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  • :: Irish Book Awards 2010- SHORTLIST BABY!

    :: Irish Book Awards 2010- SHORTLIST BABY!

    You all like reading the blog right? Maybe some of you might have bought my lovely book which came out this time last year… Well I have some pretty great news and a favor to ask! Earlier this month I got a phone call to tell me that Good Mood Food had been shortlisted in the Irish Book Awards in the educational category! All very exciting stuff as you can imagine, but all very grown up don't you think? My first experience at award ceremonies was earlier this year at the Irish Blog Awards, but if you'd been at that I'm sure you'll agree it's a little more shall we say relaxed. But the Irish Book Awards? You have to wear a Tux! I don't even own a Tux! Needless to say it's all very exciting really, and the week before last I was invited along for a cheesy photo shoot with some of the other nominated authors at The Royal College Of Surgeons, I even got to meet the lovely Celia Ahern (a fellow failed Eurosong contestant, who's gone on to write a book, but we didn't get into that!).

    Now here is the exciting part and the favor I need from you, part of the voting is online, so I need as many people as possible to vote for Good Mood Food to win! You can head over to the Irish Book Awards website and cast your vote, there are lots of other fantastic books to vote for. NB. IN OTHER CATEGORIES! :) If you read the blog and enjoy the recipes, please help, it's a tough category so I need all the help I can get- so spread the word, get retweeting and facebooking! :)

    Thanks a million and if you're planning on buying Good Mood Food for anyone at Christmas, I will be selling signed copies, right here on the blog. Don't worry I won't be training a team of monkeys to do the work, I promise they will all be personally signed! :)

  • :: Highlights of 2009!

    :: Highlights of 2009!

    2009 has been a fairly spectacular year indeed, between the band, the book, and lots and lots of cooking I have never been so busy in my life, but it has been totally worth it! Here's my run down of 2009 highlights!

    - Started the year flying high as Peter Pan in the Tivoli theatre's panto.
    - Putting together plans for a mixed pop group.
    - Forming Industry with Lee Hutton, Michele McGrath, and Morgan Deane!
    Favourite Recipe: Roast Garlic Potatoes

    - Going to Stockholm to record Industry's first single, "My Baby's Waiting".
    - Received first draft of Good Mood Food, the book.
    - Pancake season!
    - Went to Stockholm to support my Swedish superstar buddy sing at the Swedish Eurovision selection.
    - A name was finally chosen for Industry, thankfully 4DB was thrown out the window.
    - Going to Stockholm again to record very first music video, for "In Your Arms".
    - Doing first photoshoot as a band- very glamorous.
    Favourite Recipe: Chocolate Chip Oreo Cupcakes

    - Was busy working on what I thought were the final drafts of the book.
    - Planned my very first attempt at a vegetable garden.
    - Planted Dill, Fennel, Pak Choi, Broad Beans, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Red Cabbage, Cabbage, Cos Lettuce, Rosemary.
    - Submitted last photos for the book.
    - Made first public outing as Industry on the red carpet at the Meteor Irish Music Awards.
    - Went for a walk on the cliffs every morning this month.
    - Blog got 10,000 unique visitors in one day, was very excited.
    Favourite Recipe: Bacon Avocado and Sundried Tomato Sandwich

    - Got my very first blog/book press.
    - Back to Stockholm to record more tracks with Industry.
    - Flew to Spain to record music video for Industry's "My Baby's Waiting".
    - Took a little break in Gothenberg with Sofie.
    - Submitted what I thought was the last draft of the book.
    - Fell in love with dried Mango... mmmm... mango.
    Favourite Recipe: Red Onion and Garlic Focaccia

    - Got the BBQ out early for Mays mini heat wave.
    - Back to Stockholm again to record more tracks with Industry.
    - Shot the final cover for the book with the help of Erica and Sofie.
    - Performed with Industry at our press launch at The Sugar Club in Dublin.
    - Industry's single got it's very first airplay on 2fm.
    - Got a blackberry phone.
    - Sang Kate Bush wuthering heights in falsetto on radio, not pleasant but very funny.
    - Discovered Flahavans porridge pots which kept me alive and well on the road.
    Favourite Recipe: BBQ Cajun Spatchcock Chicken

    - Got to finally visit Cork's English Market.
    - Went to Ireland's Eye with Morgan and Lee for my birthday.
    - Found a brill table to shoot food on.
    - My annoying but hilarious fight with the birds and the strawberries.
    - Lee buying male Ugg boots.
    - Got introduced to Dave Peelo, the toughest fitness trainer you ever did see.
    - Industry's first single "My Baby's Waiting" went straight in at number one in the Irish charts.
    - Performed at the Ms. Universe competition.
    Favourite Recipe: Warm Chorizo, Red Onion and Baby Potato Salad

    - Went to LA with James, Morgan and Sofie.
    - Got upgraded on the flight over but had to slum it on the way back.
    - Saw the massive amount of tributes to Michael Jackson at his house and his Hollywood star.
    - Went surfing with my Uncle Niall on Santa Monica beach.
    - Did a photo shoot for VIP magazine, blue steel was out in force.
    - Went to outdoor yoga in Stephens Green in Dublin.
    - Supported the Pussycat Dolls at the Killarney Summerfest.
    - Sent off the final final final edits of the book.
    - Visited the republics very first Ikea store.
    - Recorded music video for Industry's second single "Burn" at the amazing Grouse Lodge studios.
    Favourite Recipe: Sticky Mustard Chicken Drumsticks

    - Went on a romantic little bank holiday break in a cottage near Carlingford.
    - Co-hosted the South East Radio breakfast show with the brill Tony Scott and Industry.
    - Became a regular contributor with Irish Tatler.
    - Industry's second single "Burn" went to number one.
    - Supported Tynchi Stryder in Tralee, as you do.
    - Had a brill getaway anniversary weekend in Castle Leslie, massages all round.
    Favourite Recipe: Asian Teriyaki Chicken Salad

    - Started tweeting 140 character recipes on my twitter.
    - Appeared on RTE's Ice with Industry.
    - Performed at the Barretstown Charity Bandana launch.
    - Went blackberry picking with Maisie the cupcake queen.
    - Picked up my copy of Good Mood Food!
    - Recorded 3 new tracks with Industry at the amazing Grouse Lodge recording studios.
    Favourite Recipe: Oriental Steak Salad

    - Picked up my brand new camera, the Canon 5d Mark ii.
    - Saw the book in shops for the first time, rearranged the shelves.
    - Appeared on the front page of the Irish Examiner.
    - Did lots and lots of radio interviews about the book.
    - Went mushroom hunting with Aoife.
    - Went back to school to do a cupcake demonstration at my old school.
    - Interview on Tubridy with Ryan Tubridy about the book.
    - Got a text from Michele to tell me she nearly fell over when she saw a giant poster of me in the window of Dubray Books on Grafton Street in Dublin!
    - Did the official launch of the book in Dubray Books on Grafton street in Dublin.
    - Appeared on RTE's The Cafe with Industry.
    - Went to Gothenburg and visited a Swedish bakery.
    - Interview with Ian Dempsey on Today FM.
    Favourite Recipe: Blackberry Vanilla Cupcakes

    - Upgraded my old desk, for a new fancy one from IKEA.
    - Wrote my very first food column for the Irish Independent Weekend Magazine.
    - Finally made a vision board.
    - Became obsessed with one of the kitchens in IKEA.
    - Heard that The Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten has a copy of Good Mood Food.
    - Did a cookery demonstration at an all girls school.
    - Assistant food stylist on a Christmas food shoot.
    Favourite Recipe: Crispy Hasselback Potatoes

    - All the brill Christmas food press.
    - Feature in the lovefood magazine with fellow Irish food bloggers, Italian Foodies, Cheap Eats, and Daily Spud.
    - Visit to a free range turkey farm.
    - Massive Christmas baking session with Erica and Maisie.
    - Getting a video of the book launch from Darragh.
    - Visit to Sheridans cheese, I am now hooked on cheese.
    - Skiing with Sofie in Gothenburg.
    - Jul pa Liseberg.
    - Christmas in Sweden
    Favourite Recipe: Avocado, Parmesan and Rocket Pasta

    Thanks so much to all who read this blog for all the support, comments and emails this year, and I hope I'll be keeping you cooking all through 2010!


  • :: Janssons Temptation

    :: Janssons Temptation

    Life is constantly full of surprises, there are some things I plan for and then there are some things that sneak up and just smack you around the chops! I was lucky enough to be shortlisted for the Irish Book Awards last month for my book Good Mood Food, but to be perfectly honest never really expected to win, it was an extremely tight category with some amazing competition. Not being a regular at black tie events I borrowed a tuxedo from my pal Simon, which just about fit, bar some tightening with a belt and dragged myself into the mansion house in Dublin for the awards. It wasn't until the first award winner Donal Og Cusack stepped up to deliver his speech, that the panic set in that on the off chance of winning, I had absolutely NOTHING prepared! Not the way I usually roll! So Best Irish Published category came up and guess what I WON! Honest complete utter shock took over and I really can't remember what I mumbled on stage but I was just so thrilled. It's a fantastic tip of the hat towards young and upcoming writers and huge win for myself, Mercier Press and of course everyone who was involved in producing the book. While celebrations ran into the earlier hours, I managed a couple of hours sleep before getting up to prep my demonstration at the Food&Wine Show in the RDS. It was a fairly packed weekend with the Taste Of Christmas also taking place at the new convention centre in Dublin. For my Food&Wine demo I ran through a collection of traditional Swedish Christmas dishes, after working at a Julbord (the traditional Swedish Christmas buffet) in Gothenberg, I had a great selection of interesting dishes to show off. Along with the Julgrot and Gravadlax I demoed the big hit of the day was the Jansson's Temptation a delicious creamy potato dish which is served alongside the Christmas Ham. It makes an interesting addition to our Irish Christmas dinner and I definitely suggest you give it a go! :)
    I am getting around to a full thank you video for the book award but I'll keep you posted on that!

    Janssons Temptation
    Not unlike a French Potato Dauphinoise this Swedish take features anchovies and is a regular at the Swedish Christmas table. If you don't fancy the anchovies you could of course add some finely chopped garlic instead.

    Serves 8
    14-16 Swedish anchovy fillets and the brine they're stored in
    2 large onions, sliced in half moons
    5 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped into matchsticks
    200ml of cream
    2 tablespoons of butter
    A small handful of fine breadcrumbs
    Sea salt and ground black pepper

    Preheat the oven to 225oC.
    Put half the potatoes into a large rectangular pyrex dish. Evenly distribute the anchovy fillets and onions over the top of the potatoes and top with the remaining potatoes.
    Pour half the cream and anchovy brine over the top and then add the butter in knobs over the top. Season with sea salt and ground black pepper.
    Place in the oven until the potatoes are golden and after 20 minutes remove from the oven and top with the breadcrumbs and remaining cream and brine. Place back in the oven and cook for a further 25-30 minutes or until the top is golden brown.

  • :: Best Irish Food Blog!

    :: Best Irish Food Blog!

    On Saturday night... wait for it... I won the best Irish Food Blog gong at the Irish Blog Awards! They gave me a trophy! A REAL LIFE TROPHY! I have to admit I didn't expect to get so caught up in the whole thing, but when they were calling out the nominees, my heart was pounding. In all the excitement, being a blog awards newbie and not really knowing the crowd I kept the eh... speech (if you could call it that) short and sweet but realised that I forgot to mention all the folks I should have thanked!

    So a massive thank you to everyone who nominated the blog, I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. To everyone who comments on the recipes and posts, you make my day! To all those on twitter and facebook who put up with my constant blog plugging and of course, best of all, the people who have tried recipes! Nothing makes me more happy than to hear what people have cooked from the blog and the book. To Damien and the lads who organised the ceremony, you guys did a fantastic job, I will be coming back! A big thanks also goes to the amazing sponsors of the Food/Drink category, Bord Bia, the lovely ladies gave me great support at the awards and have been so helpful over the last few months, sourcing fantastic Irish food suppliers and providing super advice!

    A big shout out has to go out to my fellow food bloggers, a group which is growing quite steadily, hopefully we will have a big day out in the not too distant future! And of course to the rest of the nominees in the food/drink category, everyone who was long listed, short listed, and those who weren't.

    Finally, I am going to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who has sat starving waiting while I faff about with my camera trying to make food look beautiful for the blog, now hopefully you can see it was worthwhile! :)

    It's been a pretty wild week, I have so many photos to edit that I just haven't got around to, but hopefully normal posting will resume tomorrow! Right, I'm off to tuck the trophy in to bed, it's still settling in, but I have a feeling were going to become great friends! :)