We Love Cooking! [Search results for irish food bloggers

  • :: Salon Du Blog: Je t'adore!

    :: Salon Du Blog: Je t'adore!

    Most of life's great decisions come from having absolutely no prior knowledge as to how something is going to turn out. That was most certainly the case over the weekend. You might remember earlier this year I got roped into cooking for 800 hungry Parisians for an event on a small island in the west of the city with Le Fooding magazine sponsored by our very own Bord Bia. Well after the huge success at Chalet Des Illes, the delightful Noreen Lanigan, decided she wanted more abuse from me and decided, being a blogger I would be the right person to demonstrate at the third annual Salon Du Blog Culinaire, an event organized by a cookery school north of Paris in the little town of Soissons, in November. The event is quite unique and very timely with the amount of food blogs continually on the increase. It invites lots of France's finest food bloggers to demonstrate their favorite dishes and kitchen techniques in a fairly manic two day period watched on by fellow bloggers eager for culinary inspiration. During the summer I had the opportunity to meet a group of France's top food bloggers who were on a visit to Ireland to discover the fantastic conditions our lovely animals enjoy before they head off the little farm in the sky and onto our supermarket shelves. To put things in perspective here, unlike our own Irish food blogging community which, while thriving and very rapidly increasing in numbers, this group of French food bloggers were 10 of over a thousand. These guys were the cream of crop and are well and truly established with tens of thousands of visitors a day, numerous cookbooks and iPhone and iPad Apps. Not surprising really from a nation who takes so much pride and passion in their cooking that they would be willing to fall out with each other over a bad Boeuf Bourginon!
    After our visit to the farm, I demonstrated some of our traditional Irish dishes, including Irish stew, brown bread and roast lamb, and was gently reminded again that Noreen had plans for me in November…

    Clare Clinton who is interning at Bord Bia's Paris office got the ball rolling earlier this month with emails back and forth to decide the best recipes to show off our finest meat and fish products. Despite me dragging my feet, we eventually decided upon 6 dishes to cook and impress the French food bloggers, including mussels in Irish cider, crab claws with chilli, garlic and lemon, roast shoulder of lamb with rosemary and garlic, a good auld Irish stew and to mix things up a little an oriental steak salad and spicy Beef fahitas.

    Myself and Maeve Desmond, who I'm sure many of your may have met at Bloom or the Irish Food blogger event in May, flew to Paris on Friday evening just in time for a late dinner in a beautiful restaurant very close to La Bon Marché. The restaurant proudly serves Irish beef alongside some French classics and the quite adventurous dishes I chose including Carpaccio of veal tongue served with a salsa and for mains Pieds et Pacque d'agneau which on the English menu I was reading from was translated as feet and packets of lamb. I'm big believer in always trying something different in another country rather than something familiar but unfortunately sometimes it doesn't always work out the way I had planned. The veal tongue had a very interesting texture and flavor and was complimented quite nicely by the salsa it was served and was definitely worth the chance of trying, however the Lamb feet and packets, left a little to be desired… The packets turned out to be a strange little dumplings of finely minced pork wrapped in what looked very much like tripe and actually tasted quite nice, but the feet had about as much meat on them as my little finger. Maeve and Noreen played it safe and benefited from doing so with Maeve going for an amazing long wooden platter of beautifully sliced ham and of the Irish beef and Noreen choosing a lentil salad to start followed by the most amazing French black pudding which was really rich and velvety, a stark contrast to what we are used to with a fry! Dessert was a financier de poivre, an individual little flat cake with pear and île flottante a big dollop of fluffy egg white and sugar which was served floating in a dish of vanilla cream and topped with a caramel sauce. After all that we rolled our way back to our hotel ahead of the six o'clock start on Saturday morning.

    There is one thing I don't do and that is early mornings, sure I can be full of energy first thing but I fade fairly rapidly during the day! Noreen runs a tight ship let me tell you (This woman has a tractor license!), so at 7.06 with toothbrush still in mouth, I answered to phone to a bright and sparky Noreen who wanted to know were I was! Rushing out the door and out onto the streets of Paris, I stumbled on Noreen and Clare (and a sleepy Maeve!) negotiating the boot of the car with Irish posters, recipe booklets and of course the suitcases. We were all bundled into the car and then the real fun started- our departure from Paris was fairly comical not helped of course by the GPS which took us on the wrong road at least twice.

    When we finally arrived in Soissons and at the culinary arts school the 3rd Salon Du Blog was well underway. One of the French food bloggers who had been on the visit to Ireland, was the charming Chef Damien who makes a mean Boef A La Guiness and runs the school and a highly successful website, 750g, which attracts a ridiculous amount of visitors on a daily basis!
    There was definitely a huge sense of excitement as we were ushered through the halls of the school and passed the many rooms where different food bloggers would be spending their weekend. We arrived at the Bord Bia room which was positioned perfectly smack bang in the middle of all the rooms which guaranteed us constant traffic and visitors and were introduced to our helpers Suella and Virginie. It's always fairly nerve-wracking arriving at a new kitchen so there was some fierce scurrying around to get all the equipment and ingredients before we were due to kick off with our first demonstration at 11am!
    We got kick started with a great turnout and the rest of the day was so busy that it became pretty much a blur except for the fantastic Bloggers Picnic that had been organized for lunch, where all the bloggers had brought along a little dish to be a part of the most massive buffet of food I have ever seen!
    One thing that should be noted and that is instantly clear in terms of the difference between Irish food bloggers and French food bloggers, they have no problem telling you they would done something differently, where we might be a little bit more shy to go up and taste test if someone is giving a demo. So it was all fairly nerve wracking to make sure things were cooked just the right way! Either way I love their passion!

    Saturday finished off with a giant blogger banquet complete with hoards of Irish cheese, Irish salmon, Irish beef, Irish lamb and randomly enough a little bit of good old Irish dancing! We were sitting having a great time but the minute the music started Noreen told us she had to get up to take some photos and we thought no more of it, a few minutes later we looked down at the dance floor and there she was like Jeanne Butler on acid leading the Ceili putting the rest to shame- and THAT'S how you represent the country! I don't know whether it was the dancing or not but Noreen headed back to Paris on Sunday and we were joined by another lovely lady from Bord Bia, the lovely Bernadette, lovely! :)

    On the last demo of the day on Sunday I was accompanied by Chef Damien to demonstrate a very simple dish of crab claws with chilli, garlic and lemon. The whole thing was a crazy combination of both of us trying to translate each other language but somehow I think it worked, and I suppose it did help that we were being filmed for the French tv station!
    All in all it was an absolutely fantastic event and I think we represented Ireland quite well if I do say so myself. My only wish was that I had got to see a lot more of the other demonstrations, there was a massive variety of food being demoed but I did manage to catch one or two! An absolutely massive thank you to Chef Damien, my two lovely kitchen assistants, the lovely ladies of Bord Bia, and of course all the French bloggers who made me feel so very welcome!

  • :: FOOD STYLING 101

    I'm basically just going to throw this out there, just see what sort of interest it gets, but would any of the Irish food bloggers and foodies be interested in attending a Food Styling Demonstration from someone in the industry?

    Erica Ryan is a professional food stylist and works with food across all forms of the media. If you've shopped in a supermarket here, you have probably seen her work, as it appears on many of the Irish produced packages! Apart from working closely with some of the industry's finest food photographers, bronzing chickens and beefing up beef burgers are just some of the fascinating things she does on a daily basis.

    I have spoken to Erica about the amount of Irish food bloggers out there, and the fact that we all take our own pictures and style the food ourselves. She would love to give an insight into the world of food styling, if not just to reveal some of the special techniques she uses, but to maybe give us food bloggers, a chance to spruce up our own pictures! Potentially the demonstration would include a talk about food photography, composition, and then a demonstration of some of the interesting methods used.

    Although I have no dates set, I would imagine sometime in August would work and it will rely totally on numbers, so if you would be in anyway interested please leave a comment below or email me. You don't even have to have a blog, if you have any sort of interest in food, this is really exciting stuff!

  • :: Best Irish Food Blog!

    :: Best Irish Food Blog!

    On Saturday night... wait for it... I won the best Irish Food Blog gong at the Irish Blog Awards! They gave me a trophy! A REAL LIFE TROPHY! I have to admit I didn't expect to get so caught up in the whole thing, but when they were calling out the nominees, my heart was pounding. In all the excitement, being a blog awards newbie and not really knowing the crowd I kept the eh... speech (if you could call it that) short and sweet but realised that I forgot to mention all the folks I should have thanked!

    So a massive thank you to everyone who nominated the blog, I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. To everyone who comments on the recipes and posts, you make my day! To all those on twitter and facebook who put up with my constant blog plugging and of course, best of all, the people who have tried recipes! Nothing makes me more happy than to hear what people have cooked from the blog and the book. To Damien and the lads who organised the ceremony, you guys did a fantastic job, I will be coming back! A big thanks also goes to the amazing sponsors of the Food/Drink category, Bord Bia, the lovely ladies gave me great support at the awards and have been so helpful over the last few months, sourcing fantastic Irish food suppliers and providing super advice!

    A big shout out has to go out to my fellow food bloggers, a group which is growing quite steadily, hopefully we will have a big day out in the not too distant future! And of course to the rest of the nominees in the food/drink category, everyone who was long listed, short listed, and those who weren't.

    Finally, I am going to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who has sat starving waiting while I faff about with my camera trying to make food look beautiful for the blog, now hopefully you can see it was worthwhile! :)

    It's been a pretty wild week, I have so many photos to edit that I just haven't got around to, but hopefully normal posting will resume tomorrow! Right, I'm off to tuck the trophy in to bed, it's still settling in, but I have a feeling were going to become great friends! :)

  • :: Irish Food Bloggers!

    :: Irish Food Bloggers!

    Ok are you ready? Here is what I think might just be the ultimate Irish food bloggers list! If I missed you, please don't be insulted, putting this together has been a bit of a chore, please make sure to let me know in the comments section below! Now off you go and trawl through the 40 fantastic Irish food blogs most of whom will be in attendance on Thursday. Unfortunately we had to cap the list of attendees at 30 so there are still one or two blogs on the waiting list, if you can't make it, please let me know so we can give your place to someone else! If you are coming on Thursday make sure to bring your camera, a note pad, a bag to stash your foodie swag!


  • :: Highlights of 2009!

    :: Highlights of 2009!

    2009 has been a fairly spectacular year indeed, between the band, the book, and lots and lots of cooking I have never been so busy in my life, but it has been totally worth it! Here's my run down of 2009 highlights!

    - Started the year flying high as Peter Pan in the Tivoli theatre's panto.
    - Putting together plans for a mixed pop group.
    - Forming Industry with Lee Hutton, Michele McGrath, and Morgan Deane!
    Favourite Recipe: Roast Garlic Potatoes

    - Going to Stockholm to record Industry's first single, "My Baby's Waiting".
    - Received first draft of Good Mood Food, the book.
    - Pancake season!
    - Went to Stockholm to support my Swedish superstar buddy sing at the Swedish Eurovision selection.
    - A name was finally chosen for Industry, thankfully 4DB was thrown out the window.
    - Going to Stockholm again to record very first music video, for "In Your Arms".
    - Doing first photoshoot as a band- very glamorous.
    Favourite Recipe: Chocolate Chip Oreo Cupcakes

    - Was busy working on what I thought were the final drafts of the book.
    - Planned my very first attempt at a vegetable garden.
    - Planted Dill, Fennel, Pak Choi, Broad Beans, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Red Cabbage, Cabbage, Cos Lettuce, Rosemary.
    - Submitted last photos for the book.
    - Made first public outing as Industry on the red carpet at the Meteor Irish Music Awards.
    - Went for a walk on the cliffs every morning this month.
    - Blog got 10,000 unique visitors in one day, was very excited.
    Favourite Recipe: Bacon Avocado and Sundried Tomato Sandwich

    - Got my very first blog/book press.
    - Back to Stockholm to record more tracks with Industry.
    - Flew to Spain to record music video for Industry's "My Baby's Waiting".
    - Took a little break in Gothenberg with Sofie.
    - Submitted what I thought was the last draft of the book.
    - Fell in love with dried Mango... mmmm... mango.
    Favourite Recipe: Red Onion and Garlic Focaccia

    - Got the BBQ out early for Mays mini heat wave.
    - Back to Stockholm again to record more tracks with Industry.
    - Shot the final cover for the book with the help of Erica and Sofie.
    - Performed with Industry at our press launch at The Sugar Club in Dublin.
    - Industry's single got it's very first airplay on 2fm.
    - Got a blackberry phone.
    - Sang Kate Bush wuthering heights in falsetto on radio, not pleasant but very funny.
    - Discovered Flahavans porridge pots which kept me alive and well on the road.
    Favourite Recipe: BBQ Cajun Spatchcock Chicken

    - Got to finally visit Cork's English Market.
    - Went to Ireland's Eye with Morgan and Lee for my birthday.
    - Found a brill table to shoot food on.
    - My annoying but hilarious fight with the birds and the strawberries.
    - Lee buying male Ugg boots.
    - Got introduced to Dave Peelo, the toughest fitness trainer you ever did see.
    - Industry's first single "My Baby's Waiting" went straight in at number one in the Irish charts.
    - Performed at the Ms. Universe competition.
    Favourite Recipe: Warm Chorizo, Red Onion and Baby Potato Salad

    - Went to LA with James, Morgan and Sofie.
    - Got upgraded on the flight over but had to slum it on the way back.
    - Saw the massive amount of tributes to Michael Jackson at his house and his Hollywood star.
    - Went surfing with my Uncle Niall on Santa Monica beach.
    - Did a photo shoot for VIP magazine, blue steel was out in force.
    - Went to outdoor yoga in Stephens Green in Dublin.
    - Supported the Pussycat Dolls at the Killarney Summerfest.
    - Sent off the final final final edits of the book.
    - Visited the republics very first Ikea store.
    - Recorded music video for Industry's second single "Burn" at the amazing Grouse Lodge studios.
    Favourite Recipe: Sticky Mustard Chicken Drumsticks

    - Went on a romantic little bank holiday break in a cottage near Carlingford.
    - Co-hosted the South East Radio breakfast show with the brill Tony Scott and Industry.
    - Became a regular contributor with Irish Tatler.
    - Industry's second single "Burn" went to number one.
    - Supported Tynchi Stryder in Tralee, as you do.
    - Had a brill getaway anniversary weekend in Castle Leslie, massages all round.
    Favourite Recipe: Asian Teriyaki Chicken Salad

    - Started tweeting 140 character recipes on my twitter.
    - Appeared on RTE's Ice with Industry.
    - Performed at the Barretstown Charity Bandana launch.
    - Went blackberry picking with Maisie the cupcake queen.
    - Picked up my copy of Good Mood Food!
    - Recorded 3 new tracks with Industry at the amazing Grouse Lodge recording studios.
    Favourite Recipe: Oriental Steak Salad

    - Picked up my brand new camera, the Canon 5d Mark ii.
    - Saw the book in shops for the first time, rearranged the shelves.
    - Appeared on the front page of the Irish Examiner.
    - Did lots and lots of radio interviews about the book.
    - Went mushroom hunting with Aoife.
    - Went back to school to do a cupcake demonstration at my old school.
    - Interview on Tubridy with Ryan Tubridy about the book.
    - Got a text from Michele to tell me she nearly fell over when she saw a giant poster of me in the window of Dubray Books on Grafton Street in Dublin!
    - Did the official launch of the book in Dubray Books on Grafton street in Dublin.
    - Appeared on RTE's The Cafe with Industry.
    - Went to Gothenburg and visited a Swedish bakery.
    - Interview with Ian Dempsey on Today FM.
    Favourite Recipe: Blackberry Vanilla Cupcakes

    - Upgraded my old desk, for a new fancy one from IKEA.
    - Wrote my very first food column for the Irish Independent Weekend Magazine.
    - Finally made a vision board.
    - Became obsessed with one of the kitchens in IKEA.
    - Heard that The Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten has a copy of Good Mood Food.
    - Did a cookery demonstration at an all girls school.
    - Assistant food stylist on a Christmas food shoot.
    Favourite Recipe: Crispy Hasselback Potatoes

    - All the brill Christmas food press.
    - Feature in the lovefood magazine with fellow Irish food bloggers, Italian Foodies, Cheap Eats, and Daily Spud.
    - Visit to a free range turkey farm.
    - Massive Christmas baking session with Erica and Maisie.
    - Getting a video of the book launch from Darragh.
    - Visit to Sheridans cheese, I am now hooked on cheese.
    - Skiing with Sofie in Gothenburg.
    - Jul pa Liseberg.
    - Christmas in Sweden
    Favourite Recipe: Avocado, Parmesan and Rocket Pasta

    Thanks so much to all who read this blog for all the support, comments and emails this year, and I hope I'll be keeping you cooking all through 2010!


  • :: Salon Du Blog Culinaire

    :: Salon Du Blog Culinaire

    I'm packing the bags this evening because tomorrow I am heading off to Paris to demonstrate at the 3rd annual Salon Du Blog, a conference of French food bloggers, with Bord Bia. The lovely ladies from Bord Bia have tried to explain what the event is all about to me numerous times, but I still haven't got my head around it entirely. From where I'm standing it's going to be hundreds of French food bloggers all giving cooking demonstrations at the same time in a giant French Cookery School. Somewhere in there I'll be demonstrating some delicious dishes using only the finest of Irish produce. I think I'm kind of liking not knowing exactly what I'm letting myself in for and hope to come back with some great shots and lots of inspiration! I actually met a few of the charming French food bloggers earlier this year when they were over to visit an Irish farm in May. Here's a picture of the rockstars of the French Blogging world with Noreen from Bord Bia in a field full of cows! That's just how we food bloggers roll! :)

  • :: My Induction To The Marmarati!

    :: My Induction To The Marmarati!

    Last weekend I was invited to an extremely secret location to take part in an extremely mysterious event organised by a member of an extremely secret society known only as the Marmarati. Extremely... Heading up the Irish branch of said secret society was none other than fellow food blogger AoifeMc of I Can Has Cook who had recently been selected by Marmarati elders to be flown to London for an official induction to the Marmarati. At risk of losing my own fledgling membership to the society I am now going to reveal the aims of the Marmarati, which are to uphold the high standards of Marmite, to spread the word about the dark ebony elixir and to accept no imitations.

    Ok, that's enough secret society talk, basically the Marmarati, is an extremely clever and fun marketing idea behind the folks at Marmite (a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty and savoury, in case you didn't know!) to spread the word about the new flavour they are launching, Marmite XO. They have a website which has lots of hilarious tasting videos and a pile of other things that will make you smile. I went along to the tasting as a Marmite virgin with open eyes and discovered Marmite to be not half bad! Aoife cooked up some Marmite inspired recipes including Marmite Roast Spuds, Marmite Meatballs, and of course the oh so eloquent classic that is Marmite on toast. I have to say after tasting the two, the new version, Marmite XO beats the old one hands down. Anyway a huge thank you to Aoife for a great night, with great food, though I have to say I do feel like I have been gently sucked into some creative PR genius's game plan! Ah well, I had fun doing it!

    Oh and I also met two relatively new Irish food bloggers, Adventures in Veg and Lola-Lu's Kitchen, make sure to pop over to their blogs and leave a comment or 10! :)

  • :: Irish Food Bloggers Event: Details!

    :: Irish Food Bloggers Event: Details!

    If you are an Irish blogger and are interested in coming along to this event taking place on Thursday the 20th of May, please drop me an email via the contact button at the top of the blog. Places are limited so I need to know by Tuesday morning 18th of May.

  • :: Avocado Lime and Tobasco Salsa

    :: Avocado Lime and Tobasco Salsa

    I'm so totally in Summer mode at the moment! Especially after the weekend- we had great weather for the whole trip up through the Burren and up the coast towards Galway. I was really blown away by some of the scenery, but less so by the food on offer. Unfortunately I didn't have time to look up any great places to eat, so we ended up eating dinner at a pub in Doolin, mainly due to most of the restaurants being fully booked. I was hoping for some really solid pub grub, but unfortunately, the seafood platter was less than impressive and the sides for all the mains were basically soggy coleslaw! There were two guide recommended restaurants in the village, so next time I'll be sure to book ahead!

    Here's a few little foodie related links, I've come across over the last few days:

    1. Tasty Planner- One of the best sites I've come across which features a meal planner. You can drag and drop recipes into a meal planner which in turn adds the ingredients to a shopping list. Very handy!
    2. Cake Wrecks- This is not for the faint hearted, basically a blog full of weird and freaky cakes, say goodbye to your afternoon!
    3. Food Blogger Deals with Legal Issues- A really interesting post about recipe rights and copyright issues- well worth a read for bloggers.
    4. Messy Chef- A brand new Irish Food blogger! Check it out!
    Today's recipe involves no cooking and is basically all prep, it's a zingin' little salsa to go with tortilla chips, for quick munching!

    Adjust the quantity of ingredients to your own taste, use less Tabasco sauce if you want a milder mix.

    Avocado, Lime and Tabasco Salsa

    1. 1 Ripe Avocado.
    2. The Juice of one Lime.
    3. 1 Tsp of Tabasco Sauce.
    4. 1/2 a Red Onion.
    5. 1 Tbsp of Olive Oil.
    6. A Good pinch of Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper.
    Cut the avocado lengthways, and remove the stone. Scoop out the green flesh and chop finely, but don't worry too much, it all turns a bit mushy when you add the rest of the ingredients. Add to a small bowl. Chop the red onion finely and add to the Avocado. Mix together the rest of the ingredients with the onion and avocado to your desired consistency, and that's it! Enjoy!

    -Sorry the photo's are a bit crap today!

  • :: Shameless Plug: Please Buy Industry's Debut Single "My Baby's Waiting"!

    :: Shameless Plug: Please Buy Industry's Debut Single "My Baby's Waiting"!

    A quick break from the normal foodie proceedings here on The Good Mood Food Blog, just mention that I'm a member of brand new pop band, Industry and we have just released our debut single "My Baby's Waiting" today Friday the 19th of June.

    I would really appreciate any help you can give, tell your friends, family, neighbours, cats all about us, and if there are any fellow bloggers who would be willing to stick up a little piece about us that would be amazing!

    We really need as many people to buy the single as possible, and if you can spare 99 cent, you can get your hands on it!

    Ok so here are the all important details- 5 easy steps to getting your very own copy of "My Baby's Waiting":

    Step 1. Text 'music 3365' to 57501 on your mobile!
    Step 2. Recieve a text with an activation code!
    Step 3. Go to www.downloadmusic.ie and enter your phone number and pin code!
    Step 5. Enjoy and spread the word!

    *Please note the song is only available to Irish residents, but you can follow the band on www.industryofficial.com*

    Here is the video to the single: