The big news this week is that I'm heading over to London to appear on Good Food Channel's "Market Kitchen" and I am so excited! I hope they will let me take a few shots behind the scenes so I can post them here on the blog. So while I'm gearing up for my UK tv debut (hehehe couldn't wait to say that!) here is a recipe which is perfect for everyone who probably headed back to work today, it's a super lunchbox filler from the book and I hope you like it!

    Tahini Noodle Toss

    This little recipe came about after I ate at the California Pizza Kitchen in America; they served a really tasty crisp salad, with this rich and tasty peanut dressing. I recreated it from taste, adapted it and recently discovered it goes perfectly with noodles. This is another great little lunch box filler as it can be served hot and cold. Tahini is a creamy, yet smoky paste made from sesame seeds and is similar to peanut butter, which you can also use as a substitute. I sometimes add finely shredded raw Chinese cabbage to these noodles for extra crunch. I love this recipe because you basically combine all the wet and dry ingredients just before serving.

    Serves 2
    250g/9oz wholewheat noodles
    4 spring onions, finely sliced
    1 large garlic clove, finely chopped
    1 chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
    4 tablespoons of tahini paste
    1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
    1 tablespoon of soya sauce
    1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
    1 tablespoon of rice wine vinegar
    1 teaspoon of sesame oil
    A good handful of bean sprouts
    Toasted sesame seeds
    A small handful of coriander, freshly chopped

    Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the packet, rinse in cold water and set aside.
    In a small saucepan, fry the garlic and chilli for about 30 seconds, then add the soya sauce, oyster sauce, rice wine vinegar, sesame oil and tahini paste.
    Cook over a medium heat until the mixture comes to the boil and, when it does, reduce the heat and simmer for 3 minutes.
    In a large mixing bowl, add the noodles and bean sprouts, toss together with the tahini sauce until mixed through.
    Serve in hearty bowls and top with toasted sesame seeds, freshly chopped coriander and thinly sliced spring onions. Time to get those chopsticks out!

  • :: Pink Berry and Almond Swirly Buns!

    :: Pink Berry and Almond Swirly Buns!

    So things are all set for the big day tomorrow, I spoke to the lovely Faye at Market Kitchen yesterday and she talked me through each step of the filming process. Apparently all the members of the audience will be given a little sample of what I'm cooking, so no pressure like! It's my first on air experience, so there are a few butterflies, but I have done a bit of cooking to camera so I guess it's more excitement than anything else. The really good news is that Faye said I was allowed to take pics over there, so expect lots of them up here!

    There are some days when recipes just float around my head after reading something or seeing something on tv, in most cases they go as quickly as they come, but sometimes, when I am organised, I write them into a little notebook I have with me at all times. I have had this recipe in my mind since last summer, probably because of my love of Swedish Cinnamon Buns, I guess it just stuck, so as you can imagine I have been dying to finally make it.

    Pink Berry and Almond Swirly Buns

    This recipe is a fresh take on the Swedish Cinnamon Buns which have been so popular on the blog and in the book! Inspired by Leila Lindholm (my current hero!) who uses blueberries in the filling, I decided it would be great way to use up the last of my leftover frozen berries. This recipe makes a lot of buns, but they freeze really well in ziplock bags and can reheated straight in the oven.

    Makes about 40 buns
    400ml/14fl oz milk
    110g/4oz butter
    2 x 7g sachets of dried yeast
    110g/4oz sugar
    750g/1½lbs flour
    ½ teaspoon of salt
    1 egg, beaten
    A handful of flaked almonds

    For the filling:
    200g of butter, at room temperature
    150g of sugar
    2 teaspoons of cinnamon
    450g of mixed frozen berries
    2 tablespoons of icing sugar

    Melt the butter in a large pot gently on a low heat and then add the milk.
    When the mixture is lukewarm, remove from the heat and add the two sachets of dried yeast, sugar and salt.
    Slowly incorporate the flour one cup at a time; be patient, as the mixture will eventually come together and you won’t be left with a sticky mess forever!
    You may need to add less or more of the flour to get the right consistency.
    When the dough has taken shape and is no longer sticky, turn out onto a floured surface and knead for about 3 minutes.
    Leave the dough to rise in the bowl covered with a damp cloth for 45 minutes.
    Try and find somewhere warm, as the yeast will do its job a lot quicker.
    While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. In a small bowl beat the butter with cinnamon and sugar until you get a light and creamy consistency. In another bowl combine the berries and icing sugar. You may have to zap the berries in the microwave to defrost them first.
    When the dough has risen, cut it in half and roll it into a rectangle about 5mm thick, and then spread half the creamy butter filling all over. Top with half the berry mixture and spread evenly over the dough.
    Then, from the long side, roll the dough so you get a snail effect and slice into approximately 15–20 pieces. Repeat the process with the second half of the dough.
    Place the slices in paper wrappers face up and bake the rolls in the oven at 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 for about 10–15 minutes or until they are a light brown colour. Remove from the oven brush with a little beaten egg and sprinkle with flaked almonds. Place back in the oven for another 5-6 minutes or until the buns are golden brown and the almonds are toasted.
    Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack, if you can wait that long!

  • :: Video's From Foodstock and a quick note!

    Hey there!

    Just a quick note to apologise for the lack of recipes, I am in London this week recording a few episodes of Market Kitchen which will air at the end of April. I have managed to grab a few minutes to myself to share with you these video's from last weeks foodstock event in Paris. I have so much Paris stuff to get through I don't know where to start, but will have a lot of time on a flight on Friday to go through them all and hopefully get some delicious photos online!

    But for now enjoy the videos and please excuse my shoddy French!

    D x

  • :: Irish Food and Drink Blogs

    A list of all the Food and Drink blogs Ireland has to offer:

    • Bandon Farmers’ Market
    • Bibliocook
    • Bubble Brothers
    • Cafe Paradiso Blog
    • Cake Creations
    • Conor’s Bandon Blog
    • Cookzors
    • Cork Food
    • Dine and Wine Club Cork
    • Dublin Gobbler
    • Eat Drink Live
    • Eaters Regret
    • Eating Out Ireland
    • English Mum
    • Fairy Cake Heaven
    • Food and Drink Ireland
    • Food For Life - Kevin Thornton
    • Food Lorists
    • Gastronom.ie
    • Geeky Pants
    • Glenisk Organic Dairy
    • Grannymar
    • Ice Cream Ireland
    • iFoods Video Recipes
    • I Just Love Food
    • Irish Wine Contemplations
    • Italian Foodies
    • Letters on Lunches
    • Little Bird Eats
    • Martin Dwyer
    • Munster Pubs
    • Myfood.ie Blog
    • Ollie’s Place
    • Ommnomnom
    • Organico
    • Organic Yum-Yum
    • Our Grannie’s Recipes
    • Peppermint Tea
    • Pink Whisk
    • Rocking Grass
    • Ruth’s Kitchen Experiments
    • Simon Tyrell
    • Sour Grapes
    • Stuff Yer Bake
    • Sunday Lunches
    • Stuff Yer Bake
    • Superyacht Chef
    • Tast.ie
    • The Fruity Cook
    • The Good Mood Food Blog
    • The Natural Foods Bakery
    • Truly Scrumptiousness
    • Ummera Smoked Products
    • Val’s Kitchen
    • Vinca’s in the Kitchen
    • Well Done Fillet
    • Messy Chef

  • :: The Afternoon Show Aftermath!

    :: The Afternoon Show Aftermath!

    The whole show went fantastically smooth but... disaster- I forgot my camera so no pics from the show unfortunately! But the video should be available on the RTE player tomorrow morning.

    I cooked a few of my favourite recipes from the book and the blog, Chicken Thigh Supper, Med Veg with Bulgur Wheat, and one of the tastiest pastas, Sunblushed Tomato, Goats Cheese and Basil, Penne!

    The pace on the Afternoon Show is quite relaxed and because you shop for your own ingredients it means you see the demo from start to finish and are a lot more hands on. I suppose, looking back, I was totally overwhelmed by the Market Kitchen experience, having never cooked on TV before and being surrounded by big names in the UK food world, whereas I have been interviewed on The Afternoon Show before when I was in Eurosong, so I knew the set up and I visited last week to watch another chef do their demonstration, which put me at ease!

    After some late night cooking last night, I packed up my little car with all the ingredients and headed over to RTE, making a quick pit stop in Superquinn to grab some last minute items, a bottle of red wine, bulgur wheat and 2 aubergines! When I arrived it was just a case of setting up all the ingredients, choosing all the props, plates and bowls I needed from the prop room and just thinking through everything I needed.

    We did a quick rehearsal and I met the lovely ladies, Maura and Sheana, who present the show and they were so nice, Sheana spent the afternoon telling me she loved the book and was definitely going to try some of the recipes! Before I knew it we were live and I was grinning like a fool down the lens of the camera and it turned out my old pal, Dustin The Turkey was on the show as well and he was a charming as ever, I gave him a few good turkey recipes before he left!

    The funniest part of the whole experience was at the end of the show. I had been pre warned that the crew love getting stuck in to the food that's cooked on the show, but nothing prepared me for the eight people crowded around all the food like vultures digging in with forks! They all loved the food so happy days- empty plates are always the best form of a compliment for a cook!

  • :: Sticky Star Anise Honey Duck

    :: Sticky Star Anise Honey Duck

    When I was kid I was always in the kitchen cooking and once I'd worked through some of the basics I was introduced to Chinese cooking, after a visit to the Asian market in Dublin. With so many new and exciting ingredients to explore, I tried everything I could! If you want to try your hand at some Chinese dishes, it’s really important to make sure you pick up some store cupboard essentials. People laugh at me when I drag them around the Asian market pointing out all the exciting ingredients, but it is so much fun and a visit to your local market is well worth it. You can pick up ingredients for far cheaper, and in larger quanitities than in the regular supermarket. The one big purchase I have to suggest if you want to really experience true Chinese cooking at home, is a really good wok, there are so many out there, and it’s important to find one you are comfortable using, but carbon steel woks come well recommended.

    Sticky Star Anise Honey Duck
    One thing I love about Chinese cooking is the fantastic spices that are used, I remember first coming across star anise and thinking it was one of the coolest spices I had ever seen and that was before I had even tasted it! If you haven’t used it before, don’t be put off, it’s really easy to use, just bash it in a pestle and mortar until you have a fine aromatic powder. The combination of ingredients in this recipe makes a wonderfully sticky and delicious dish.

    Serves 2
    1 teaspoon of dark soy sauce
    3 tablespoons of honey
    1 teaspoon of rice wine
    3 garlic cloves, finely minced
    1 teaspoon of ground star anise
    2 large duck breasts.

    In a bowl, mix together the soy sauce, honey, rice wine, garlic and star anise.
    Toss the duck breasts in the marinade until completely coated, cover and place in the fridge to marinade for at least 2 hours, or overnight if you have the time.
    Place the duck on an oven tray and cook for about 25 minutes at 200oC/Gas Mark 6 or until cooked all the way through. Make sure to baste the breasts with the juices during the cooking time.
    When the duck is cooked, place the tray under a hot grill to caramelise the duck skin for 1-2 minutes.
    Cut into thin slices and serve with a drizzle of the juices.

  • :: Swedish Cinnamon Buns

    :: Swedish Cinnamon Buns

    After a few days in Sweden I'm back on Irish soil this week before I head off to Paris today. It's nice to be back, the more I travel the more I enjoy coming home; I'm not sure if it's because I don't like to leave my kitchen for too long or because it's that time of year where your house really becomes your home.
    As always I left Sweden with lots of Scandinavian inspiration, the shops are always so packed with amazing displays but the most interesting items I left with weren't from an expensive shop; they came from a 1950s basement. People with an interest in food photography will know that props can really make a photo and give it a certain style. Since the summer I've been on the hunt for retro kitchen items, rustic table spreads, old doors and pieces of wood to create the pretty scenes that make my food photos what they are. I hit the jackpot when I walked into Sofie's grandmother's basement - an Aladdin's cave packed with an amazing collection of 1950's style kitchen equipment and a fantastic selection of retro cookbooks, complete with old style imagery. After I'd scooped up enough potential props as my baggage restrictions would allow, I spent hours trawling through old Swedish cookbooks (I have enough Swedish to get me by and surprise, surprise, my food vocabulary is top notch!).

    I found some really fantastic recipes for gingerbread cookies, gooey chocolate cake, Saffron bread and, of course, all the aspic jellies and gaudy plastic food images that were all the rage back when. The major find of the day was a beautiful old book in which Sofie's grandmother had written her favourite recipes into. It's in these books, handed down through the generations, that you find out what home cooking is really all about. If you have time this weekend, pull out the family cookbook and delve into the recipes which are closest to your heart. Why not start writing one yourself?

    Between all the retro diving and cookbook reading, we did manage to stop for a warm hot chocolate and the famous Kanelbulle at Saluhallen, a cook's paradise not unlike the English Market in Cork, which is well worth a visit for a foodie in Gothenburg.

    Swedish Cinnamon Buns
    Swedish cinnamon buns, or Kanelbulle, were the first thing I learned to bake when I stayed in Sweden. Pearl sugar is sprinkled on top to give it that distinctive finishing touch, but if you can’t get your hands on any, simply sprinkle a little Demerara sugar to finish.

    Makes about 40 Buns
    400ml/14fl oz milk
    110g/4oz butter
    2 x 7g sachets of dried yeast
    110g/4oz sugar
    750g/11⁄2lbs cream flour
    1⁄2 teaspoon of salt
    4 tablespoons of Pearl sugar
    1 egg beaten

    For the filling:
    110g/4oz butter
    90g/31⁄2oz sugar
    2 tablespoons of cinnamon

    Melt the butter in a large pot gently on a low heat and then add the milk. When the mixture is lukewarm, remove from the heat and add the two sachets of dried yeast, sugar and salt.
    Slowly incorporate the flour one cup at a time; be patient, as the mixture will eventually come together and you won’t be left with a sticky mess forever!
    You may need to add less or more of the flour to get the right consistency. When the dough has taken shape and is no longer sticky, turn out onto a floured surface and knead for about three minutes.
    Leave the dough to rise in the bowl covered with a damp cloth for 45
    Try and find somewhere warm, as the yeast will do its job a lot quicker.
    While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Gently melt the butter
    in a sauce-pan and add the cinnamon and sugar, making a thick
    spreadable mixture.
    When the dough has risen, cut it in half and roll it into a rectangle about 5mm thick, and then spread the filling all over.
    Then, from the long side, roll the dough so you get a snail effect and slice into approximately 15–20 pieces. Place the slices in paper wrappers face up and coat with the beaten egg. Repeat the process with
    the second half of the dough.
    Sprinkle the buns with pearl sugar. Bake the rolls in the oven at 220°C/425°F/Gas Mark 7 for about 5–10 minutes or until they turn golden brown. Enjoy!

  • :: Octopussy Seafood Tapas and Chilli, Garlic and Lime Dublin Bay Prawns

    :: Octopussy Seafood Tapas and Chilli, Garlic and Lime Dublin Bay Prawns

    Wow! What a week it's been, I have seen 14 record stores and been on 17 radio stations with Industry throughout the country! I finally arrived home Saturday afternoon and have been in bed since. Myself and Sofie woke up late this morning and decided to go for a walk down to the farmers market in Howth, to pick up something for breakfast.

    By the time we had finished looking around the market, breakfast became brunch and we ended up in the new Seafood Tapas bar, Octopussy, which is the latest little eatery to appear on Howth's west pier. It's a pretty funky cafe/bar which serves tapas sized seafood dishes, such as calamari, crab claws, paella, Dublin bay prawns, and Thai prawn curry. The dishes are all fairly reasonably priced for what you get, all under €10, and will definitely leave you full. I ordered the Dublin Bay Prawns, which were simply griddled in a little butter, they were a little messy to eat, but totally worth it.

    Chilli, Garlic and Lime Dublin Bay Prawns
    I use a microplane grater to mince the garlic and chilli, its a really handy kitchen gadget. To butterfly a Dublin bay prawn, run a knife from the head to tail, being careful not to cut all the way through, then gently flatten it out.

    Serves 2
    8 Dublin bay prawns or langoustines, butterflied
    2 cloves of garlic, minced
    1 red chilli, minced
    1 tablespoon of olive oil
    juice of 1 lime
    lime wedges and chopped coriander, to serve

    Place all the ingredients in a bowl and toss the prawns to coat.
    Heat a large griddle pan, and add the prawns.
    Cook for 2-3 minutes either side or until cooked through.
    Transfer the prawns to a serving plate, sprinkle with a little chopped coriander and serve with some lime wedges.

  • :: Mussels in Irish Cider

    :: Mussels in Irish Cider

    There's a huge list of delicious ingredients coming into season this month, so now really is the time to check what your local supermarket, butcher, fishmonger or farmers market has to offer. As the season changes, bringing with it a nip in the air and beautiful crisp golden leaves, kitchen habits inevitably begin to sway a little more towards those more comforting and warming dishes.

    Personally, as much as I love nice quick meals, if I have the time, delicious slow cooked meats, warm healthy soups and bubbling autumn fruit desserts always beat them hands down on a cold evening. Of course it's very important to keep active during the colder months, but nothing can be better than spending an afternoon cooking up a storm in a warm cosy kitchen, safe in the knowledge that you have a feast bubbling away in the oven. October has lots of fantastic produce coming into and already in season, including mussels, pumpkins, nuts, celeriac and blackberries.

    This week's recipes are part of my Big Harvest Feast; creamy mussels steamed in cider, delicious slow cooked lamb shanks with colcannon mash, and a cosy little dessert of rustic apple and blackberry galettes. I think they make the most of what's in season right now and after devouring it all after taking these photographs, I can promise you it tastes darn good!

    Mussels in Irish Cider
    Mussels have a reputation for being difficult to cook, but this is just not true. The hardest part in reality is the washing. Place them in cold water (they should close, if they don't you should throw them away). Scrub any dirt off the surface of the mussels and remove the beard with a small knife. If you can get this down you will have no trouble and they take minutes to cook, so they're the perfect little starter. I love serving the pot straight to the table from the stove and clunking large spoonfuls of the cooked steaming mussels onto guest's plates. Make sure to serve with some chunky bread to mop up the juices!

    Serves 4
    1.5kg mussels, washed and the beards removed
    1 medium onion, finely chopped 

    3 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed

    200g of pancetta pieces. 

    A good knob of butter

    400ml good Irish cider
    4 tablespoons of cream
    A good handful of freshly chopped parsley,
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Discard any mussels that are open before cooking and any that stay closed after cooking.
    Place a large pot over a high heat and brown the pancetta pieces until just golden and sizzling. Add in a knob of butter, allow it to melt and then add the onion and garlic. Cook gently for three minutes until the onion is soft.
    Add in the cider and allow to bubble away for a few minutes so all the flavours mingle in together. Tumble in the mussels, cover with a lid and allow them to steam for about four minutes until they open, making sure to give the pot a good shake once or twice during the cooking time.
    Remove from the heat and stir in the cream and parsley and season with sea salt and ground black pepper.
    Serve with some crusty bread to mop up the liquid!

  • :: Easy Salad Preperation

    :: Easy Salad Preperation

    Unfortunately, the convenience of picking up a pre-washed bag of designer salad leaves has quickly become common place in our modern lives. In fact in 2005, the bagged salad market was growing at 7 percent a year and was estimated to be worth over 1.2 billion dollars a year in the US. However success stories aside, the gases and chemicals sometimes used in the production of these bags, add unnecessary toxins which our bodies can seriously do without. A normal salad leaf will last about 4-5 days in the fridge where as some of these cut salad leaves can keep on looking fresh for a whopping 10 days! That just can't be right!

    There is nothing more satisfying than preparing your own salad leaves which you know were produced locally. It's a much greener kitchen practice, and it tastes so much better. I actually got the idea to write a post about this because Sofie had never seen anyone washing salad leaves before me, (she has led a very sheltered life in Sweden ;) and thought maybe there were a few people out there like her who didn't know the easy process to do so.

    There are so many exciting salad leaves you can choose from, so be adventurous, it'll make the difference when it comes to plating up! Here's my quick and simple steps to preparing salad:

    1. Fill your sink with cold water.
    2. Remove any packadging from your Salad and cut out the core or seperate the leaves from the stem.
    3. Submerge the leaves in the water and give them a good swill, allow to sit for about 10 mins. (This will allow dirt to settle to the bottom, and the cold water will bring wilted leaves back to life.)
    4. Take a handful of leaves out of the water at a time and spin in a salad spinner until they are completely dry. (Salad Spinners can be picked up relatively cheap, I got mine for 5 Euro. Moisture is not your friend here as it will shorten the life of the stored leaves, so make sure they're dry.)
    5. Store the leaves swaddled in a dry tea towel, or in an airtight zipper bag, in the bottom crisper drawer of your fridge . The leaves will last anywhere between 4-6 days depending on the leaf.
    And that's it, about 25 mins work for healthy salad all week long. It's so worth it, and once you start, you will never go back to soggy bags of chlorinated leaves again!