We Love Cooking! [Search results for turkey

  • :: Move over ham- It's Turkey Time!

    :: Move over ham- It's Turkey Time!

    One of the things I have learned in my discovery of food so far is that, people who are passionate about good quality ingredients are more than enthusiastic about expressing this passion and filling you up with information. Gerry McEvoy, who runs his farm of 800 free range bronze turkey's is absolutely no different. We were introduced via the magic of twitter last week when I tweeted asking whether anyone knew of a turkey farmer. Within a matter of hours the meeting was set and the following day I was all set to head up to the farm to see all those turkeys!

    I arrived at Gerry's house in Sallins in Co. Kildare on a beautiful bright winter morning and was greeted first by his 3 dogs and then by the man himself. Not wasting anytime, after our brief introduction and a quick chat about our fine feathered friends, we got straight down to business! Before I could even say "turkey" I was decked out in my very own pair of wellies and we were heading towards the field.

    Now to be honest growing up I wasn't exactly the most outdoorsy kid and wouldn't have ever dreamt of standing in a field full of turkeys had I not been dragged in kicking and screaming! I have over the years, of course, become a little more adaptable and so although a tiny bit of apprehension may have been running through my mind I was following Gerry through the gate and into the field.

    The moment the gate was closed they came for me! I think they sensed my fear, either that or it could have been that Gerry was throwing a bucket of food for them. Either way I was surrounded by these highly inquisitive birds who were not afraid of me in the slightest! The first thing you notice close to the field is the sheer noise of the birds, just to have a normal conversation we were practically shouting across to each other! The beauty I learnt of allowing the birds to roam the fields meant they had a somewhat varied diet, Gerry told me that the birds have a major love for nettles and one of his fields which had been completely covered in them had been devoured in a matter of weeks.

    Although I was taking in all this brilliant information and we were having a great chat, I was very conscious that there was about 400 turkeys around me and some of them were getting a bit cheeky, even giving my legs a peck! Gerry told me that the birds are attracted to bright colours and red was their favourite, which did not bode well as my camera comes with a bright red strap, which explained their interest in me! Walking through the field, Gerry was able to tell me the weight of each bird just by looking at it and although he offered for me to hold one I had to say no, but that didn't stop him picking up a 12 pounder to show me the quality of their amazing feathers. There is an oil in the feathers which allows the rain to run right off!

    As I got a bit more relaxed I got busy snapping photos of the birds. They very diligently posed for shots and some even hopped up onto a bail of hay for the perfect picture. Gerry has them well trained! Apart from the slightly smaller female birds, the massive males were incredibly dramatic looking with strange droopy bits of skin falling from above their beaks. The kind of deformity which would have made for a fantastic Disney film's evil bad guy! While I was snapping away, all of a sudden an eerie silence came over the field and all the turkeys loud gobbling reduced to silent murmur. I looked to Gerry to ask what was going on and he pointed to the sky where a airplane was flying overhead, he filled me in telling me that they are very perceptive and there silence in the presence of "bigger birds" was a regular occurrence!

    We headed towards what I christened the "turkey house" which was a large building at the top of the field where the turkeys could roam in and out of. Gerry showed me the wheat which he fed the turkeys and the huge machine which ground it, so it was easier for the birds to digest. Inside the building he showed me where the birds slept and the brilliant watering system that refilled itself when it was empty. The other interesting thing he pointed out was the chains he had hung from the ceiling which are said to keep the birds brains active! Gerry said the minute he turns off the lights at night the birds go completely silent and head straight off to sleep. Just in case you were wondering what radio station the birds groove to during the day, KFM is played on the little radio which is perched on the wall. I like to think they are all big fans of Industry!

    Now I do apologise if I have lulled you into some sort of pleasant denial, here is where it gets messy. The turkeys are picked up on the 18th of December ahead of their Christmas dinner date with many Irish families across the country and are taken to be prepared for pick up. Gerry mostly sells the birds from the farm itself and over a three day period sets up shop for people to pick up their purchase ahead of the big day. I was so impressed with the birds our family have ordered two 12 pounders which I have named Francoise and Hernrietta and I will be calling live from Sweden to check how they go down.

    If you want to read more about Gerry and his free range bronze turkeys check out his website here. As far as I know he is still taking orders so give him a shout and he will sort you out for Christmas dinner! Sure he's your only man! :)

  • :: TURKEY TRAVEL LOG: Datca, Bozuk Buku, Kumlu Buku

    :: TURKEY TRAVEL LOG: Datca, Bozuk Buku, Kumlu Buku

    The Turkey travel log is still coming, my focus was way more on food the second week, so keep on hanging on in there!

    After a somewhat misguided trip to Symi, we had a long and bumpy sail up to the small Turkish town of Datca. It was our first visit of the trip to a Turkish town, so there was a lot on offer to do and see.We arrived into a buzzing little harbour with lots of small restaurants and shops all vying for our attention. On first inspection the waterfront looked very touristy but after we ventured further up the town, there was a lot more to Datca. A long street leading from the harbour front out of the town was packed with little Bazaars, herb shops, bakeries, kebab restaurants, and newsagents which sell their bread in fabulous little cabinets

    Just before dinner Sofie and I went for a quick walk into the town and stumbled upon a massive parade taking place down the main street. We followed the people marching into a large square, overlooked by a massive portrait of the first president of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

    We later discovered it was a festival of International cultures, and folk dancing groups from Romania, Sierra Leone, Poland, and Turkey were all in attendance fully dressed in traditional folk costume. It was the perfect opportunity to get some really great pictures.

    With so many people crowding around the different groups, I was hardly noticed snapping away! The atmosphere was great, everyone including the participants looked like they were enjoying every minute. It was really easy to see why festivals like these, which celebrate different cultures, have become so successful.

    As the evening began to close in, the crowd slowly dispersed and disappeared.

    Later that evening we followed the noise of loud music across the harbor to where a mass of people were milling around an open air amphitheatre. We went through a large door to discover a massive concert for all the locals. We sat down and from what I could see it appeared the concert was in honour of local dignitaries who were sat right in front of the stage and even joined in the festivities by dancing right in front of the band!

    Bozuk Buku
    Our next stop was more along the lines of the little bays and ports we were used too, in Turkish waters. The tiny little bay is overlooked by the ruins of a large wall which make for a pretty stunning backdrop right on the mountain.

    The water here was really clear and perfect for snorkelling. In most of the smaller bays which have restaurants run by the locals, rickety old jetty’s are built to offer mooring to the passing yachts.

    In the afternoon when the sun’s heat had finally reduced, I dragged Sofie on a big trek to the top of the hill to see the ruins of the wall. She wasn’t impressed with both the heat and the fact that I insisted we walk through the campsite the locals lived in.

    But I’m glad we did, as you really get a feel for how the people who run these little places live. A couple of goats and chickens roamed their little enclosures, while an old woman slept right under one of the close by trees!

    The ruins were really impressive and the views from the top made the long walk very worthwhile.

    We were joined only by a cat who seemed to happily have made the old walls its home. The small restaurant onshore had a great selection of Turkish Mezze and fresh fish.

    Kumlu Buku
    After a long series of stops which were a little on the rustic side, we pulled in to Kumlu Buku, a small bay just outside Marmaris. A small up market restaurant sits right on the shore, and a few really stunning straw huts full of giant cushions sit on the beach. Sofie and I made a beeline for these, and spent most of the day lounging on the comfy cushions.
    Hard life right?
    We ate in the restaurant on shore and to our surprise it had a fairly extensive Chinese menu! I may have mentioned it here before but I have a big thing for Asian cuisine! After solidly eating turkish mezze and grilled meats for 5 days on trot, it was great to have something different. I’ll be honest I really wasn’t expecting this small restaurant to produce the best of the best, but all the dishes that we ordered were absolutely delicious and really fresh.
    As the sun set the staff at the restaurant lit large, open flamed laterns right down the beach. The jetty, we were moored up to, was lit up with under water lights, and the whole place looked really spectactular!
    We were leaving the next morning but I could have easily stayed another night there!

  • :: The Afternoon Show Aftermath!

    :: The Afternoon Show Aftermath!

    The whole show went fantastically smooth but... disaster- I forgot my camera so no pics from the show unfortunately! But the video should be available on the RTE player tomorrow morning.

    I cooked a few of my favourite recipes from the book and the blog, Chicken Thigh Supper, Med Veg with Bulgur Wheat, and one of the tastiest pastas, Sunblushed Tomato, Goats Cheese and Basil, Penne!

    The pace on the Afternoon Show is quite relaxed and because you shop for your own ingredients it means you see the demo from start to finish and are a lot more hands on. I suppose, looking back, I was totally overwhelmed by the Market Kitchen experience, having never cooked on TV before and being surrounded by big names in the UK food world, whereas I have been interviewed on The Afternoon Show before when I was in Eurosong, so I knew the set up and I visited last week to watch another chef do their demonstration, which put me at ease!

    After some late night cooking last night, I packed up my little car with all the ingredients and headed over to RTE, making a quick pit stop in Superquinn to grab some last minute items, a bottle of red wine, bulgur wheat and 2 aubergines! When I arrived it was just a case of setting up all the ingredients, choosing all the props, plates and bowls I needed from the prop room and just thinking through everything I needed.

    We did a quick rehearsal and I met the lovely ladies, Maura and Sheana, who present the show and they were so nice, Sheana spent the afternoon telling me she loved the book and was definitely going to try some of the recipes! Before I knew it we were live and I was grinning like a fool down the lens of the camera and it turned out my old pal, Dustin The Turkey was on the show as well and he was a charming as ever, I gave him a few good turkey recipes before he left!

    The funniest part of the whole experience was at the end of the show. I had been pre warned that the crew love getting stuck in to the food that's cooked on the show, but nothing prepared me for the eight people crowded around all the food like vultures digging in with forks! They all loved the food so happy days- empty plates are always the best form of a compliment for a cook!

  • :: Quick Video of Gerry McEvoy's Free Range Bronze Turkeys!

    Yesterday I went to visit... wait for it... A TURKEY FARM! I had so much fun, so much so, Gerry was nearly talking me into becoming a turkey farmer! He walked me through the whole process and these birds are immaculate and so healthy looking. I took a million pictures and have yet to edit them but for now check out this quick video of the turkeys!

  • :: Highlights of 2009!

    :: Highlights of 2009!

    2009 has been a fairly spectacular year indeed, between the band, the book, and lots and lots of cooking I have never been so busy in my life, but it has been totally worth it! Here's my run down of 2009 highlights!

    - Started the year flying high as Peter Pan in the Tivoli theatre's panto.
    - Putting together plans for a mixed pop group.
    - Forming Industry with Lee Hutton, Michele McGrath, and Morgan Deane!
    Favourite Recipe: Roast Garlic Potatoes

    - Going to Stockholm to record Industry's first single, "My Baby's Waiting".
    - Received first draft of Good Mood Food, the book.
    - Pancake season!
    - Went to Stockholm to support my Swedish superstar buddy sing at the Swedish Eurovision selection.
    - A name was finally chosen for Industry, thankfully 4DB was thrown out the window.
    - Going to Stockholm again to record very first music video, for "In Your Arms".
    - Doing first photoshoot as a band- very glamorous.
    Favourite Recipe: Chocolate Chip Oreo Cupcakes

    - Was busy working on what I thought were the final drafts of the book.
    - Planned my very first attempt at a vegetable garden.
    - Planted Dill, Fennel, Pak Choi, Broad Beans, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Red Cabbage, Cabbage, Cos Lettuce, Rosemary.
    - Submitted last photos for the book.
    - Made first public outing as Industry on the red carpet at the Meteor Irish Music Awards.
    - Went for a walk on the cliffs every morning this month.
    - Blog got 10,000 unique visitors in one day, was very excited.
    Favourite Recipe: Bacon Avocado and Sundried Tomato Sandwich

    - Got my very first blog/book press.
    - Back to Stockholm to record more tracks with Industry.
    - Flew to Spain to record music video for Industry's "My Baby's Waiting".
    - Took a little break in Gothenberg with Sofie.
    - Submitted what I thought was the last draft of the book.
    - Fell in love with dried Mango... mmmm... mango.
    Favourite Recipe: Red Onion and Garlic Focaccia

    - Got the BBQ out early for Mays mini heat wave.
    - Back to Stockholm again to record more tracks with Industry.
    - Shot the final cover for the book with the help of Erica and Sofie.
    - Performed with Industry at our press launch at The Sugar Club in Dublin.
    - Industry's single got it's very first airplay on 2fm.
    - Got a blackberry phone.
    - Sang Kate Bush wuthering heights in falsetto on radio, not pleasant but very funny.
    - Discovered Flahavans porridge pots which kept me alive and well on the road.
    Favourite Recipe: BBQ Cajun Spatchcock Chicken

    - Got to finally visit Cork's English Market.
    - Went to Ireland's Eye with Morgan and Lee for my birthday.
    - Found a brill table to shoot food on.
    - My annoying but hilarious fight with the birds and the strawberries.
    - Lee buying male Ugg boots.
    - Got introduced to Dave Peelo, the toughest fitness trainer you ever did see.
    - Industry's first single "My Baby's Waiting" went straight in at number one in the Irish charts.
    - Performed at the Ms. Universe competition.
    Favourite Recipe: Warm Chorizo, Red Onion and Baby Potato Salad

    - Went to LA with James, Morgan and Sofie.
    - Got upgraded on the flight over but had to slum it on the way back.
    - Saw the massive amount of tributes to Michael Jackson at his house and his Hollywood star.
    - Went surfing with my Uncle Niall on Santa Monica beach.
    - Did a photo shoot for VIP magazine, blue steel was out in force.
    - Went to outdoor yoga in Stephens Green in Dublin.
    - Supported the Pussycat Dolls at the Killarney Summerfest.
    - Sent off the final final final edits of the book.
    - Visited the republics very first Ikea store.
    - Recorded music video for Industry's second single "Burn" at the amazing Grouse Lodge studios.
    Favourite Recipe: Sticky Mustard Chicken Drumsticks

    - Went on a romantic little bank holiday break in a cottage near Carlingford.
    - Co-hosted the South East Radio breakfast show with the brill Tony Scott and Industry.
    - Became a regular contributor with Irish Tatler.
    - Industry's second single "Burn" went to number one.
    - Supported Tynchi Stryder in Tralee, as you do.
    - Had a brill getaway anniversary weekend in Castle Leslie, massages all round.
    Favourite Recipe: Asian Teriyaki Chicken Salad

    - Started tweeting 140 character recipes on my twitter.
    - Appeared on RTE's Ice with Industry.
    - Performed at the Barretstown Charity Bandana launch.
    - Went blackberry picking with Maisie the cupcake queen.
    - Picked up my copy of Good Mood Food!
    - Recorded 3 new tracks with Industry at the amazing Grouse Lodge recording studios.
    Favourite Recipe: Oriental Steak Salad

    - Picked up my brand new camera, the Canon 5d Mark ii.
    - Saw the book in shops for the first time, rearranged the shelves.
    - Appeared on the front page of the Irish Examiner.
    - Did lots and lots of radio interviews about the book.
    - Went mushroom hunting with Aoife.
    - Went back to school to do a cupcake demonstration at my old school.
    - Interview on Tubridy with Ryan Tubridy about the book.
    - Got a text from Michele to tell me she nearly fell over when she saw a giant poster of me in the window of Dubray Books on Grafton Street in Dublin!
    - Did the official launch of the book in Dubray Books on Grafton street in Dublin.
    - Appeared on RTE's The Cafe with Industry.
    - Went to Gothenburg and visited a Swedish bakery.
    - Interview with Ian Dempsey on Today FM.
    Favourite Recipe: Blackberry Vanilla Cupcakes

    - Upgraded my old desk, for a new fancy one from IKEA.
    - Wrote my very first food column for the Irish Independent Weekend Magazine.
    - Finally made a vision board.
    - Became obsessed with one of the kitchens in IKEA.
    - Heard that The Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten has a copy of Good Mood Food.
    - Did a cookery demonstration at an all girls school.
    - Assistant food stylist on a Christmas food shoot.
    Favourite Recipe: Crispy Hasselback Potatoes

    - All the brill Christmas food press.
    - Feature in the lovefood magazine with fellow Irish food bloggers, Italian Foodies, Cheap Eats, and Daily Spud.
    - Visit to a free range turkey farm.
    - Massive Christmas baking session with Erica and Maisie.
    - Getting a video of the book launch from Darragh.
    - Visit to Sheridans cheese, I am now hooked on cheese.
    - Skiing with Sofie in Gothenburg.
    - Jul pa Liseberg.
    - Christmas in Sweden
    Favourite Recipe: Avocado, Parmesan and Rocket Pasta

    Thanks so much to all who read this blog for all the support, comments and emails this year, and I hope I'll be keeping you cooking all through 2010!




    OK it's official, Christmas has arrived! And it's only November! I know people give out about the festivities starting earlier each year, but to be honest it doesn't bother me. I'm not afraid to say it, I LOVE CHRISTMAS AND EVERYTHING THAT GOES WITH IT! Partly because of the presents, partly because of the tree, but mainly because there is no other day in the year that the focus is so intensely on FOOD!

    For our traditional Christmas dinner at home we have turkey, ham and a great selection of veggies. That selection usually includes these super parsnips! To be honest these have become a regular addition to meals all year round recently and are no longer just spared for Christmas. There just that good!

    Perfect Parsnips
    Try to select interesting shaped parsnips, they look great when they're roasted. I try and cut the parsnips as thin as possible because when they start to roast in the oven you should end up with tasty crispy ends and thick fleshy pieces.

    1kg of parsnips.
    3 tablespoons of wholemeal flour.
    1 tablespoon of ground black pepper.
    1 tablespoon of sea salt.
    1 generous handful of Parmesan cheese.
    2 tablespoons of olive oil.

    Preheat the oven to 200oC/390oF/Gas 6.
    Peel the parsnips and chop in half and then slice into four. You may need to slice the chunks in half again depending on what size you want them. Place the parsnips in a pot and cover with cold water. Bring the pot to the boil and simmer for 4 minutes. Rinse with a little cold water and drain the chunks in a colander.
    Combine the flour, pepper, and salt in a large bowl. Tumble the parsnips into the bowl and toss to coat. Place in a large roasting tray, sprinkle over the Parmesan cheese and drizzle with olive oil. Roast in the oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

  • And Now For The Science Bit!

    And Now For The Science Bit!

    Carrots have always been and will probably always be my favourite vegetable! Something I read recently pointed to the fact that carrots Beta-carotene levels were not reduced during the cooking process which is great news as roast carrot is one of my favourite dishes! Here's just 4 reasons to EAT CARROTS!

    1. They contain lung-healing, immune boosting, beta carotene.
    2. One carrot a day will increase the beta-carotene levels in the body.
    3. Carrots can regulate blood sugar.
    4. And if in fact YOU are a LADY Carrot's can help increase menstrual flow.


    Now cabbage would have been a completely no go area when I was a kid and I would avoid it like the plague, partly due to I think the memories of the horrible smell coming from the boiled version! However now that I'm just that little bit older, wiser, and slightly more well read, I can say that Cabbage truly is one of the greatest super foods and here's why:

    1. Cabbage has a nitrogenous compound known as indoles, and indoles can according to recent research lower the risk of cancer.
    2. Cabbage has an extremely high level of Vitamin C, chlorophyll, and Vitamins A, E and B.
    3. It speeds ulcer healing and improves digestive health.
    4. It is rich in antibacterial sulphur compounds which fight infection.
    5. And on top of all that It's soooo low in calories! So dig in!
    Oregano The Super Herb!
    Ever since I visited Turkey on a family holiday a few years ago I have been in love with this herb! It's seems to be a staple part of the Turkish diet and most dishes came covered in it. Not that I'm complaining! The rich aromatic Mediterranean flavour can really enhance a tomato sauce or a meat marinade. Not only does it taste great it is one of the best herbs to use in terms of antioxidant properties. HERE ARE 3 REASONS TO ADD IT TO YOUR NEXT DISH!
    1. In a recent study Oregano had 3 to 20 times higher antioxidant activity than the other herbs studied.
    2. Oregano is a great source of fibre.
    3. A balanced diet with herbs such as Oregano can have huge beneficial health effects.
  • :: Asian Chicken Wings

    :: Asian Chicken Wings

    There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of interest in the food styling demonstration, but I'll be working with Erica for the photo's in the book, so maybe I can film a few bits and stick them up here.

    Is it me or is the weather at the moment causing extreme drowsiness? Maybe not, maybe it's having to work when it feels like everyone else is on holidays- maybe it's a mix. Well I'll just have to put up with it, after all it's only a few more weeks and were heading back over to Sweden again. Sofie's dad arrived last night and is staying with us for the week, so we'll be doing some sight seeing this weekend and driving cross country to Galway. If you have any suggestions on where to bring a tourist in Galway please let me know!

    I have been trawling the world wide web for international food blogs, and I wanted to share just a few of the ones that caught my eye:

    Bitchin Camero- Mel is from Miami, and has some really great pictures, and the recipe's to match.

    Kitchen Confit- Is written by three bloggers from Nashville, Tennassee, I love their post about "Fire Pit Roasted Oysters".

    A Cat In The Kitchen- A great little Swedish blog- check out the cake buffet!

    Dinner's For A Year- I love the idea of a BBQ turkey.

    And via Mulley.net, Lidl Treats- How to get the best out of shopping at Lidl!

    Inspired by my recent trip to the Chinese Supermarket, this is another one of the snacks I made for the party last weekend. It's kind of a mix between BBQ and sweet and sour sauce, but top it with finely sliced spring onions and sesame seeds, and you'll make your intentions clear!

    Asian Chicken Wings

    1. 12 Chicken Wings.
    2. 1 Cup of Chinese Sweet Chili Sauce (looks like tomato paste)
    3. The Juice Of One Lemon.
    4. 1 Tbsp of Worcestershire Sauce.
    5. 2 Cloves of Garlic Minced.
    6. 1 Thumb of Ginger Minced.
    7. 2 Tablespoons of Honey
    8. 1 Tsp of Chinese 5 Spice powder.
    9. 1 Tsp of Sesame Oil.
    10. 1 Tsp of Cornflour.
    11. Spring Onions and Sesame Seeds.
    In a large roasting tray combine the ingredients with the chicken wings. Cover with cling film and allow to rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

    Preheat the oven to 200 oC/ 390 oF/ Gas Mark 6.

    Bang the Chicken Wings into the oven on the top rack and cook for approx 45-60 mins, turning them halfway through. Serve straight away topped with sliced spring onions and toasted sesame seeds.

  • :: I'M BACK!

    Hello Hello!

    After a long 3 months, this year's Eurovision dream came to an end on Saturday night, when I was beaten by the nation's favourite Turkey at Eurosong 2008! I have to admit I was a little gutted on the night but it was an amazing experience and I wish them all the best in Serbia!

    There is a sense of relief and freedom that comes with any sort of ending, and my mind is now able to think beyond whats steps I'm doing, or what I have to do next. I think my girlfriend is very glad to have me back too! So apart from that it's back to reality and business- I can finally get back in the kitchen and start cooking again, and what with the days getting brighter, you can expect some great pictures and dishes back here on the blog!

    Stick around lot's of new stuff coming up!

    Donal :)

  • :: Live From The Turquoise Coast!

    :: Live From The Turquoise Coast!

    I have my laptop on the boat with me, in order to keep up with the book, and the approaching deadline. However one thing I was not expecting, was the abundance of wireless internet connections, even in the most solitude of places!

    I think the word rustic most definitely captures the style of cooking in Turkey, and they produce the most amazing and interesting breads you could imagine!
    Lots of fresh salads, baked aubergine, feta cheese, green beans, grilled meats and fish fill the table, leaving you satisfied and tired in the warm heat.

    Back with more soon...

  • :: Sally Bee's Prawn, Avocado and Pecan Herb Salad

    :: Sally Bee's Prawn, Avocado and Pecan Herb Salad

    If you haven't heard of Sally Bee before, and I hadn't up until recently, Sally is a mother of three who at the age of 36, despite a healthy lifestyle, suffered 3 major heart attacks in the space of one week. I'm not even going to go into the amazing story of her recovery, you really just have to read it. "The Secret Ingredient" is a collection of super healthy recipes which don't go over the top and features meals which are perfect for family home cooking.

    I recently got the opportunity to meet the lovely Sally Bee, and despite our extremely brief encounter she comes across as an extremely vibrant and fun individual and when I remarked on her incredible story, joked and feigned heart pains! This is one of the fantastic recipes from her book, "The Secret Ingredient" which is out on Thursday 21st of January and can be ordered online via Amazon.

    Prawn, Avocado and Pecan Herb Salad

    You know, salads don't have to be boring. This dish is full of flavour! You can serve it as a main meal or smaller portions for a healthy starter. If you don't like prawns, you can substitute with chicken; anything goes, really. Be adventurous with your salads and make this a regular, everyday dish. Prawns give great texture and flavour to this recipe, but they do contain cholesterol,so I have allowed only four prawns per serving. If you want to make it more substantial, you can add extra protein: such as tuna, chicken or turkey.

    Serves 2
    Drizzle of olive oil
    2 salad onions or spring onions (scallions),peeled and finely chopped
    1 garlic clove,peeled and crushed
    1 tbsp soy sauce
    Freshly ground black pepper
    8 uncooked king prawns (jumbo shrimp)
    Mixed salad leaves
    1 ripe avocado
    2 tomatoes, sliced
    Juice of 1 lemon
    Handful of fresh basil, torn
    Handful of shelled pecan nuts

    Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat.
    Add the chopped salad onions, crushed garlic, soy sauce, black pepper and raw prawns.
    Sauté until the prawns have turned pink all the way through.
    Arrange the salad leaves, watercress, avocado and tomatoes in a big dish, then pour over the prawns and other cooked ingredients.
    Squeeze over the lemon juice, sprinkle with torn basil and pecan nuts and serve.

    Follow Sally Bee on Twitter over here.

  • :: TURKEY TRAVEL LOG: Orhaniye- Dirsek- Monastery of Panormitis, Symi

    :: TURKEY TRAVEL LOG: Orhaniye- Dirsek- Monastery of Panormitis, Symi

    Hello Hello!

    We got back from Turkey last night and are already feeling the cold! I'm going to be posting a little bit about each place we sailed through over the next two weeks and I have over 2000 photo's to sift through and edit so I'll be sticking them up too.

    I also have some very exciting news about the book- tomorrow is the first official photoshoot complete with food stylist and photographer! We have spent most of the day preparing for tomorrow and all I can say is it's a stark contrast, going from tanning in 30 degree heat to prowling through boxes of peppers for the most photogenic, within hours of stepping off a plane! We have been cooking all day and the first shots will be taken tomorrow morning, so I'm hoping to feature a few behind the scenes pics later this week.

    For now here is my travel log day 1 to 3! The pictures are more foodie related as the days progress so stay tuned and Enjoy!

    The whole holiday was booked through Sunsail an English based yacht charter company, and unlike previous visits to Gocek, we decided to explore the new base of Orhaniye. After a long day which started in the early hours at Dublin airport, and a fairly erratic drive from Dalaman airport we finally arrived at our destination of Marti Marina, Orhaniye, in one piece. I always find it a bit disorientating arriving somewhere in the dark, but even the dim light could not disguise the fact that Marti Marina looked very much like a boat yard, and the website featured a hotel overlooking the marina. However on closer inspection the hotel was still in the process of being built and the building site gave the impression that the builders had given up and left a long time ago! But this was not our problem, in little under a few hours of well needed sleep, we would be on the water sailing, the overlooking building site, a distant memory.
    We picked up our yacht, a Cyclades 42, which would be home for the next two weeks and gave it a quick once over before hitting the pillow.
    The marina itself is fully functional with Shower and Laundry facilites, a small supermarket, a salt water swimming pool, and two restaurants overlooking the bay.
    After a briefing at the sunsail office, picking up provisions in the supermarket, and a quick application of much needed suncream we were out sailing.
    Two of the best things about a sailing holiday, is that you are outdoors practically all the time, surrounded by fresh air and with the water being so warm and clear, you find yourself in and out quite regularly to cool off from the sun’s heat. The second, you get too see so much, travelling to a brand new destination everyday!

    Our first stop was Dirsek, a stunning little bay, surrounded by tall dry mountains, about an hour’s sail south from Orhaniye . There is a small restaurant in the bay which is run by the owners, who quite inconspicuously live in tents along the edge of the water, adding to the hands on feel of the place. Boats can anchor in the bay and tie a line ashore or the restauarant offers lazy lines along a jetty. We arrived at around lunchtime and got straight in for the first swim of the holiday, the water is so clear that you can see the bottom even at about 9 meters up, this makes great conditions for snorkelling, which quickly became my new favourite activity! We motored in to the restaurant with the small dighy which comes with the boat and arrived to a scene of what I would describe as controlled chaos. The regular chef had been rushed to the dentist with some major dental urgency and a happy go lucky waiter had been drafted in as the sorry individual who was set to take up the reigns. Guests are invited to go into the kitchen and choose from large table of meat and fish for their main course. On the opposite counter, large glass dishes full of cold starters are spread out in a large row for guests to choose from.

    Roast Aubergine in Tomato Sauce, Cooked Green Beans with Yoghurt, Olive Oil and Garlic, Boiled Potatoes with a simple scattering of Parsley, Fried Corgettes, A sort of Onion, red Pepper, and Chilli Salsa, Cooked Spinach and Yoghurt topped with a sprinkle of Paprika, Cheese wrapped in Filo Pastry, and Tzatzichi were among the many dishes which made up the Turkish Mezze, a term coined to describe this massive selection of dishes. The restaurant charges a set price for the Mezze and you can choose whatever dishes you want in a buffet style, it’s a brilliant way to get a chance to try all the different flavours.

    Now it’s not often that I feature sickly romantic moments between myself and Sofie, apart from the picture on the "About" page, but after dinner we lay up on deck and watched the stars. I know, I know, pass the bucket, but in our defence, with the only unnatural light coming from the restaurant in the distance, it was practically unmissable. I have never seen stars as amazing as on that night, and as we lay flat on our back it was as if we were wearing 3D goggles, with every last twinkling light jumping down at us. What a perfect way to end a great day.

    Monastery of Panormitis, Simi
    Our next stop was a long sail to the Greek island Of Simi, just on the border of Turkish waters. It was an extremely strange little port, whose mystery was heightened further, when we discovered the pilot book had absolutely no information about it. It seemed to be less of a town and more of a church with surrounding accommodation, we only came across one restaurant, there could have been more. The change from Turkish to Greek waters was quite significant in terms of cuisine and for dinner we ate a pretty standard fare of Calamari, Moussaka, Souvlaki, with large side dishes of Tzatzichi.
    The large abbey sits right on the water front and is lit up quite impressively at night, the whole bay has a white painted walkway which goes from the abbey right the way around and up the hill to a large old windmill which overlooks the bay.

    After a bit of googeling I discovered that the Monastry is Greek Orthadox and dates back to 450 AD. It is the largest on the island and is also considered one of the most important.

    Apart from a few small shops, there was a bakery which sold fresh bread in the morning and had extremely tasty coconut macaroons topped with cherries.
    We left the following morning for a long and bumpy sail to the small Turkish town of Datca...

  • :: Off On Holidays!

    I have been super busy writing the book for the last two weeks in order to be able to head off on holidays! Were off to Turkey sailing, so I'll be hoping to have lots of great pictures for you when I get back.
    See you soon! Happy Holidays! :)

  • :: Flickr, Twitter, and Photoshoot!

    :: Flickr, Twitter, and Photoshoot!

    Things are a bit hectic here in the kitchen, as I'm doing a lot of photographs for the book myself. I'm trying to juggle the writing, the cooking, the shooting and my day work all at once. It's a lot of work but it's finally paying off and there's nothing better than seeing the finished pictures up on my wall! The whole project is such a learning process, and I've really learned so much when it comes to the photography side of things. Apart from all that, we have sooooo much food in the fridge, even Sofie can't eat her way through it!

    I'm still getting through all the photo's from Turkey, I have to get out of this snap happy habit I've fallen into! But until then you can check out my Flickr photostream, I've just added a link on the right hand side of the page, check it out!

    Also I've joined the world of Twitter, but I'm things are looking a little bit lonely over there at the moment, partly because I'm not fully sure how to use it, so if you're a member drop me a line and hopefully I can figure out what to do!