We Love Cooking! [Search results for potatoes

  • :: Crispy Hasselback Potatoes

    :: Crispy Hasselback Potatoes

    Today is the day I am going to share one of my ultimate favourite recipes from the book! I started writing my first food column in the Irish Independent Weekend magazine last weekend and got the opportunity to share some of my personal favs from the book, including Kerstin's bursting berries with white chocolate, Chicken Thigh Supper, Lime and Mint Mohito Chicken and Hasselback potatoes. However as I know there are a lot of readers beyond Ireland that might be interested in these recipes I thought it would be worth posting here too! Let me know if you want any of the other recipes included in the article posted here!

    Crispy Hasselback Potatoes

    I came across the recipe for Hasselback potatoes when I was younger and they are so visually appealing that I had to make them. The traditional recipe, originally from Stockholm, calls for breadcrumbs and cheese, but I have tried to make it as simple as possible for this recipe. The potatoes go nicely alongside most dishes. If your potato slices don’t separate while cooking, increase your heat and you should get better results.

    Serves 4
    Approximately 20 baby potatoes
    2 tablespoons of melted butter
    A generous pinch of sea salt

    These potatoes are a little bit daunting at first, but once you get the knack of it you’ll have no trouble! The idea is to cut slices about 3mm in thickness right across the potato, but to keep them attached at the bottom.
    If that all sounds a bit too much, there is a quick trick you can use: place the potatoes on a wooden spoon and slice down: the dip in the spoon will prevent you from slicing all the way through.
    When you’re finished, place all the potatoes sliced side up in a roasting tray and brush each one with the melted butter and give a good sprinkling of coarse sea salt.
    Roast at 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6 for approximately 45 minutes or until the slices of the potatoes fan out and turn golden brown.
    Serve straightaway and dig in!

  • :: Zingy Purple Potato Salad!

    :: Zingy Purple Potato Salad!

    You may have noticed there has been a serious lack of recipes around here lately, but I want you too see that as a good thing! The good news is that behind the scenes I have started work on my new book, so right now that's the main focus and everything else is kind of on the back burner at minute! Hopefully very soon I'll be able to reveal a lot of really exciting news about the book and some other VERY exciting projects coming up. I will do my best to keep the recipes coming but for now here's a really great little summer dish! Enjoy!

    Zingy Purple Potato Salad
    When people think of potato salads in Ireland, heavy mayonaisse laden over boiled potatoes come to mind, but I'm here to change all that! This potato salad is light, bright breezy and packed full of zingy flavours! There is nothing better than great veggies being shown off at their best with a really simple recipe! While most good vegetable shops have them from time to time, t these purple potatoes can be tricky to come across and while not essential for this recipe, they really add great colour to the dish! If you can't get your hand on them, normal baby potatoes will do just fine. This dressing is a great compliment to any steamed or boiled vegetables like asparagus or garden peas!

    Serves 4
    750g of baby potatoes (mix of purple and white)
    1 tablespoon of white wine vinegar
    3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
    Juice of 1/2 a lemon
    1 garlic clove, finely minced
    1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
    3 spring onions, finely chopped
    A handful of dill and basil, roughly chopped
    A generous pinch of sea salt and ground black pepper

    Place the potatoes in a pot of cold water, cover, place over a high heat and bring to the boil. Simmer until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork. Drain the potatoes and slice in half lengthways.
    While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the dressing. Whisk together the vinegar, oil, lemon juice, garlic, mustard, spring onions, and herbs. Season with sea salt and ground black pepper.
    Pour the dressing over the cooked potatoes and gently toss, until everything is combined.
    Serve straightaway!

  • :: Fork Crushed Herb and Roast Garlic Potatoes

    :: Fork Crushed Herb and Roast Garlic Potatoes

    First of all a big thank you to some of the readers here who nominated "The Good Mood Food Blog" for this year's Irish Blog Awards and a big congratulations to everyone else nominated- Fingers crossed!

    The last few months have been a little crazy and things don't look to be settling down, I'm going to be in Sweden for the next week and bit so hopefully will be able to stick up a few pictures up here. Even if they aren't food related!

    In other news, myself and Sofie have been busy planning our very own little vegetable patch as an experiment for this year. The aim is to expand our herb garden and learn a little more about growing our own vegetables, with the hope to provide enough, to include in a good few recipe's during the spring, summer, and autumn. We will be documenting the process as we go along, so stay tuned to keep up with our progress!

    Fork Crushed Herb and Roast Garlic Potatoes
    This recipe always has my mouth watering at the thoughts of it. Roast garlic has to be one of my absolute favourite roast ingredients. The process takes the pungent cloves and transforms them into a smoky, sweet and wonderfully creamy mush.
    This is a super side dish which goes really well with any main course, or even on its own as a tasty belly filler!

    750g or about 16 Baby Potatoes.
    2 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
    A Large handful of Flat Leaf Parsley.
    A Handful of Chives, chopped coarsely.
    A Handful of roughly chopped Dill.
    1 Bulb of Garlic.
    A Good Pinch of Sea Salt and Ground Black Pepper.

    Before you start anything get the garlic in the oven. Cut off the top of the garlic so the tips of the cloves can just about be seen. Drizzle with a few drops of olive oil so the exposed tips are covered. Now cover in tinfoil and pop in the oven for 40 minutes at 200oC/ Gas Mark 6.
    While the garlic is roasting, place the potatoes in a large pot of water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes are tender, you can check this with a fork. While the potatoes are cooking prepare and chop your herbs. Drain the potatoes and tumble into a large mixing bowl.

    With a fork roughly crush each potato and season with salt and pepper. When the Garlic is ready, pop out the cloves from their skins and mash with a fork on a chopping board. Transfer the garlic to the mixing bowl and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and scatter the dill, chives and parsley on top. Gently mix all the ingredients to combine, and be careful not to break up the potato too much.
    Serve in a large bowl with a final scattering of Parsley and a drizzle of olive oil.

  • :: Soft Boiled Egg with Home Fries

    :: Soft Boiled Egg with Home Fries

    Even the most easy going people are always quite particular when it comes to how they like their eggs. Scrambled, fried, over easy, poached, baked, everyone has their favourite. Sorry to get personal but I'm a soft boiled egg kind of guy, who loves nothing more than a drippy yolk and something to dip with. These home fries are a delicious accompaniement to the perfect soft boiled egg. I first tried home fries in Florida where it came as part of the pretty standard American breakfast, and although a little heavy to be eating so early on in the day, they are delicious.

    Soft Boiled Egg with Home Fries
    Home fries can easily be adapted to whatever you may have in your fridge, add some bacon pieces, some finely chopped red pepper, or even some mushrooms. I generally boil the potatoes ahead of time the night before, as the whole process can seem a little more work for a breakfast meal when done all at once.

    Serves 2 people.
    3 large potatoes.
    1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
    1 onion, finely chopped.
    2 eggs.

    Chop the potatoes in half and place in a large pot with a lid. Cover the potatoes in water and bring to the boil over a high heat. When the potatoes come to the boil lower the heat so the water comes to a steady simmer and cook for 10-15 minutes or until the potato is nice and tender when poked with a fork. Drain the potatoes and carefully chop into bitesize chunks. Prepare the onion and gently fry in a large frying pan with a tablespoon of oil over a medium heat for about 2 minutes or until the onion softens and begins to take colour. Add the potato pieces and fry on all sides for about 6-8 minutes or until the pieces are all nicely browned. Place the two eggs into a small pot and cover with water and bring to the boil. When the water begins to boil, set a timer for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes drain the eggs under cold water and serve alongside a generous portion of home fries.



    This, I'll be honest with you, is a bit of an experimental recipe! I like fishcakes but it just feels a bit wasteful, to spend money on a nice bit fish, and mash it up, with potatoes. I know that it's a bit weird, but it got me thinking that even though its not exactly the height of culinary excellence, I could substitute the fresh fish with some cheap and cheerful canned fish like tuna.

    As a recipe this works fine, the cakes form well and cook evenly, the only thing is that if you use canned tuna like I did, you have the flavor of canned tuna, which can be a bit over powering in something like this. When I make it again, I'm going to use tuna packaged with oil in a jar which might be a little less in your face. But really the recipe works with any fish, so just substitute that part.

    Cheap and Cheerful Fishcakes

    1. 300g of baby potatoes
    2. 2 cans of tuna
    3. 1 egg lightly beaten
    4. Bunch of spring onions chopped
    5. Handful of Parsley roughly chopped
    6. A good pinch of salt and pepper
    Bring the potatoes to a boil in some water and cook for about 10 mins, or stick a fork in the them to see if there soft and tender. Drain the water and mash the potatoes.

    Drain the tuna or fish of choice and add to the the pot of potatoes along with the egg, spring onions, salt, pepper and parsley. Mix together and form into palm sized cakes and set aside.

    Heat a large frying pan, add a little bit of vegetable oil, and fry the cakes on both sides for about 5 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with a side salad and some sweet chili dipping sauce.

  • :: Janssons Temptation

    :: Janssons Temptation

    Life is constantly full of surprises, there are some things I plan for and then there are some things that sneak up and just smack you around the chops! I was lucky enough to be shortlisted for the Irish Book Awards last month for my book Good Mood Food, but to be perfectly honest never really expected to win, it was an extremely tight category with some amazing competition. Not being a regular at black tie events I borrowed a tuxedo from my pal Simon, which just about fit, bar some tightening with a belt and dragged myself into the mansion house in Dublin for the awards. It wasn't until the first award winner Donal Og Cusack stepped up to deliver his speech, that the panic set in that on the off chance of winning, I had absolutely NOTHING prepared! Not the way I usually roll! So Best Irish Published category came up and guess what I WON! Honest complete utter shock took over and I really can't remember what I mumbled on stage but I was just so thrilled. It's a fantastic tip of the hat towards young and upcoming writers and huge win for myself, Mercier Press and of course everyone who was involved in producing the book. While celebrations ran into the earlier hours, I managed a couple of hours sleep before getting up to prep my demonstration at the Food&Wine Show in the RDS. It was a fairly packed weekend with the Taste Of Christmas also taking place at the new convention centre in Dublin. For my Food&Wine demo I ran through a collection of traditional Swedish Christmas dishes, after working at a Julbord (the traditional Swedish Christmas buffet) in Gothenberg, I had a great selection of interesting dishes to show off. Along with the Julgrot and Gravadlax I demoed the big hit of the day was the Jansson's Temptation a delicious creamy potato dish which is served alongside the Christmas Ham. It makes an interesting addition to our Irish Christmas dinner and I definitely suggest you give it a go! :)
    I am getting around to a full thank you video for the book award but I'll keep you posted on that!

    Janssons Temptation
    Not unlike a French Potato Dauphinoise this Swedish take features anchovies and is a regular at the Swedish Christmas table. If you don't fancy the anchovies you could of course add some finely chopped garlic instead.

    Serves 8
    14-16 Swedish anchovy fillets and the brine they're stored in
    2 large onions, sliced in half moons
    5 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped into matchsticks
    200ml of cream
    2 tablespoons of butter
    A small handful of fine breadcrumbs
    Sea salt and ground black pepper

    Preheat the oven to 225oC.
    Put half the potatoes into a large rectangular pyrex dish. Evenly distribute the anchovy fillets and onions over the top of the potatoes and top with the remaining potatoes.
    Pour half the cream and anchovy brine over the top and then add the butter in knobs over the top. Season with sea salt and ground black pepper.
    Place in the oven until the potatoes are golden and after 20 minutes remove from the oven and top with the breadcrumbs and remaining cream and brine. Place back in the oven and cook for a further 25-30 minutes or until the top is golden brown.

  • :: Warm Chorizo, Red Onion and Baby Potato Salad

    :: Warm Chorizo, Red Onion and Baby Potato Salad

    There are things in this world that excite me, things which in many ways do not excite the majority of the rest of world. One of these little things happened the other day while I was on a walk around the cliffs in Howth- I came across a kind of mini crate sitting right in the middle of my path. Now you see to a normal person, this would just be a bit of wood and they would casually pass by without thinking twice. Not me though, I was turning it over inspecting the cracks, the colours and the rusty nails! I'm not crazy I swear! It's just I have a little bit of an obsession with photography props and this perfectly formed little piece wood makes an ideal platform to shoot food pictures upon. I dragged the mini crate home, despite objections from Sofie, and as you can see from the photo's here I think you'll agree it was well worth it- it gives a great rustic feel to the shots!

    Warm Chorizo, Red Onion and Baby Potato Salad
    I'm totally in love with this dish at the moment, its a perfect summer garden dinner. I normally just serve this as a side dish but you can beef it up by adding a few eggs to the dish and baking them until cooked. I can't tell you tell you just how tasty this little recipe is, you will just have to try it!

    Serves 4
    Approximately 16 baby potatoes.
    300g of chorizo.
    2 red onions, finely sliced.
    Juice of 1/2 lemon.
    A good pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

    Add the potatoes to a pot and cover with water. Place over a high heat and bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about 10-12 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft when poked with a fork. Remove from the heat and drain. Place a large frying pan over and medium high heat and add the chorizo, you shouldn't need any oil. Fry the chorizo slices for 2-3 minutes until they are really red and crispy. Remove the pan from the heat and squeeze over the juice of half a lemon. With the back of a fork or a whisk, combine the chorizo and lemon juices. Add the red onion to the pan and stir through. Finally chop the potatoes into bitesize pieces and add to the pan gently tossing so that all the ingredients are combined. Season with sea salt and black pepper and serve warm as a tasty side dish.

  • :: Traditional Irish Food: Colcannon and the inside scoop on last nights food demo!

    :: Traditional Irish Food: Colcannon and the inside scoop on last nights food demo!

    I am coming to you live from my hotel room in the sunny south of Ireland in Ballingcollig, Cork. I was doing a cookery demonstration for the Hope Foundation last night and it went extremely well! It was my first time doing a demo in front of a live adult audience, so I couldn't rely on my usual school demo tricks like asking them what they bring for their lunches, and of course every kid sticks up their hand. No this is a little different, but in a good way, I get to give more tips about the stuff I am cooking and I can choose dishes which are a little more interesting than stuff only kids will eat.

    Last night I was demoing some of my favourite dishes from the book, I did 7 dishes altogether, which were my aromatic duck salad (with duck supplied by the lovely folks from Silverhill), hasselback potatoes, tomato chicken thigh supper, garlic mushroom and goats cheese pasta, mushy roast garlic and cherry tomato pasta, and my favourite dessert, Kerstin's bursting berries with white chocolate!

    We did a bit of a signing after the demo, so a huge thank you to everyone who came up and bought a book, and big shout the folks at the Hope Foundation who pulled off the whole night with huge success! Mark was our cameraman for the night and popped me the tape of the whole thing, so when I get time I will stick it up here, so you can take a peak!

    Today's recipe is going all Irish, as for the next few days, the country will be taken over by a rush of green and lots of celebrations. A few of the towns we drove through today already have their bunting up in the town square! This recipe is from my Cork News column which is out today, and for any foreign readers out there, this dish is quite a traditional Irish dish, so I hope you like it!

    Traditional Irish Food: Colcannon
    Colcannon is as traditional, as traditional Irish food gets, and for the week that's in it, when the whole world will be going green in our honour, what better thing to do, than serve up some of the finest! I told my grandad I was making this the other day and no sooner was it out of my mouth than he had burst into song. The dish of course, is the inspiration behind the traditional Irish song by the same name, "Oh weren't them the happy days when troubles we knew not and our mother made colcannon in the little skillet pot". This recipe is the one I grew up with, but if you want to experiment, you could also stir in a little bit of wholegrain mustard to add an extra bite to it!

    Serves 4 portions
    1kg potatoes, peeled and diced
    250g savoy cabbage, finely sliced
    1 bunch of spring onions, finely sliced
    2 tablespoons of butter
    75ml of milk
    A good pinch of sea salt and black pepper

    Add the peeled and diced potato to a pot of cold water, cover, place over a high heat and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the potato is tender when pierced with a fork.
    Place a metal steamer into another pot, add a little water and bring to the boil. Place the cabbage into the steamer and steam cook until it is tender.
    When the potatoes are cooked, remove from the heat, drain into a colander, then add back into the pot with the butter and milk. Using a potato masher, mash the potatoes until smooth and creamy. You may want to add a little bit more or less milk and butter, it is up to you!
    Add in the spring onion, steamed cabbage, sea salt and black pepper and stir through with a spoon until evenly combined.
    Serve the colcannon straight away with a little extra butter and sea salt if you want.
    Enjoy and a slightly premature, Happy St. Patricks Day!

  • :: Spanish Fried Eggs with Chorizo and Potato Hash

    :: Spanish Fried Eggs with Chorizo and Potato Hash

    I'm in Spain on holidays this week for a few days to soak up as much sun as possible, after finally delivering all the recipes for my new book. One of my favourite things to do when I visit other countries is to create dishes inspired by some of the dishes I sample on my travels. Spanish food uses a great selection of distinctive ingredients to make up some of its well known cuisine, including smokey paprika, cured hams and one of my favourites, chorizo sausage. I have been driving everyone with me mad, because everytime we pass rolling fields full of produce, I insist we pull in to inspect the bright yellow lemons or the big fat melons which are ready to be pulled from their stalks. We have been doing a lot of al fresco eating and this is one of the recipes we had for lunch during the week.

    Spanish Fried Eggs with Chorizo and Potato Hash
    If you wanted to serve this chorizo and potato hash as a little tapas style dish, simply leave out the egg. This recipe would also make a hearty breakfast!

    Serves 4
    6 medium sized potatoes
    150g of chorizo sausage, cut into bitesize chunks
    1 onion, chopped
    Juice of 1/2 lemon
    Sea salt and ground black pepper
    4 eggs

    Place the potatoes into a pot of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes or until tender when pierced with a fork. Drain and place in a bowl of cold water until cool, drain again, slice into chunks and set aside.
    Heat a frying pan over a high heat and add in the chorizo, frying until sizzling and bright red. The chorizo should render out a rich red oil which you can fry the potatoes and onions in.
    Remove the chorizo from the pan and set aside on a plate.
    Fry the onion in the pan in the chorizo oil for 3-4 minutes until soft. Remove from the pan and set aside with the chorizo.
    Add in the potatoes and fry for 5-6 minutes or until crisp and golden. You may need to add a drop of oil into the pan if you don't have enough.
    Add the onions and chorizo back into the pan, add a squeeze of lemon juice and season with sea salt and ground black pepper.
    Remove the hash from the pan and place in a serving plate.
    Add another drop of oil to the pan and fry the eggs until the white has set but the yolk is still soft and runny.
    Serve the eggs on top of the hash and dig in!

  • :: Herby Sweet Potato Chips

    :: Herby Sweet Potato Chips

    I'm packing my bag this weekend so the meals are all a little light on the ground this week. For the next two weeks I will be staying in London to photograph the recipes for my new book which is out next year. It's all getting very exciting and as I am finally putting the finishing touches to the text, the next part is all fun. The photography process will take up most of the days while we're there, but I am hoping to finally get to see a bit of London. I have had loads of recommendations of places to eat, things to see and food markets to shop in so hopefully with a little bit of luck and hard work will we have some free time to see the sights!

    Herby Sweet Potato Chips
    These sweet and spicy little wedges knock the socks off greasy fast food chips any day. If you haven’t tried sweet potatoes before, this is a great introduction recipe, where you just can’t go wrong. Serve as a nice side dish or a quick and tasty snack!

    Serves 4
    5 large sweet potatoes
    3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    3 tablespoons of olive oil
    A good handful of fresh herbs
    1 teaspoon of sea salt
    1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper

    Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5.
    If I am serving these as a side dish, I generally prepare them first and let
    them cook away in the oven while I get on with the rest of the dinner.
    In a pestle and mortar, bash together the a little of the olive oil, the herbs, garlic and sea salt until you have a smooth paste.
    Peel the sweet potatoes and slice in half lenghtways and then in half again,
    then chop into rough chips. Place in a bowl and toss with the herby paste.
    Place in a large roasting tin and drizzle with a little extra oil and sprinkle with ground black pepper until all the chips are well coated.
    Roast in the oven for about 40–45 minutes, or until the insides are soft and
    the edges are slightly charred.

  • :: Lamb Shanks with Colcannon Mash

    :: Lamb Shanks with Colcannon Mash

    Well we're two rooms down on the house and surprisingly after 3 days in a row in IKEA, I'm still ready for more! We have just got in the door from sorting out the bedroom, with a bed and wardrobe set for delivery tomorrow. I have to admit that with all the rushing around, we have ended up in the cafe twice and I have to confess that I have munched my way through 30 meatballs in the last two days, with copious amounts of mashed potato, gravy and lingonberry jam! But then again when you are lugging your life around there is most definitely a need for some serious comfort food. Speaking of which today's recipe is one of my ultimate comfort foods- Slow cooked lamb shanks for many need absolutely no introduction as you will know just how delicious, slow-cooking this off-cut of meat is. If you haven't tried them before, give this recipe a go it's perfect for the cooler evenings.

    Lamb Shanks with Colcannon Mash
    I really am a sucker for a good lamb shank, with it's melt-in-the-mouth texture, which literally falls off the bone, it truly is a thing of beauty! The key is to slow cook it at a low temperature. This transforms the gnarly piece of meat into a rich and juicy piece of deliciousness. You can serve it on normal mash, sweet potato mash, or with lentils, but I love colcannon and seeing as it is the season, it makes perfect sense!

    Serves 4
    30ml/2 tbsp of olive oil
    4 lamb shanks
    4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
    3 onions, finely chopped
    1 carrot, finely diced
    1 stalk of celery, finely sliced
    350ml/12 fl oz of red wine
    A few sprigs of thyme, tied in a bunch with string
    650ml/1 ½ pts of stock (vegetable or beef)
    2 tablespoons of cornflour
    A good pinch of sea salt and ground black pepper

    In a large casserole dish, heat the olive oil and add the lamb shanks and brown on all sides. Remove and set aside.
    Fry the onions for two to three minutes until soft but not browned. Add the garlic, carrot and celery and fry for another couple of minutes. Pop in the thyme and stir through.
    Add the red wine and bring to the boil and simmer for five minutes.
    Place in the browned lamb shanks and pour over the stock. Bring to a steady simmer, then cover and place in the oven at 150oC/300oF/Gas Mark 2.
    Cook the lamb shanks very slowly, for three hours, turning them half way through the cooking time, until the meat is extremely tender and almost falls off the bone. Toward the end of the cooking time, taste and season.
    If you want to serve the lamb shanks with its juices, I remove a few ladles of the juices and place them in a small saucepan. Then place two tablespoons of the juices in a bowl and stir through the cornflour until you have a smooth mix, pour this back into the saucepan and bring to a steady simmer, cooking down until you have a thick gravy.
    Serve in large deep bowls with the colcannon.

    For the colcannon:
    1kg potatoes, peeled and diced
    250g cabbage, finely sliced
    1 bunch of spring onions, finely sliced
    2 tablespoons of butter
    75ml of milk or cream
    A good pinch of sea salt and black pepper

    Add the peeled and diced potato to a pot of cold water, cover, place over a high heat and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the potato is tender when pierced with a fork.
    Place a metal steamer into another pot, add a little water and bring to the boil. Place the cabbage into the steamer and steam cook until it is tender.
    When the potatoes are cooked, remove from the heat, drain into a colander, then add back into the pot with the butter and milk. Using a potato masher, mash the potatoes until smooth and creamy. You may want to add a little bit more or less milk and butter, it's up to you!
    Add in the spring onion, steamed cabbage, sea salt and black pepper and stir through with a spoon until evenly combined.
    Serve with the lamb shanks.

  • :: Irish Seafood Chowder

    :: Irish Seafood Chowder

    Of all the dishes we prepared for Foodstock, I am pretty certain that the Irish Seafood Chowder was the biggest success. I am told that the French absolutely love their seafood which is probably why! The chowder we made had a great selection of fish, haddock, cod, smoked fish, and prawns which the amazing chefs at the Chalet meticulously prepared for us. I have to admit that cooking on such a large scale can be quite daunting in terms of producing a similar end product to that of a smaller quantity, but that said between the whole team we served up some damn tasty chowder!

    For about an hour on the Wednesday night I did feel like I was in a soup kitchen and there was a high chance of some sort of repetitive strain injury after ladling the chowder 350 times! Luckily we had the lovely ladies from Bord Bia to help us out, one of whom was out on her first assignment with them, though I’m pretty sure she is well inducted after Foodstock.

    Irish Seafood Chowder
    This is the kind of soup that if you put a lot of love and time in you will get the best results. The key is to add the fish at the very end leaving just enough time to let them cook. Cook the fish pieces too long and you will be left with an Irish seafood mush rather than a chunky creamy chowder!

    Serves 8 (Makes 3.15 litres)

    2 tablespoons unsalted butter
    2 medium onions, finely chopped

    100g salt pork diced (or pancetta/bacon bits)

    2 dried bay leaves
    1 tablespoon fresh thyme, finely chopped
    1 kg of peeled and diced potatoes
    1.125 litre of fish stock
    salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1.25kg of cod (or similar white fish)
    750g of fresh salmon
    500g of mussels

    500g of smoked haddock
    330ml of heavy cream
    1 tablespoon of fresh parsley, chopped finely
    100g of smoked salmon, cut into fine strips for garnish

    In a large pot, heat the butter and sauté the onions for 3-4 minutes.
    Add the salt pork and continue to fry until it colours.
    Add in the fresh thyme, bay leaves and potatoes and cook gently for 2-3 minutes before adding the fish stock.
    Season well with salt and pepper.
    Simmer for 10-15 minutes until the potatoes are tender yet firm. (Some of the potato will break down and help thicken the chowder).
    Add the haddock, salmon, cod and mussels and simmer gently for 5 minutes.
    Remove the pot from the heat and allow to sit before finally and gently stirring in the parsley and cream.
    Serve with the strips of smoked salmon as a garnish on top.

  • :: Roast Garlic Shepherd's Pie

    :: Roast Garlic Shepherd's Pie

    The funny thing about the food writing biz is that you end up preparing things way in advance of certain events and Christmas is one of the major ones which editors and researchers panic about and will have you cooking turkeys and hams even before Halloween has passed! However it was very refreshing yesterday to be shooting lots of leftover Christmas dinner recipes for RTÉ's 4Live in the middle of the Christmas season with snow on the ground outside. We thrashed through 6 great festive dishes including, cranberry and white chocolate muffins, leftover ham pies, and a Christmas cheesecake. A big thanks to the lads, Robin, Mark, Niall and Tony who left the house last night stuffed... or so they told me! I'll post some of the recipes from the day during the next weeks but for now just in case you have been suffering from Christmas overload, how about some real food?

    Roast Garlic Shepherd's Pie
    I was never really a big fan of shepherd's pie growing up, mainly because it was churned out most weeks (sorry mom!) so we became far too used to it, which realistically is a terribly ungrateful complaint, but it's only in the last few years I have fallen in love with this classic little dish all over again. I make mine with a twist by stirring mashed roast garlic through the potato, to be honest I normally make it with two bulbs of garlic because I'm a bit of a garlic fiend, but if you are pushed for time skip the garlic and just make the mash, it will taste just a good. Another handy tip to remember is that once you have assembled the shepherd's pie to the point just before you put it in the oven you can actually freeze the pie and cook from frozen if you fancy prepping a few in advance!

    Serves 4
    1 garlic bulb
    2 tablespoons of olive oil
    1 tbsp sunflower oil
    1 large onion , chopped
    2-3 medium carrots , chopped
    500g pack minced lamb
    2 tbsp tomato purée
    2 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce
    400ml beef stock
    800g potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
    75g butter
    50ml milk
    Sea salt and ground black pepper to season

    First things first, get the garlic in the oven! Preheat the oven to 200oC/Gas Mark 6.
    Slice the top off the garlic bulb just enough so that each of the cloves is exposed and place on a roasting tray. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and season with a some sea salt. Place in the oven to roast for 40 minutes or until soft and tender. When the garlic is cooked, remove the roast cloves from their skins and mash with the back of a fork.
    While garlic is roasting, add the potato chunks to a pot of cold water, cover, place over a high heat and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the potato is tender when pierced with a fork.
    When the potatoes are cooked, remove from the heat, drain into a colander, then add back into the pot with the butter and milk. Using a potato masher, mash the potatoes until smooth and creamy. You may want to add a little bit more or less milk and butter, it is up to you! Add in the mashed garlic and season with sea salt and ground black pepper, stirring to combine.
    Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a medium frying pan over a medium heat and soften the onion and carrots for 5-6 minutes. Turn up the heat and allow the pan to get hot before you add the minced lamb. Using the a fork break up the meat and allow to brown and cook through for 3-4 minutes. Stir through the tomato purée and Worcestershire sauce until combined and then pour over the beef stock. Bring to a steady simmer, then partially cover and cook for 45 mins.
    Preheat the oven to 180oC/Gas Mark 4.
    When the lamb is ready, season with sea salt and ground black pepper and transfer to an ovenproof baking dish and top with the roast garlic mash, using a fork to make a nice topping. Give the topping an extra sprinkle of ground black pepper and bake in the oven for 25 mins until the top is starting to brown and the mince is bubbling up around the edges.
    Serve straight away for a delicious and comforting supper!

  • :: Homemade Paprika Roast Potato Chips

    :: Homemade Paprika Roast Potato Chips

    Homemade Paprika Roast Potato Chips
    When it comes to snack foods, everyone has their weakness, mine just so happens to be these homemade potato chips.

    Makes enough for 4 portions, or one giant selfish one!
    5 rooster potatoes cut into chips.
    3 tablespoons of olive oil.
    2 teaspoons of paprika.
    1 tablespoon of ground black pepper.
    1 tablespoon of sea salt.

    Preheat the oven to 200oC.
    Cut the potatoes into chips about 1cm in thickness. Spread the potato chips evenly over two large non stick baking trays. Try and give the chips as much space as possible, this will make them extra crispy. Drizzle the oil over the chips and toss until they are all combined. Sprinkle over the paprika, pepper, salt and toss again. Place in the oven and roast for 40-50 minutes or until crispy and golden.
    Serve straightaway as a tasty snack or alongside a main meal.

  • :: Bord Bia Hamper and Wholesome Veg Soup

    :: Bord Bia Hamper and Wholesome Veg Soup

    Most people find this time of year a little depressing, the nights becoming longer, the days becoming shorter, but for foodies this is harvest season, when all the hard work in the garden during the summer really pays off. Vegetables like, carrots, cabbages, and parsnips which have benefited from the long summer days are all now fully formed, heavy and begging to be plucked from the ground.

    I received a fantastic seasonal vegetable hamper from Bord Bia to promote there brilliant new best in season website, which highlights the huge range of fresh veg which is on offer throughout the year. The hamper included a great selection of parsnips, carrots, leeks, celery, cabbage, and potatoes. I have been a bit busy so didn't get to cook as many dishes as I had hoped but managed to knock up a big batch of vegetable soup!

    Wholesome Vegetable Soup

    Soup season is definitely upon us, and as much as I love experimenting with new flavours, and different combinations, I always come back to a good old homemade vegetable soup. This is the one I normally stick to but add whatever vegetables you have at hand, they certainly won't go astray here.

    Serves 6-8

    1 tablespoon of butter
    1 onion, chopped
    1 leek, sliced
    2 potatoes, chopped
    2 carrots, chopped
    1 parsnip, chopped
    bunch of celery, chopped
    2 litres of vegetable stock
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Place the butter in a large pot and place over a medium high heat.
    When butter is melted and foamy, add the onion, potato, and leek.
    Fry for 2 minutes, then cover and sweat for 8 minutes.
    Add the stock, carrots, parsnip, celery, lower the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender when you insert a fork.
    Season with a little salt and pepper to taste and then either serve as a chunky vegetable broth or blitz with a hand blender to form a silky smooth soup.

  • :: Good Mood Food Irish Stew

    :: Good Mood Food Irish Stew

    Sofie recently turned 22 and to celebrate her mom and brother came over to visit. Since we are always treated to some tasty traditional Swedish dishes when we visit them, I thought I would try and serve something traditionally Irish for our first meal! One of the few dishes that I know well as being traditionally Irish is this Irish Stew.

    We always had it growing up and I’m sure most homes across the country were the same. I used to have a serious problem with the potatoes, insisting they were picked out before I was served- much to my mom’s disgust!

    There are many different takes on this recipe with many using lamb instead of beef, but this is the one we grew up with. I actually rang my mom the other day for the recipe, and she got a little bit excited and started adding all sorts of mad vegetables to it to make it more exciting, but at the end of the day Irish stew is Irish stew, so I’ve tried to keep it simple! Just like mammy used to make- without parsnips thank you very much! ;)

    Irish Stew
    This is a really tasty one pot dinner which is perfect for cold winter evenings. Ask your butcher for stew steak, which is normally available, but you can also use any other cheap cuts of meat. This recipe serves 6 people and you will need a large casserole.

    3 tablespoons of wholemeal flour.
    3 teaspoons of ground black pepper.
    1 ½ pounds of stew steak.
    2 tablespoons of sunflower oil.
    4 large carrots, chopped roughly.
    2 large onions, chopped into half moon pieces.
    1 ½ litres of beef stock.
    A good pinch of sea salt.
    2 bay leaves.
    5 large potatoes peeled and sliced into 1cm discs.
    A good handful of freshly chopped parsley.

    Preheat the oven to 200˚C/390˚F/Gas 6.
    Place the stew steak, wholemeal flour, and black pepper in a resealable plastic bag. Seal the bag and give it a good shake so that all the steak pieces have a nice coating of flour and pepper. Heat a large frying pan with a good glug of sunflower oil and brown half the steak pieces. Transfer the steak pieces to the casserole. Repeat with the rest of the meat.
    Fry the onions in the meat juices on the pan for 2 minutes, adding an extra drop of oil if necessary. Transfer the onions to the casserole. Add in the carrots, beef stock, sea salt, bay leaves, and stir through. Add the potato slices on top, season with a generous amount of black pepper and cover with the lid. Transfer the casserole to the oven and cook for 1 ½ hours.
    Serve straight from the casserole to some large bowls with some tasty wholemeal bread. Sprinkle the parsley on top and enjoy!



    Well I just finished putting together the rest of the stuff we got for the apartment from IKEA and I am very impressed with myself- not really being the handyman type- even Sofie was impressed! I'm going to post a few pics of the things we got as I'm pretty proud of them- it's really amazing how just a few new things can make your house feel so much more homely!

    This is a nice little recipe that can be served as a side dish or a nice TV dinner style

    Crispy Sweet Potato Wedges (Serves 4)

    1. 5 Large Sweet Potatoes
    2. 3 Tablespoons of vegetable oil
    3. 2 Gloves of finely chopped Garlic
    4. 1 teaspoon of Maldon Sea Salt
    5. 1 teaspoon of Freshly Ground Black Pepper
    6. 1 teaspoon of dried Oregano
    7. 1/2 teaspoon of dried Red Chilli Flakes
    Preheat the oven to 220 oC/ 425 oF/ Gas Mark 7

    Peel the Sweet Potatoes and slice length ways into 8 pieces.

    Place in a large roasting tin and toss the wedges with oil and the remaining ingredient's until all the wedges are well coated.

    Roast in the oven for about 20-25 mins, or until crispy. Make sure to toss them halfway through.

    Serve as a nice side dish or a quick and tasty snack! YUM!

  • :: Good Auld Bacon and Cabbage! Exploring Traditional Irish Cooking!

    :: Good Auld Bacon and Cabbage! Exploring Traditional Irish Cooking!

    Happy St. Patricks Day everyone! Yes today is the big day, Ireland's answer to Christmas, when the Guinness is flowing, the food is a plenty and it all generally ends messily! I was in Dublin city yesterday and the amount of tourists with cameras strapped around their necks, I presume to catch a glimpse of an elusive leprechaun or two, was nothing less than impressive. I think there is something about our fine land of green, which musters up a somewhat mystical notion in the hearts of foreigners, that we are simple folk who tend to the fields by day and drink ourselves to sleep at night. Sure if it makes for a good story, why argue with it, I say! Right I will leave you with this traditional Irish dish of Bacon and Cabbage which will be part of The Daily Spud's Paddy's Day food parade and I'm off out to pull some potatoes from the ground, have a pint of guinness and kiss the blarney stone... Slán abhaile agus go n-éirí on bóthar leat!

    Good Auld Bacon and Cabbage
    This dish would have been traditionally served quite regularly in homes all over Ireland, as the ingredients are quite readily available. It's real comfort food for me and I love the fresh flavours of the veg.

    Serves 4
    900g of Shoulder of bacon
    1/2 head of savoy cabbage, sliced finely
    2 Carrots, chopped
    1 onion sliced
    2 tablespoons of butter
    A good pinch of sea salt and black pepper

    Creamy Leek and Parsley Sauce:
    2 tablespoons of butter (a generous knob)
    2 tablespoons of flour
    2 large leeks, sliced finely
    100-150ml bacon stock
    1 teaspoon of English mustard
    A good handful of parsley, chopped
    1 tablespoon of fresh cream

    Remove the bacon from any packaging and place in a pot of cold water over heat. Bring to the boil and simmer for approximately 40 minutes or until cooked. Remove from the water, place on a plate and set aside. Save the bacon stock.

    To make the creamy leek and parsley sauce, melt the butter in a sauce pot and sweat the leeks until soft but not coloured. Add the flour, mixing to combine, then add a little of the bacon stock stirring until the sauce thickens. Judge the consistency of the sauce by eye, and you may want to use a little more or less to your taste. Season with a little sea salt and black pepper and stir through the English mustard.
    Keep warm until you have the consistency you require and then stir through the chopped parsley and tablespoon of cream.

    To make the cabbage, melt the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat and add the onion and carrots, cooking until soft. Add the cabbage to the pan and allow to wilt down slowly, turning every now and then until it has wilted down and become tender.

    Serve the bacon in slices topped with the creamy leek and parsley sauce alongside the cabbage. Enjoy!

  • :: Win a Confit De France tin of Confit Duck!

    :: Win a Confit De France tin of Confit Duck!

    If the last recipe had drooling, well then I have a special treat for all you Duck Confit fans! The lovely Laurent from Confit De France has provided me with a tin of 4 Confit Duck Legs to giveaway here on the blog.

    The duck legs come in a tin and are stored in duck fat which is perfect for roasting crispy potatoes! I decanted all the fat into a big jar which will last me at least 4 roasts! Brilliant!

    The duck itself is so easy to prepare, just stick it on a baking sheet and shove in the oven. For such a little amount of work in the kitchen the results are absolutely amazing, the duck meat practically falls off the bone and is so delicious!

    If you want to get your hands on your very own tin of these gourmet delights all you have to do is leave a comment telling me about your favourite French food!

    The competition will close Tuesday 20th of October and is open to residents of Ireland. A winner will be selected at random from the comments!

    Best of luck!

  • :: Good Mood Food Recipe Archive

    :: Good Mood Food Recipe Archive
    Gizzi Erskine's Sticky Banoffee Pudding

    Gizzi Erskine's Creamy Smoked Salmon & Pea Spaghetti

    Västerbottensost Pie

    Meringues with Jameson Whiskey Cream, Chocolate Sauce and toasted Hazelnuts

    Irish Seafood Chowder

    Jameson Iced Fire Ginger Mint Cocktail

    Cashel Blue Cheese and Kelly's Of Newport Black Pudding Salad

    Simple Panna Cotta with summer fruits and dark chocolate

    Simple Spicy Tuna and Garlic Penne

    Whoopie Pies

    Fergus Henderson's Pot-Roast Half Pig's Head

    Good Auld Bacon and Cabbage

    Sophie's Chocolate & Hazelnut Chip Cookies

    Traditional Irish Food: Colcannon

    Naughty Chocolate Fudge Cake

    Garlic and Rosemary Chicken with Roast Cherry Tomato Salad

    Mega Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes

    Quick Fresh Veggie Wrap With Crispy Prosciutto

    Crunchy Peanut Satay Noodles

    White Chocolate Ginger Cheesecake Pots

    Leila Lindholm's High Hat Cupcakes

    Leila Lindholm's Butterscotch Pecan Pie

    Leila Lindholm's Baguettes

    Leila Lindholm's Peanut Butter Cupcakes

    Simple Strawberry Daiquiris

    Spicy Sichuan Chicken Salad

    Ginger and Garlic Braised Bok Choy

    Nutella and Toasted Hazelnut Pancakes

    Sticky Star Anise Honey Duck

    Healthy Singapore Noodles

    Beef and Black Bean Stir Fry

    Rocket Power Chicken Superfood Salad

    Simple Mackerel Fillets with Chilli, Garlic and Lemon

    Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Porridge

    Beetroot, Goats Cheese, Pine Nut and Rocket Salad

    Herby Roast Chicken and Honey and Thyme Parsnips

    Crunchie Sticky Banoffee Pie!

    Sally Bee's Prawn, Avocado and Pecan Herb Salad

    Pink Berry and Almond Swirly Buns

    Tahini Noodle Toss

    Avocado, Parmesan and Rocket Pasta

    Chocolate Candy Cane Cookies

    Peanut Butter Snickers

    White Hot Chocolate

    Mini Mince Pies

    Mince Pie Star Slices

    Italian Foodies Carbonara

    Christmas Cupcakes

    Hungarian Goulash

    Coq Au Vin

    Caramelised Red Onions

    Aromatic Duck Salad

    Chicken Thigh Supper

    Hasselback Potatoes

    Pumpkin, Chocolate and Pecan Brownies

    Sesame Green Beans

    Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

    Pumpkin and Crispy Pancetta Risotto

    Hearty Minestrone Soup

    Blackberry Mess

    Duck Confit and Tasty Bean Stew

    Blueberry and Banana Breakfast Muffins

    Chorizo and Mushroom Thin Crust Pizza

    Blackberry Vanilla Cupcakes

    Blackberry Coulis

    Wholesome Veg SoupBlackberry and Apple Tart

    Marshmallow Mermaid Pie

    Wholesome Veg Soup

    Asian Chicken Salad with Chilli, Ginger and Lime Dressing

    Mini Aromatic Duck Salads

    Rustic Pear Tart with Apricot Brandy

    BBQ Mackerel with lemon and Smoked Sea Salt

    Rocket, Pear, Parmesan and Pine Nut Salad

    Oriental Steak Salad

    Broad Bean Crostini

    Chilli, Garlic and Lime Dublin Bay Prawns

    Spinach and Cherry Tomato Salad

    Asian Teriyaki Chicken Salad

    Easy Quick Roast Chicken Dinner

    Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Sticky Mustard Chicken Drumsticks

    Tesse's Cheesy Salsa Baked Tortilla Chips

    Red Cabbage and Carrot Coleslaw

    Warm Chorizo, Red Onion and Baby Potato Salad

    Sofie’s Rocket Olive and Feta Cheese Bread

    BBQ Cajun Spatchcock Chicken

    Red Onion and Garlic Focaccia

    Simple Iced Cupcakes!

    Saffrans Pankkakor

    Soft Boiled Egg with Home Fries

    Homemade Paprika Roast Potato Chips

    Honey and Sesame Roast Duck

    Spinach and Ricotta Stuffed Pasta Shells

    Mediterranean Roast Vegetables with Bulgar Wheat

    Swedish Cabbage Salad

    Irish Brown Yeast Bread

    Bulgar wheat Chicken Parsley and Rocket Salad

    Basil and Sweetcorn

    Cinnamon and Rasin Breakfast Bagels

    Teriyaki Salmon with Noodles

    Bacon Avocado and Sunblushed Tomato Sandwich

    Caramel Apple Sauce

    Basic Pancake Recipe

    Basic Cupcake Recipe

    Sundried Tomato, Basil and Goats Cheese Pasta

    Cookies and Cream Chocolate Chip Oreo Cupcakes

    Garlic Mushroom and Goats Cheese Pasta

    Fork Crushed Herby Potatoes

    Wholewheat Peanut Butter Cookies

    Broccoli Feta and Cherry Tomato Salad

    Simple Antipasto Salad

    Chunky Garlic Bread

    Perfect Parmesan Parsnips

    Good Mood Food Irish Stew

    Chilli Jam

    Fortune Cookies

    Mini Beef and Mushroom Pies

    Mushy Roast Garlic and Cherry Tomato Penne

    Nacha's Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

    Balsamic Chicken and Avocado and Radish Salad

    Mohito Lime and Mint Chicken

    Asian Chicken Wings

    Avocado and Lime Salsa

    Asparagus and Garlic Pasta

    Baked Dill and Garlic Salmon

    Mexican Quesadilla

    Sesame Pasta Salad

    Good Mood Food Yaki Soba

    Fried Mushrooms and Garlic on Toast

    Chimichurri Sauce

    Cheap and Cheerful Fishcakes

    Basic Chicken Stock

    Crispy Sweet Potato Wedges

    Cajun Salmon with Asian Greens

    Rocket, Prosciutto And Egg's Over Easy

    Cherry Tomato Bruschetta

    Oaty Pancakes

    Chicken Soup

    Kanel Bulle: Swedish Cinnamon Buns

    Good Mood Food: Meatballs

    Mushroom Soup

    Aubergine Parmigiana Pasta Bake

    Classic Dijon Dressing

    Spicy Chicken and Cucumber Salad

    Apple and Cinnamon Porridge

    Duck Noodle Salad

    Stir-Fry Vegetables

    Fruit Smoothie

    Nut Free Pesto

    Basic Soup Recipe

    Gooey Chocolate Pudding

    Spicy Sticky Roast Squash

    Aubergine Parmigiana

    Chili Chicken and Asparagus Noodles

    Oregano Lamb Chops and Carrot Slaw

    Mediterranean Homemade Pizza